To get the best results in the exam, one needs to cover all topics under the syllabus. Further, in this article, we have covered all information related to World War 2 (II). Therefore, get all information on the second world war date and essential points on the 2nd world war for the IAS exam. Furthermore, we will help by giving all details on the other IAS exam study materials and details of the UPSC exam. In addition, to clear the IAS exam, one must work hard and put in all efforts to get the best results in the exam.

About the Article
To begin, the second-word war or World War 2 was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. Nearly 100 million people had been militarised, and 50 million had been killed. Further, the Axis powers Germany, Italy, and Japan and the Allies, Great Britain, and the USA of the essential topics for the IAS exam. We will help you with all information. Read the complete article and learn about World War 2.
World War 2
Further, the 2nd world war directly involved more than 100 million personnel from more than 30 countries. Then, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities under the war effort, blurring the distinction of civilian and military resources. As mentioned, world wat 2 started on Sept 3, 1939. It was after Hitler’s armies invaded Poland. Further, when the protests by the two fell on Hitler’s deaf years, they declared war. It was fought between the Axis Powers consisting of Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Allies – Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union, France, and the Commonwealth countries.
Further, in World War 2, Hitler signed a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union. Further, the Soviet Union launched an invasion of Poland from the east. Later, it took over Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and launched campaigns against Finland. The charge of France later lasted from 10 May 1940 – to 25 June 1940.
Timeline – World War 2 (II)
Below we have mentioned the essential Second world war dates. Further, make sure you have noted down the second world war date.
- September 18, 1931: Japan invades Manchuria.
- October 2, 1935–May 1936: Fascist Italy conquers and annexes Ethiopia
- Oct25–Nov 1, 1936: Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy signed a cooperation treaty on October 25.
- November 25, 1936: Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pac. Further, the pact is directed against the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement.
- July 7, 1937: Japan conquered China.
- Nov 26, 1937: Italy joins Germany and Japan in the Anti-Comintern Pact.
- Mar 11–13, 1938: Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss.
- Mar 31, 1939: France and Great Britain guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state.
- Sept 27–29, 1939 Warsaw surrendered on September 27.
- April 9, 1940–June 9, 1940, Germany conquered Denmark and Norway.
- July 10, 1940–October 31, 1940, The air war, known as the Battle of Britain, ended in defeat for Nazi Germany.
- October 1940, Italy invaded Greece from Albania on October 28.
- On December 6, 1941, A Soviet counteroffensive drove the Germans from the Moscow suburbs in chaotic retreat.
- On September 9, 1943, Allied troops landed on the beaches of Salerno near Naples.
- July 25, 1944, Allied forces break out of the Normandy beachhead and race eastward towards Paris.
- On October 20, 1944, US troops landed in the Philippines.
- On April 13, 1945, Soviet forces captured Vienna.
- Further, on April 16, 1945, The Soviets launched their final offensive, encircling Berlin.
- On August 9, 1945, The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
- September 2, 1945, agreed to an unconditional surrender; on August 14, 1945, Japan formally surrendered, ending World War II.

Below we have added the causes of the 2nd world war.
- Treaty of Versailles following WWI -According to this treaty, Germany had to accept guilt for the war and pay reparations. Further, the humiliation faced by Germany paved the way for the spread of Ultra-Nationalism in Germany.
- The worldwide Economic Depression – In Europe, political power shifted to totalitarian and imperialist governments in several countries, including Germany, Italy, and Spain.
- Failure of the League of Nations – all countries must be members, and if there were arguments between countries, they could be settled by negotiation rather than by force. However, it was a failure as not all countries joined the league.
- Failure of appeasement – Hitler openly denounced the Treaty of Versailles and began secretly building up Germany’s army and weapons.
- The rise of Fascism – Victors’ stated aims in World War I had been to make the world safe for democracy.
Impacts of the World War II
Further, the impact of World War 2 is the total number of casualties in the war varies because many deaths went unrecorded. In addition, some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians. The Soviet Union lost over 27 million people during the war, including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths. Western Europe was quiet during the first few months of the war, and the period of war is known as the phony war. Further, early part of 1939, the German dictator Adolf Hitler became determined to invade and conquer Poland. Additionally, The ‘winter war’ between Russia and Finland concluded in March, and in the following month, Germany invaded Denmark and Norway.
End of World War 2
Further, this war ended in Europe the fighting in Asia still raged on. The wide-scale destruction had caused massive military and civilian casualties on both sides. In Sept 1944, US troops began to recapture the Philippines and the British. An Allied invasion of Japan was planned for late 1945. A quarter of the total people in the Soviet Union were wounded or killed. Further, Germany sustained 5.3 million military losses, mainly on the Eastern Front and during the final battles in Germany. In addition, In Asia and the Pacific, the number of people killed by Japanese troops ranges.

IAS Exam Suggestions
Further, talking about the IAS exam, many things are to be taken care of. One must understand all exam requirements before applying for the UPSC exam. First, there are three main rounds in the IAS exam. Namely, the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview round. In the first round, there are two papers, and in the main exam, there are nine papers. After clearing the main paper, one can give an interview. The first round questions are objective type and the second round questions are descriptive type. It also includes optional subjects. One can choose an optional subject according to their choice. Before choosing one understand your skills and interests. Further, many platforms will provide you with mock papers, test series, and other details.
For more details on the UPSC exam and other related information, one can go through the official site, and it will help you with the IAS exam. Click Here.
Conclusion – World War 2
This article will help you by giving information on the 2nd world war, the second world war date, causes, and impacts of World War 2. We have covered all essential points that are enough for the IAS exam and try to make a note of points while reading the article. Further, find details of the other IAS exam study materials; click here. In addition, you will get all information on the IAS exam, like the exam syllabus, pattern, books, tips, and other information. There are many topics one must go through in order to complete the entire syllabus.

FAQs – World War 2
Go through the below FAQs on the World War II.
Truman announced Japan’s surrender and the end of the second world war.
the Allies won the World War 2
Lasting six years and one day, the Second World War started on 1 September 1939 with Hitler’s invasion of Poland and ended with the Japanese surrender on 2 September 1945.
Editor’s Note | World War 2
This article will help you by providing details on the second world war, dates, causes, and impacts. It vital cocepts as exam point of view. This exam will not check your subject knowledge but also your seriousness towards goals. Even though we see lakhs of students applying for the exam, only a few are able to go till the end. As it is one of the toughest exams present in India. We have added the necessary links that will help you with the IAS exam preparations. Current Affairs plays a major role in the IAS exam. It is a good idea to maintain a different book and add points to the same. You can study the same during exam. Make all points on the 2nd world war. We wish you good luck with the exams. Follow all tips that we have mentioned for the best results.