To begin with, the IAS exam has a vast syllabus, and one needs good preparation. Along with the syllabus, one must also take care of current affairs. Therefore, in the article, we have added the details of the Daily Current Affairs for the UPSC / IAS exam. Further, you will find all the required for current affairs and know daily current affairs websites details.
Daily Current Affairs
You are already aware that the Daily Current Affairs are equally important for the IAS exam and the other subjects. So, one must give equal importance to current affairs. Moreover, as it is a dynamic subject, reading the newspaper daily becomes essential and making some points. Hence, in this article, we have concentrated on the Daily Current Affairs for the IAS exam, and you will also find daily current affairs websites details.

Let us talk about the UPSC exam, and As we have mentioned many times in our other articles, it is the most challenging exam with the longest syllabus. Further, to get good marks in the exam, one needs to cover the complete syllabus. There are three primary stages: a preliminary exam, the second is the main exam, and the last is the interview one. All must clear all the stages to go to the next one. In the preliminary exam, there are two papers, and they are of objective type, and in the main exam, there are nine papers, and there are of descriptive types. If you want to know more about the IAS exam and UPSC, you can visit the official website.
Note – To help you with the exam, we have added details of the exam syllabus, exam pattern, tips, books, and other exam-related information in our other articles. Read More.
Why Current Affairs are Important?
Daily Current Affairs play a significant role in the UPSC exam preparation; one cannot skip studying current affairs. As it is the civil service exam, one must know what is happening in the nation as a civil servant. It becomes essential for one to know about nation-related issues and other things. Therefore, in the IAS exam, there has been equal importance for the current affairs. Besides, 15 – 20 questions are asked directly from current affairs in the prelims exam. 60-70% of the questions asked in UPSC CSE Prelims are related to current events.
How to prepare for the daily current affairs?
Now, probably many of you have questions about how one can prepare for this section? So, we will help you by giving you some tips.
- One must understand its background knowledge, current status, suggestion, opinions, etc. These are the key points one must understand.
- Further, one must focus on the issues and on the news that is important for the exam. You have to understand beyond headline and news for the UPSC exam.
- Have a practice of note-making – It will help you during the exam. As there are many things to study, try making points out of them whenever you read something. So, make notes according to dates, topic-wise.
- Don’t try to mug up things, and it will not help you anyway. It is not possible for this section of UPSC. For this section, one must understand the issues and analyze it. in this case, you only need to memorize the dates and specific names related to the current affair topic.
- Quality is important but not quantity. There are many sources available for current affairs. But understand which will add value to your studies. Therefore, do some research and decide which are the best according to your requirements and exam point of view.
- Further, have an answer writing practice, if you just study, you will not be able to understand how to write in the exam. So, try to have a writing practice and cover the important points with limited time and words.
- Revisions, this not a thimg to miss out. It will help you to remember things well. So, give some time to revise things daily. Whenever you start a new topic, make sure that you have revised the previous topic.

UPSC Exam Tips
- One must be aware of the complete exam syllabus and the exam pattern. It is the first thing one must do, and your half work is done. Then, you can prepare time accordingly.
- One must go through the previous year’s question papers for more details of the paper pattern and the exam syllabus. By reading the previous year’s question paper, you will understand the question pattern, trending topics, marks distribution, etc. One must solve atleast 10 – 12 question papers.
- Further, make a proper timetable and give time for all the subjects, including the revision and Daily Current Affairs. Many IAS aspirants ignore this and fail to cover the complete syllabus. One must make proper use of time, so prepare an effective timetable and follow it.
- Give mock tests regularly, and it will give you the feel of the final year paper. It will also help you to understand your skills and areas of improvement. If you miss this, you will be facing difficulty in the final year paper. As we have mentioned already, try to solve the question paper and solve it within the mentioned time. You will understand how much time you are taking and how you can increase your speed.
- It is the most important thing in any exam, and for exams like IAS, it is a must. Revise whatever you have studied so far regularly. Revision helps you to remember things. It will not be of any use if you just study without revising it.
- Lastly, one must be mentally and physically strong to write the exam. Many forgets to take care of themselves during th exam. So, it is important for one to look after themselves. So, have proper food and sleep well.
Daily Current Affairs Websites
Now, check out the below websites for current affairs.
Other Sources for Daily Current Affairs
- Press Information Bureau – In this you can concentrate on the Selective articles on important personalities and their contribution, Programmes and Policy updates of Government on daily basis.
- The Indian Express – Articles on International Relations, Written and recommended by IFS officers.
- The Hindu – socio-economic and political issues, Issues and policies at national and international level, Economic developments and policies, An elaborative account and view on government programmes and policies.
- Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis – India’s national security, internal security and relations, International Relations, Defense relations and governments approach for national and international diplomacy,.
- Yojana and Kurukshetra – government schemes and programmes, social to economic domain, social issues and policies affecting vulnerable sections.
- LokSabha and RajyaSabha Debates – socio-economic and political discourses.

Practice Questions for Daily Current Affairs
Further, below we have few questions on Daily Current Affairs that will give you a brief idea
- From which state has India’s first high-speed electric locomotive been flagged off?
- Assam
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Bihar
- Jharkhand
Ans. Option 3 – Bihar
- Which country is the most vulnerable country to Cyber Threats?
- India
- United States of America
- China
- Saudi Arabia
Ans. Option 2 – United States of America
- The 2018 women’s singles Miami Open tennis tournament was won by?
- Venus Williams
- Johanna Konta
- Serena Williams
- Sloane Stephens
Ans. Option 4 – Sloane Stephens
Conclusion – Daily Current Affairs
In summary, in the article, you will find complete information on the current daily affairs for the UPSC / IAS exam websites. It is important for all the IAS aspirants to study current affairs and to know what is happening in the nation. We have provided you with all the important sources for the exam and also some tips. It is not possible for one to study from all the bases, so know which are the best according to your requirements and study. The IAS exam requires special efforts and hard work. So, one must work hard and prepare well for the exam.
Now you have understood the importance of Daily Current Affairs websites for the UPSC/IAS exam. All sources will help you with the details, but in the end, it depends on you how you will work on the dream and make them true. It is possible with the right direction and proper plan. Then, try to use the tips that are mentioned above and you can score well in the exam. All the best.

FAQs – Daily Current Affairs
Then, check out the below FAQs for more details on the Daily Current Affairs
There are many sources available for the current affairs, with respect to the newspaper the Hindu and the Indian Express are recommended one.
At least, the last 2-years of current affairs should be covered before UPSC Prelims and Mains.
There are many websites that are available for current affairs. In the above article, we have mentioned some of the important websites and other sources.
It depends from one person to the other person. If you are confident with your skills and can cover the complete syllabus you can go for the self-study option.
No, it is not necessary, but a few go for coaching classes, and few study on their own.
Editor’s Note | Daily Current Affairs
In brief, in the article, you will find the complete information of UPSC’s daily current affairs and details on the daily current affairs websites. So, if you are IAS aspirant, you might be already aware of the importance of current affairs. It will help you in providing all the required information related to the daily current affairs for the UPSC exam. Further, the IAS exam will not only check your subject knowledge, but also your dedication towards the goals. So, for this working hard is an important thing for the exam. It is normal to get tensed and get feared. But, prepare well and use tips, you can work hard and results will happen.