Press Informative Bureau(PIB) – Press release of PIB – It is the agency which gives news from the Government of India to the media, print, and web media. It is very important in IAS Exam perspective. As it helps PIB for UPSC Exam aspirants to understand the importance of specific issues and it’s relation to the current affairs. Current Affairs are essential for the preparation of UPSC Exam. To write prelims and mains, a good understanding of PIB news for Current Affairs and IAS preparation is very important.
Formed – 1919
Headquarters – National Media Centre, New Delhi
Minister Responsible – Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister
To know more – (Official Website)
It was under the British government. Before, the task was to prepare a report on India to be placed before the British Parliament and location was Shimla. Later, towards the end of 1920, it became the Central Bureau of Information.
Later, on June 1, 1923, the Central Bureau of Information became permanent as the Bureau of Public Information. In 1941, J. Ntrajan became the first Indian head of the Bureau Principal Information Officer. Later, in 1946, the name changed to Press Information Bureau.

Structure and Functioning – Press Information Bureau
To begin with, the Press Information Bureau/ Press release PIB is one of the media units working under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It now has 8 regional offices and 34 branch offices. Over 60 information officers are currently in position in the Bureau.
The Bureau releases photographs, videos, infographics, and features for giving data to print and to the web media on the following topics:
- Government Plans,
- Policies,
- Programme Initiatives and
- Achievements
All of these 4 topics are very important for the IAS exam. The good feature of PIB is it never misses any kind of news which is related to different policies.
What is PIB?
Before anything let’s first, understand, what is Press Information Bureau (PIB) and it’s the importance in IAS preparation. PIB is the best as it has all the up-to-date happenings particularly, considering exam time. It plays a major role between government and media. So, if you are one of those aspirants, you must pay attention to the PIB latest releases.
Press Information Bureau (PIB) for UPSC Exam

As now we understood, PIB is the nodal agency which releases data to the media. So, the releases of PIB are essential for IAS aspirants. So, if you are preparing for the UPSC civil service exam, you need to prepare for many things. One important thing candidate should know that they should not avoid PIB (Press Information Bureau). Along with reading newspaper, magazines it is very important for the candidates going through the PIB regularly. The PIB includes varieties of the article on famous personalities with their details. So, as a whole, it is essential if you are writing the exam. Most of the information which is required for the exam is available at PIB. So, reading the PIB articles will be very helpful for both UPSC Prelims and UPSC mains exam.
What is important in PIB for UPSC Exam?
- All schemes of the government.
- Then, articles on well-known personalities and other related details.
- Speeches which are given by prominent people during important events.
- Programs, policies and the latest data from the government.
- Lastly, year-end reports by different ministries and departments on the work done by them in the current year.

Importance of PIB in IAS Preparations
As already mentioned above, the PIB plays a major role in the preparation of the exam. It can be both for prelims exam and the main exam as well.
- It is for sure, the government initiatives and different schemes by the government plays an important role when it comes to the IAS Prelims exam. The main reason that it contains complete details of different government plans, policies, events, government implementations.
- Regularly, reading the newspaper can be a great help but reading the Press Information Bureau will help you to clear the exam effectively. As it contains data with clear details about the government plans.
- The data, which is published in the newspaper, may not be completely correct. This may affect your study, quality, on the other hand, the data which is provided by the PIB is the most relevant. So, reading PIB regularly would be of great help.
- All the candidates must understand, the authorities of IAS and also coaching centres always suggest to study from PIB. By doing this candidates can understand topics better way.
- The data which you get from PIB is in English and Hindi. So, it will be a great help for those who use Hindi as their medium for writing exam. Besides this, the data is available in many other regional languages.
- You can also easily subscribe to releases from the government on the website.
- Especially, PIB is very relevant when it comes to current affairs.
So, always be updated with PIB news for IAS preparation, always have an eye on Press Release of PIB. Avoiding this can cause a big problem in the exam.
PIB News for Current Affairs – UPSC Exam

To clear the exam having a good understanding of current affairs is very important. Current Affairs are an important part of general knowledge. To write and clear the exam, one should know about daily updates such as economy, political updates and many other topics related to government. A UPSC aspirant has to cover the daily current affairs of at least 18 months before the exam. One must go through the daily news, current affairs magazines to be up to date with the current affairs. As mentioned above, PIB plays a major role in current affairs. Along with reading newspaper, one should read data from PIB.
In PIB website, PIB News for Current Affairs, it’s not important to read all, be selective. You need to read only those articles, which has a good amount of data for your exam. This will also help you to save time and also find a daily compilation of PIB articles. So, PIB News for IAS Preparation is essential.
Important points – PIB News for Current Affairs
When you have all the data which is required for the exam, one should know how to read so that it will help you in the exam. So, always have a habit of writing, notes, these notes will be very handy for you during the exam time. In short, make points whatever you study. So, when you read it during exam time, all the related data to that point should come to your mind. Along with making notes also make a good time table.
Important news 2020 – Press release PIB
Some of the important topics from Press Information Bureau for UPSC Exam, if you know topics well you can prepare well for the exam. Some of the topics are Indian Economy for UPSC, current affairs, policies, schemes, political knowledge etc.
In addition to all above data. Now, let’s know what is new in 2020?
PIB news for Current affairs for Press Information Bureau for UPSC. Now we know the importance of PIB News for IAS Preparation. To write, and clear the exam 2020, the most important thing is to know the topic as per the syllabus for Prelims and Mains. For IAS Prelims, you will be having one GS paper it is easy to clear if you study well. But, when it comes IAS mains, more hard work is needed. As it contains essay type questions.
For daily current affairs, along with the reading newspaper, have an eye on PIB News for Current Affairs. In brief, one needs to read the newspapers and PIB as well.
To summarize, along with the complete syllabus of IAS exam, Press release PIB is important. It is very important to know the updates from Press Release of PIB. So, that will help you to get the latest data from the government. Along with reading newspaper have a regular habit of going through PIB. PIB news for IAS preparation plays a major role. Thus, make your notes whenever you study, write in your own words. So, that will help you during the time of the exam. To get the latest data, you need to check the website on daily basis.
FAQs – Press Information Bureau for UPSC
The Press Information Bureau, it the government agency which provides you with the latest data about different plans of the government. For UPSC exam, one needs to clear the exam.
For the exam, good knowledge of current affairs is important. You can easily find in the newspapers but, if you want the correct and the latest data, you can go through the PIB website.
Press Information Bureau releases the latest data about the different plans, policies and programs of the government. For both the papers Prelims and for the main exam, the candidates need to clear the exam.
Editor’s Note | Press Information Bureau for UPSC
The article has complete details about the PIB (Press Information Bureau). For clearing the exam having a good understanding of GS is essential. The article tells you the importance of PIB for IAS preparation. So, one should not avoid reading data from PIB it as important as other subjects.