It can be any competitive examination, and current affairs play a major role. Along with covering the exam syllabus, one must cover current affairs to get the best results in the exam. Therefore, in this article, we have added all details of the Best daily Current Affairs App for UPSC. Later, with the improvement of technology, you will find many applications that will help you with exam preparations. To know about current affairs, reading newspapers is vital. However, using applications will help you in various ways as it is easy to understand and easily accessible. Study the article and know more about the best news app and general knowledge app for the UPSC exam.
To begin with, the IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC every year. Besides, we see many students and working professionals applying for the IAS exam. We all know that the IAS exam syllabus is vast and current affairs are equally important for the exam preparations. Further, if you are worried about studying current affairs, we will help you by giving information on the Best daily Current Affairs App and best news app for UPSC. Besides, we have listed some of the best general knowledge app for the UPSC exam preparation. Later, there are three main stages in the IAS exam, and one needs to clear all stages. In the prelims, you will find two papers, and in the main exam, you will find nine papers. In the end, there will be an interview round.
Why Current Affairs are important for the UPSC exam?
A natural question that arises in mind is why current affairs are essential for the IAS exam. Therefore, below we have added some essential points on the same.
- To begin with current affairs are important for the IAS prelims and for the IAS main exam. As we all know current affairs are dynamic in nature, so questions can be asked directly or even indirectly linked to the static part of the syllabus.
- Further, there is not exact syllabus present for the current affairs for both the stages of the exam. Therefore, all students must understand the pattern by going through the previous year question papere. As it will give you brief understanding on the concept.
- In the prelims, you will find questions around 20 – 30 asked from the current affairs. Besides, it is vital for the main exam.
- One must understand tpoics like social issues, election reforms, economic issues, national interest in international relation, etc.
- Later, it is important for the interview round. It is not only about the subject knowledge, but it will test your ability to deal with the real situation rhrough your creative approach.
Try to use some tips for the exam. For this exam, a proper plan is essential to clear the exam with good marks.
Best Current Affairs app for UPSC
Further, below we have listed some essential apps that will help you with the UPSC exam preparations.
- Online Tyari – It is one of the most popular and web-based smartphone apps. For the UPSC exam preparations, this app will give you details one step ahead. It includes Current Affairs, E-Books (PDF), and online mock tests, and it is available in Hindi and English language.
- ClearIAS – It is again one more popular app for current affairs. It provides you with high-quality coachings, guidance, strategies, books, mock exams, academic materials, and more. Besides, it offers you Tips, and study plans to crack UPSC Exam. Further, it includes mock tests and UPSC Toppers Interview and preparation strategies.
- Civilsdaily – It will help you gain general knowledge and current affairs, all of which will make you smarter as a UPSC candidate. Besides, you will also get newspaper, study plans, syllabus books, latest developments, courses, revision material, and more from the official website and Android application.
- Vision IAS offers you teamwork, Technology & Innovation, and an Interactive learning system to make your dream come true. Further, it has current affairs via Infographics, Online/Live stream classes on the app, online tests to check your knowledge, and other things.
- Mrunal – It is also one of the popular applications that will provide you with video lessons and linear format. It has also earned a reputation in the field of providing free learning for the benefit of UPSC IAS aspirants.
- The Hindu – It is the most beneficial app to understand recent events of national and international importance. Further, it will provide you with all the necessary information that is enough for the IAS exam. Besides, students should study editorial sections like science, technology, environment, and health from The Hindu on a daily basis.
- Knowlez – It is again one of the popular app that provides a General Knowledge Quiz App for the UPSC IAS Exam. Besides, they are providing solutions to General Studies and current affairs.
- Insights On India – This app will help get insights into important news and current events on a daily basis. It includes Editorial Gists, Daily Online Current Events Quiz, Daily Current Affairs.
Important Topics
Below we have added some of the essential topics in the current affairs for the UPSC exam preparations.
- Economics – One must know details related to the Indian economy, banking and finance, banking reforms inflation, Unemployment, poverty, sectors of Indian economy.
- Art and Culture – One must understand details on the monument , national festivals, regional festivals, dance forms, paintings, etc.
- Polity – In this you should know details related to the Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Bills and Acts, fundamental rights, social issues, center-state relations, electoral reforms, SC-ST rights, etc.
- Science and Technology – This includes Indian Space Program, Contribution of Indians to science, biotechnology, communication technologies, etc.
Later, please find all information related to the IAS exam; we have added all details related to the IAS exam syllabus, patterns, books, tips, and other information. Read More.
Sources for the Current Affairs
We have added details of the sources or best news app for UPSC to provide you with all information to help you with the IAS exam preparations.
- The Indian Express
- Yojana Magazine
- Kurukshetra Magazine
- Press Information Bureau
- Rajya Sabha TV
- India Year Book
- Manorama Yearbook
- Economic Survey
- Mathrubhumi Yearbook
- Pratiyogita Darpan Magazine
- Rajya Sabha TV Debates

How to prepare ?
After understanding the details on the best news app for the UPSC exam, we will give you some quick tips that will help you in the exam.
- For current affairs, revision is an essential thing. To remember all the concepts, have a habit of reading or watching the news daily.
- Further, try to write down important points in your own words and study them during the exam.
- We have listed the best general knowledge app and best current affairs app for UPSC. Try to download them and study from them as it is easy to understand.
- Then try to solve as many as question papers possible it will help you know the exam pattern and understand your skills. Further, try to solve mock tests; it will give you the feel of the final year paper.
Conclusion – Best Current Affairs App
This article has added all information related to the daily Best Current Affairs App for UPSC, best news app for UPSC, and daily current affairs app. In the IAS exam, one needs to know about current affairs. Along with covering the complete syllabus and one must also study current affairs. Further, we have added all the essential topics for the IAS exam preparations. We have also added some of the essential apps that will help you in the exam and get the best results. Further, it is difficult to remember all topics, so we suggest you make essential points while reading them.
FAQs – Best Daily Current Affairs App

There are some of the best applications that will help you with the exam. We have some of the apps in the article above.
We find many sources online like websites, android, and ios apps. One can download according to the requirements.
As it is dynamic, it is difficult for one to cover all the topics. Therefore, have a habit of going through the news daily and writing down all important points. Then, don’t forget to revise them regularly.
Editor’s Note | Best Current Affairs App
We have added complete information of the Best Current Affairs App for UPSC or best general knowledge app in the above article. Further, in the UPSC exam preparations, current affairs play a major role. This article will give you information on the best apps and which are the essential topics to be covered for the IAS exam. Besides, understand why it is essential for the IAS exam. To clear the IAS exam, hard work and dedication are essential. One can only clear the exam if you put in special efforts. Good luck with IAS exam.