To begin with, we all know the difficulty level of the IAS exam. To cover the complete syllabus, one needs to go through the previous year’s question papers. Many of you who are reading the article are probably preparing for the IAS exam, and you have been confused about whether to join classes. By the end of this article, we hope you will understand how to crack UPSC without coaching. Therefore, in this article, we have covered the complete information of the How to prepare for UPSC Exam without Coaching. Know how to crack UPSC without coaching and how to start preparation for IAS without coaching.

In the first place, if you have a plan for writing the IAS exam, you might probably be aware of the exam syllabus and the pattern of the exam. Further, talking about the procedure, in the first place, there will be a qualifying exam that is prelims. Then, if you qualify for the prelims, you are required to write the main exam. Then, those who qualify for the main exam can give the interview round. One needs to clear all the stages of the exam to select for the training. Later, in the prelims, you will find two papers which are objective type, and in the main exam, nine papers are descriptive type.
Later, you can visit the official website for more information on the IAS exam and the UPSC details. There are many coaching classes online and offline. You will find students who took the coaching and who didn’t but were able to clear the exam.
Further, one question which always comes to everyone’s mind is, is it necessary to take coaching or self-study is enough. If you are planning to take up self-study, this article will surely help you. We have added all the details on how to start preparation for IAS without coaching that will help you with the exam preparations.
Is Coaching Necessary for the UPSC Exam
Now let us understand if coaching is really necessary or not. Before starting with coaching or without coaching, one has to work hard and put in special efforts. We have added some points that will help you with a better understanding.
- It is said that cracking the IAS exam is not difficult when it is compared with the hype around. Further, any person with the right plan can clear the IAS exam.
- It is important for one to put your efforts in the right direction. The right plan is necessary instead of taking the coaching.
- Besides, when you are preparing for the UPSC, you are graduating. So, you can prepare yourself by understanding the exam syllabus and the exam pattern. Apart from the optional subjects, none of the questions asked in the exam needs specialized study.
- If in case the optional subject you are going to take requires coaching, you can go for it as you don’t have the background knowledge.
- Coaching merely helps you with the, and it will not give you assurance of the success or the rank. Later, if you are taking the coaching classes, you can take up the notes, but you cannot rely on them.
- Besides, about 25 – 30 % of your preparation should depend on the coaching classes. Lastly, it depends on one to the other person. Your success is not dependent on the coaching classes.

How to crack UPSC without coaching
Now we will discuss how to start preparation for ias without coaching.
- In the first place, this exam is challenging because of the syllabus of the exam. One should refer to the previous year’s question papers. It will help you in a better understanding of the exam syllabus and the exam pattern. Further, it will help you in understanding the trending topics, also about the marks distribution.
- Once you are done with going through the previous year’s question papers, make a proper plan for the exam preparations. Further, understand the syllabus of the prelims and the main paper’s syllabus and understand all the details related to the exam pattern. Besides, make monthly, weekly, and daily goals and try to achieve them.
- Understanding the basics is vital. If your foundation is strong, it will help you in understanding the next topics. Therefore, for this purpose, you can study from the NCERT books. These books are easy to understand, and you will cover all the concepts of the exam. Try to read NCERT History, Polity, Economy, Geography, and General Science.
- Further, reading the newspaper is again the most important thing in the UPSC exam preparations. Therefore, until you finish your exam, try to read newspapers daily or install apps that will help you understand all news quickly. Besides, some of the important newspapers are The Hindu and The Economic Times. Later, you can also go through daily and monthly current affairs to cover the news. Then, there are famous magazines like Yojana and Kurukshetra that will help you better understand the news related to the UPSC exam.
- Try to keep your revisions on the weekends. One cannot ignore revision, and it is the most important thing in any examination. It will help you to remember things well. So, it is important for one to give time to it.
- Studying from the best books is equally important. Try to understand which are the best books for all the subjects and study from them. When you are studying, try to write down the important points, it will help you to remember stuff.
- Practice is the important key. Once you are foundation is strong and started preparing for the exam. Nest thing you have to do is practice and practice. Not only studying for the exam will help you, one must have a writing practice of the answer. It will help you understand your writing speed and how you can improve with the mentioned time.
- Also, not to forget about the CSAT paper. It is a qualifying test. It is important for one to get 66 qualifying marks to write the main exam. Further, giving mock tests will help you in many ways. There are many platforms that will provide you with test series and mock tests. Be careful while choosing the optional subject, know your skills, and know your interests.
- Lastly, to help you with the same, we have added all the information related to the IAS exam. You will find information related to the IAS exam syllabus, exam pattern, books, tips, and other related details. Click Here

Conclusion – How to prepare for UPSC Exam without Coaching
In summary, in this article, we have added information on how to crack the UPSC exam without coaching or the IAS exam without coaching. This article will help you with your exam preparations. You will also find all the tips that you can follow while preparing for the exam. It is natural to have confusion about whether to join classes or not. Many wish to join, and a few prepare on their own. However, this exam tests your hard work and dedication towards your goals. Further, many have cleared the exam without taking classes in their first attempt.
Therefore, it purely depends from one person to the other. We have added some important links to provide you with the necessary information for the IAS exam. We also suggest you read the success stories of the IAS officers, and it will motivate you to prepare for the exam.
FAQs – How to prepare for UPSC Exam without Coaching

Yes, you can prepare for the UPSC exam without taking the coaching classes.
Understand the exam syllabus and the pattern. Know the best books for all the subjects, make a proper timetable, and start preparing for the exam. Further, the above article will help you provide all the details with tips for the UPSC preparation at home.
Is 1 year sufficient for IAS preparation?
Yes, it is sufficient for the IAS exam preparations. With the right plan and direction, you can clear the exam.
Editor’s Note | How to prepare for UPSC Exam without Coaching
In the above article, you will get the details of how to start preparation for IAS without coaching. We have added all the tips that will help you with the IAS exam preparations. It is normal to have confusion with the IAS coaching classes. As we have already mentioned above, it depends on one person to the other person. Hard work is the only thing that matters the most for the IAS exam. Coaching classes will help you in providing all details related to the exam. In the end, it’s in your hand to get the best results in the exam.
So, we suggest you know the exam syllabus of the prelims and the main exam, including the optional subject. Then, understand your skills, and you can plan accordingly. But make sure that you will put in all the efforts that are required for the IAS exam. Finally, we wish you good luck with the UPSC exam.