One of the toughest exams preset in India is the IAS exam. We see lakhs of students and working professionals applying for the exam. Many leave their jobs to prepare for the exam. Therefore, competition is high, and one must put all their efforts into clearing the exam. As the syllabus of the paper is vast, one needs to cover the complete syllabus of the paper. Further, in this article, we have covered Agneepath Scheme. You will understand the Agneepath yojana, notification, Agneepath scheme protest, and other related information here, and it will help you with the IAS exam preparations. Read the complete article and learn about the Agneepath notification.

In the first place, this article will mainly focus on the Agneepath Scheme and other details. One must be aware of this topic for the IAS exam. Therefore, go through the complete article and learn about the Agneepath Scheme. Further, the Agnipath Defence Policy Reform is a government scheme launched to recruit young men and women in the Indian Armed forces. It aims to motivate youth to serve in the Armed Forces for a period of four years. The Agnipath scheme was signed by the Indian Government in June 2022 and is to be implemented in September 2022. Further, recruitment through this scheme is twice a year for the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force.
Further, under this scheme, youth joining the army will be called Agniveer. Besides, around 45,000 to 50,000 soldiers will be selected annually, and most will leave the service in just four years. Later, after four years, only 25% of the batch will be recruited back into their respective services for a period of 15 years. Below we have added details like Agneepath notification and protest details.
Why important for the IAS?
It is a natural question that comes to your mind: Why is an understanding of the Agneepath Scheme essential for the IAS exam? As we all are aware of the IAS exam syllabus, it is necessary for one to know about this topic as well. There are three main rounds, the Preliminary exam, the main exam, and the Interview round.
There are two papers in the prelims, and in the main paper, there are nine papers. All questions are objective types in the prelims, and in the main papers, questions are descriptive types. One must need to choose optional subjects, and you must understand your skills and interests before choosing the optional subjects. Further, to help you with the IAS exam preparations, we have covered all the essential details that will help you with the exam and on must visit the official site for more information on the IAS exam. Read More.
The Agneepath Scheme and new defense recruitment model allow patriotism and motivation. Before the Agneepath scheme, soldiers were recruited into the armed forces on a 15+ year tenure with a lifelong pension. Further, in 2019, no recruitment in the armed forces was done for three years. 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers retire annually, leading to a workforce shortage. This started affecting the operational capabilities of the armed forces.
Objectives of the Agneepath Scheme
Further, Agneepath Scheme aims to provide an opportunity to the patriotic and inspire youth like Josh and Jazba to join the Armed Forces. In addition, the current average age is 32 years, which will go down to 26 in six to seven years. Besides, it is mainly concerned with strengthening national security and providing an opportunity. Then, to transform armed forces into youthful, tech-savvy, modern. Also, cut the ballooning salary and pension bills.
However, there is eligibility for Agniveers, and there are as follows.
- In the first place, a person who wishes to join must be between 17-and-a-half years and 21 years.
- Further, educational qualifications for Agniveers will be Class 10th and 12th
- Then, the recruitment will be carried out on an ‘All India All Class’ basis with medical and physical fitness standards according to the rules.

Agnipath soldiers or Agniveers are for a period of four years. Further, Agniveers undergo training for six months and serve the remaining period. The starting pay is Rs 30,000, which will go up to Rs 40,000 by the end of the fourth year. Agniveers must contribute 30% of their monthly payments to Seva Nidhi. Seva Nidhi package (which is spared from Income Tax), they will receive about 11 lakh to 12 lakh, including contribution and interest, on completion of service. Besides, it will increase employment opportunities because of the skills and experience acquired during the four-year
Benefits of the Agneepath Scheme
There are various benefits for Agniveers. After the completion of 4-years of service, a one-time ‘Seva Nidhi’ package of Rs 11.71 lakhs will be paid to the Agniveers. In addition, they will also get Rs 48 lakh life insurance cover for the four years. Further, in case of death, the payout will be over Rs 1 crore, including pay for the unserved tenure. Later, the government will help rehabilitate soldiers who leave the services after four years; 25 percent of these people will be inducted back. However, this scheme won’t offer gratuity or pension benefits. But, they will be provided non-contributory life insurance cover of ₹48 lakh during their service. Also, helpful in productivity gain and overall GDP
Every coin has two faces. Likewise, there are some concerns with this scheme as well. After the completion of the contract, 25 percent of them will be retained, and the rest will leave the forces. It recruits about 45,000 soldiers into Army, Navy, and Air Force in the first year but for a period of four years. Further, there is no pension benefit provided; under this scheme will be given a one-time lump sum of a little more than Rs 11 lakh at the end of four years. Therefore, finding a second job to support themselves and their families becomes necessary. Your training may remain unutilized, and forces will lose experienced soldiers.
Agneepath Scheme Protest
Further, Agneepath Scheme created the Agneepath scheme protest by not taking risks as they know they have been called up for service. Besides, retired Army officers are expressing reservations about the ‘All India All Class’ intake method. They also felt that the new move would not benefit Nepal-Indian relations as it would cut down their intake. Also, the service period of new recruits is four years which is way too minor, and then those who want to serve the nation longer should be retained.

Conclusion – Agneepath Scheme
This article will help by giving all information related to the Agneepath yojana notification, Agneepath scheme protest, and other related information. It is one of the essential topics that cannot be missed for the IAS exam. It is expected to decrease the average age profile of armed forces personnel from the current 32 years to 24-26 years. Further, the scheme will cut the annual revenue and pension bill, and it will also increase employment opportunities with new skills. Besides, it will have a positive impact on the human resources management of the armed forces. For the latest information on Agneepath notification, one can visit the official site. Further, The training for the first shortlisted Agniveers is to begin in December 2022 onwards.
In our previous articles, we have covered other important topics for the IAS exam. Click Here. As we always mention, it is vital to maintain a different notebook for writing all essential points on various topics. These all topics are necessary for the IAS exam prelims exams. To clear the IAS exam, it is crucial for one to follow some essential tips to score good marks. We have covered details of the application form, eligibility, books, syllabus, pattern, etc.
FAQs – Agneepath Scheme

Go through the below FAQs on the Agneepath Yojana
The Government of India introduced Agneepath Yojana on 14 June 2022 to recruit soldiers below the rank of commissioned officers into the three services of the armed forces.
Youths of the age between 17-and-half years to 21 for four years with a provision to retain 25% of them for 15 more years
One must visit the official site and apply for it by filling in the necessary details. If there is a need, one must also upload the necessary documents.
Editor’s Note | Agneepath Scheme
This article will provide all details of the Agneepath Yojana, Agneepath notification, agneepath scheme protest, and other related information. Make sure that you have visited the official site to get the latest information related to the exam. We have added vital points that will help you with the IAS exam and score good marks in the exam. It is important for one to follow some tips that will help you to score well in the exam. We wish you good luck with the UPSC exam. Prepare and practice well for the exam. In addition, one can refer to our previous articles for more information on the other concepts. Therefore, it is possible to clear the exam with theright direction and plan.