In the first place, if you have a plan of writing the IAS Exam, you are already of many things related to the exam. So, you must be aware of exam pattern, syllabus, exam pattern, exam rules. Along with these, you must take care of things. Like application form, paying exam fees and admit card and all other essential details. We are sure this one question has troubled you if you are an IAS aspirant. Is it necessary to join IAS Coaching or you can study by yourself. So, we will help you with this thing. In this article, we have collected the details of Top Best IAS/UPSC Coaching Academy Centre in India. So, take a look at the below article to know more about top IAS coaching centre in India.

IAS Exam – Best IAS Coaching in India
So, if you are aware that the IAS exam is difficult to clear and it has a vast syllabus. The IAS exam has three stages namely the Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam and lastly we have the Personal Interview round. So, you are required to clear each stage to go to the next stage. The syllabus of the Preliminary and the Main exams are different. If you have any confusion with the IAS exam syllabus, you can take a look here.
Why to Join ?
So, many of you want to know whether to join the coaching class or is it fine with self study. We will help you to know the advantages of joining the coaching classes. Take a look at the below points.
- By joining the Coaching Centre you will get better exposure and also you get new ideas
- Then, you will also get a chance to share your ideas and you will learn from others as well. Along with this, you will learn some tricks on how to remember the stuff.
- Guidance is essential, so you will get proper guidance in the IAS Coaching classes, which will surely help with the exam preparations. So, it’s not a bad idea if you are planning to join one.
Things to know before joining
Don’t join any coaching class randomly. You must do a background study before joining one as you will paying huge amount of money know about it well before. So, we have listed some of the points which are important to know before joining the coaching centre, decide based on the below points.
- Performance of the Centre – So, before joining know the history of the institute and how it has performed in the previous years. If you have enough you can even visit know about it well then only you can join.
- Study Material – It is one of the vital components to know. Study material you need for the exam preparation so, know will they provide study materials and understand are they good enough to study for the exam point of view.
- Quality – the quality of teaching. when you are paying so much amount of money, know is it worth of paying then you can join. It’s again understanding the history of the institutes and teaching culture or also you can contact any person who had joined the same institute.
- Basic Needs – As you will sit for long hours, the classroom should be spacious and good. Next is the availability of drinking water and a canteen nearby.

Best IAS/UPSC Coaching Academy in India
So, now let us understand top 5 best IAS coaching centre in India. Take a look at the below details.
- Vajiram and Ravi IAS Coaching – M/S Vajiram and Ravi are India’s well-known Institute and the Best IAS Coaching in India. It will help you to plan for the Civil Services Examination at all three levels – UPSC Preliminary Test, UPSC Main Examination and Personality Test. For more details visit the official website. Know More
- RAU’S IAS Coaching – Established in 1953 by Dr S. Rau, The Study Circle is a free body offering perhaps the best in Courses for UPSC test with the end goal of building up the Best IAS Institute of India. To accomplish greatness in the hardest competitive test in the country which is Indian Administrative Service Exam/UPSC Civil Service Exam. You can visit the official website for more details on fees and courses. Know More
- Vajirao & Reddy Institute – Vajirao and Reddy Institute is a rumoured IAS Coaching in Delhi. Furnishing best IAS coaching in Delhi with expenses and moderate charges for IAS coaching in Delhi, UPSC Coaching, Online IAS Coaching. Visit the official website Know More
- Chahal Academy – Chahal Academy is India’s one of the head and quickest developing coaching institute for Civil Services Examination, which is a cross country competitive assessment for enrollment to different Civil Services of the Government of India. Including the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Forest Service, Indian Police Service. You can know more about coaching by visiting the website. Know More
- Shankar IAS Academy – It is the best organization in India coaching a large number of Civil Service aspirants was established in 2004. Then, you can visit the official website for more details on fees and courses. Know More
So, above are the top 5 IAS/UPSC Coaching Academy Centre in India

Online Classes – Best IAS Coaching in India
If you are aware of the current situation, taking up online classes has become common and famous as well. So, many coaching classes have also provided you with online classes. If you are comfortable and you can’t make time to go out for the classes you can easily take up online classes. It has advantages like you will save your time and at that time you can either study or do the rest of the work. But, it completely depends on your online or offline coaching. As online classes have become pretty common we need to get used to new normal life but don’t give up on dreams. Either online or offline choose according to your comfort and study hard that’s more important. So, decide based on your needs and comfort. Most importantly do background research.
Conclusion – Best IAS Coaching in India
To conclude, in the above article we have listed the top best IAS/UPSC coaching academy centre in India. These are the institutes that fall under the best IAS coaching in India. You also do your research and also understand which city you want to take up the coaching. We have individually listed various IAS coaching academy in different cities. Also before joining make sure you know well about that centre as you will be paying a good amount of fees. So, we suggest you know the background well and you can personally visit the institute or contact any person who has taken the training there. Along, with this, you have the option of attending the online class if you can’t go out. In the end, it’s your own choice. You can take a look here for more details. Lastly, we wish you all the best for the exam, study hard.

FAQ’s – Best IAS Coaching in India
There are many IAS coaching centres in India. You can choose one according to which city you want to take up classes, we have listed best in India.
It depends on one coaching centre to the other and also the duration. It will be between 1 lakh to 2 lakh.
There is nothing called best time, usually, people join after their graduation at the age of 21 or 22 years
Editor’s Note | Best IAS Coaching in India
In brief, the above article mainly contains the details of the best IAS coaching academy in India. There are many things to be taken care of while writing the IAS Exam like understanding exam pattern, syllabus, rules of the exam and other details like application form, admit card, paying exam fees and one need to be updated with the latest notifications of the exam and the exam dates. In addition to this, one must be a hard worker clearing IAS is surely not a cup of tea for anyone, it needs a lot of hard work, patience and focus for long period. So, if you ever feel like quitting know why you started and also your goals and start studying.
You can find all the essentials for understanding the best IAS coaching in India. If you have a plan of writing the exam and worried about which coaching class to join, we have included all the required details. But, before that, you must decide you want to study by yourself or want to join the IAS coaching academy centre. Lastly, we wish you all the best for your exams, do well. May all your hard work will be fruitful.