We have covered all the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM IMIS) information in this article. Therefore, read the below article and learn about the Jal Jeevan Mission IMIS. This particular topic is essential for one to know as part of the IAS exam GS papers. Further, before applying for the IAS exam, one must understand the IAS exam syllabus. When we talk about a certain topic, there are various things one must cover. To assist you the same, we have added only the essential points that will help you with the IAS exam preparations. Go through the complete article and learn more about the Jal Jeevan Mission.

Begin with the National Water Mission was launched in 2011. Further, it aims to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections by 2024 to all households in rural India. In addition, the central government’s share of the cost will be about Rs. 581.5 crore; the State government’s Rs. 884.3 crore, and the community contribution of Rs. 7.4 crore.
UPSC Exam Highlights
Recently, the results of the UPSC 2022 got were announced. We could see so many aspirants finally their dreams coming true. There is a lot of hard work behind success. As we always say, it is not like any other exam; you must work hard and prepare well for the exam. IAS is held by the UPSC authority every year. Further, there are lakhs of students and working professionals who apply for the IAS exam. In the end, you only see a few clearing the exam. Once you clear the first round, you are allowed to go for the next round. In the third round, you have an interview.
If you clear that round, you will be provided with the training. Go through the official site of the UPSC to get all details on the exam. Then, there are three main rounds. In the first round, you will find two papers that are objective type, and in the main paper, there are nine papers that are descriptive type. Further, here you have to choose the optional subject. One must be careful while choosing an optional subject. Understand your skills and choose one. Don’t choose only because everyone else is choosing.
Jal Jeevan Mission
Further, the program aims to implement source sustainability measures as mandatory elements, such as recharge and reuse through grey water management, water conservation, and rainwater harvesting. Below, we have added the purpose of the Mission,
- In the first place, Conserve water
- Ome must Minimize wastage of water
- Lastly, manage water resources in such a way that there is an equal distribution of water across the country.

Further, this mission consists of two volumes. The first volume deals with funds required for the mission, Research, and Development. The next one is a document that deals with the reports generated by six different sub-committees. Then, the sub-committees are formed on the
- Surface Water Management committee
- Efficient use of water for various purposes committee
- Domestic and Industrial Water management committee
- Policy and Institutional framework committee
- Groundwater management committee
- Basin level planning and management
Further, talking about the mission, the JJM IMIS empowers states to plan a participatory rural water supply strategy for ensuring potable drinking water. Also, for the long term basis, every rural household, and public institution, viz. GP building, School, Anganwadi center, Health center, wellness centers, etc. In addition, to develop GPs/ rural communities to plan, implement, manage, own, operate, and maintain their in-village water supply systems. Later, for the creation of water supply infrastructure so that every rural household has a Functional Tap Connection (FHTC) by 2024.
Objectives of Jal Jeevan Mission
Let us now look into the objectives of the Jal Jeevan Mission
- In the first place, to provide FHTC to every rural household. Further, to increase water use efficiency by 20% through regulations, differential entitlements, and pricing.
- Then prioritize the provision of FHTCs in quality affected areas. In addition, to provide functional tap connection to Schools, Anganwadi centers, GP buildings, Health centers, wellness centers, and community buildings. Further, share of water needs of urban areas through recycling of wastewater.
- Also, increasing storage above and below ground and implementing rainwater harvesting. In addition, adopt large-scale irrigation programs that rely on sprinklers, drip irrigation, and ridge and furrow irrigation.
- Further, to monitor the functionality of tap connections. In addition, to promote and ensure voluntary ownership among the local community by contributing in cash.
- It mainly focuses on integrated demand and supply-side management of water at the local level.
- Further, the creation of local infrastructure for source sustainability measures as mandatory elements, like rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and management of wastewater reuse purposes.
Components JJM IMIS
We have added all the components details that are supported by the JJM below.
- Development of reliable drinking water sources and Developing in-village piped water supply infrastructure to provide tap water connection to every rural household.
- Greywater management and augmentation of existing sources to provide long-term sustainability of the water supply system.
- Support activities, i.e., IEC, development of utilities, water quality laboratories, R&D, knowledge center, water quality testing & surveillance, capacity building of communities, HRD, training, etc.
- Lastly, bulk water transfer, treatment plants, and distribution networks cater to every rural household.
Further, the village water supply consists of 0-15 members, with 50% women members and other members from Self-Help Groups, like Social and Health Workers, Anganwadi teachers, etc. Also, these committees are responsible for preparing the one-time village action plan, combining all available village resources. Further, the plan is approved in a Gram Sabha before implementation.
So far, before the launch, around 17% of the country’s rural households had a tap water supply. Currently, around 7.80 Crore (41.14%) of households have a tap water supply. In the places like Goa, Puducherry, Telangana, Andaman & Nicobar Islands have achieved 100% household connection in rural areas and have become Har Ghar Jal. In addition, Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban) was announced in Budget 2021-22, along with the Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural). Further, Rs 3,50,000 crore, or around $ 50 Billion, will be spent on this mission.
Approximately Rs 70,000 crore a year will be spent on:
- Cement
- Pipes
- Pumps
- Construction
- Wages
- The revival of water bodies
- Equipment
- Conservation
- Skill building, and
- Institution creation

IAS Exam Suggestions
When we talk about the IAS exam or any other exam, one must understand the exam syllabus and the pattern of the paper. Further, before applying for the IAS exam, one must go through the official site before applying for the exam. Know which are the best books for all subjects. One must give mock tests and test series that will help you to improve your skills. Answer writing is a must to increase your writing speed. One shouldn’t miss studying from the NCERT books, as they are easy to understand. We have covered all details of the UPSC exam, which will help you with the exam preparations. Know More.
Conclusion – Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM IMIS)
After reading the article, you will understand information about the Jal Jeevan Mission IMIS. We have added enough details that will help you with the IAS exam preparations. Try to maintain a separate notebook where you can add all points that you can read during the exam. Later, click here for important details on the other IAS exam study materials. We have tried adding notes on all vital concepts. In addition, you will also find the details of the IAS exam and IAS exam tips. Try to follow the suggestions that will help you to get the best rank in the exam. For this exam, one must work hard and put in a special effort.
FAQs – Jal Jeevan Mission
Lastly, go through the below FAQs for more details on the Jal Jeevan Mission.

It aims to supply 55 liters of water per person per day to every rural household through Functional Household Tap Connections by the year 2024
Only three states, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Meghalaya, have used their allotted funds to create water supply facilities in villages under the Centre’s marquee Jal Jeevan Mission.
Under the Union Government’s Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), piped water supply for rural households will not be free of cost for consumers in the state.
Editor’s Note | Jal Jeevan Mission
To conclude, in the article, you will find all information on the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM IMIS). Understand what the objectives, mission, and functions of the Jal Jeevan Mission are. Later, find all information related to the IAS exam and IAS exam preparation tips. We have provided the necessary links to help you with the IAS exam preparation. We wish you good luck with the UPSC exam. Prepare well. Go through the previous year’s question papers to help you understand the paper pattern and the exam syllabus. Make the best use of time and plan well.