To begin with, we all know the difficulty level of the IAS exam, and it requires special efforts to clear the exam. Even though it is the most difficult exam present in India. Besides, we have seen many people applying for the exam. Then, in this article, we will be discussing on the How many Candidates Applied for the UPSC exam. Further, we will find information on how many ias officers are selected every year and how many students appeared for the UPSC exam. Therefore, let us read the complete article and know about how many people give the UPSC exam.

To begin with, we know the IAS exam by the UPSC authority every year. As we have mentioned earlier, it is a challenging exam. But, we have seen many people clearing this exam. Besides, it is not everyone’s cup of tea, and if you are serious about your dream of becoming an IAS officer, you have to work hard and put in special efforts. Later, this exam will test your knowledge and your patience and dedication towards the exam. Further, below we have covered details related to how many students appeared for UPSC and how many people give UPSC.
History of the IAS Exam
Before understanding how many students appeared for UPSC. Probably you might have been taught why this exam is so difficult and why it is the most respected job in India. Therefore, let us read about the history of this exam. First, the Civil Services Exams it is national-wide competitive exams conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. To recruit candidates for the various positions in the Government of India. Further, that includes Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, and Indian Police Service. Later, this exam is based on The Civil Services Examination based on the British era Imperial Civil Service tests and the civil service tests conducted by old Indian empires such as the Mauryan Empire and Mughal Empire.
Further, it is the toughest competitive exam in India. Later, it may take 2 years for the prelims and the main exam for the first attempt. Besides, on average, 900,000 to 1,000,000 candidates apply every year, and the number of candidates sitting in the preliminary exam is around 550,000
IAS Exam Details
Further, the IAS is conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year. Later, in the exam, you will find three main stages the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview round. Therefore, everyone needs to clear all the rounds. Besides, in the preliminary exam, you will find two objective-type papers, General Studies Paper I and General Studies Paper-II, also known as Civil Service Aptitude Test or CSAT. Further, the main exam consists of nine papers; it is essay type. Therefore, two papers are qualifying, and only seven marks are counted, followed by a personality test. Later, you have the option of joining classes, as it will help you in many ways.

Continued – How many Candidates Applied for UPSC
Then, like every other exam, even the IAS exam comes with eligibility criteria. So, if you qualify for all the criteria, you are allowed to write the exam. It consists of Nationality, Educational Qualifications, Age, and Number of attempts. Besides, there will be relaxation provided for some categories and in the number of attempts. Therefore, go through the complete details from the official website. After understanding all details apply for the exam. Further, the exam syllabus is vast, and one needs to cover the complete syllabus to get the best results in the exam. Therefore, to help you with the exam, we have added all details related to the exam, like you will find information on the syllabus, patterns, books, tips, coaching classes, and other details. So, click here and know more.
Further, as we have mentioned above, one can go to the classes. Then, there are many coaching classes in various cities. Besides, many students join classes for the UPSC exam preparation as you will get many benefits like training, study materials, mock tests, sessions, etc. But, it is not compulsory for the classes. However, we have also seen candidates who have cleared the exam without classes. So, it purely depends on your hard work. Hence, if you want to join classes, we have added all information related to the IAS coaching classes in various cities. Click here.
How many IAS officers are selected every year
Later, as we all know nowadays, competition is everywhere, and one has to work hard towards their dreams. Further, talking about the competitive exams, the competition is huge. Besides, the quantity and quality of the competition are increasing exponentially. Later, The selection can now be rightly called ‘one in a million as more than 1 million students apply for the exam – including those for IITs and IIMs.
Now let us understand how many IAS officers are selected every year, how many Candidates Applied for UPSC, or how many people appear for the UPSC exam. The UPSC is the only commission that acts as a central recruitment body for the higher posts of government ministries. Besides, there have been about a thousand vacancies in the civil service advertisement in the last six years. Still, the number of vacancies of an IAS officer is not written anywhere in the advertisement. However, the number of vacant posts in IAS is very few; hence the competition is very high among the aspirants.
180 IAS officers are appointed every year. Therefore, every year there will be a discussion on the number of vacancies. However, even if there is an increase in number or decrease, only 180 IAS officers are selected every year. Later, one can visit the official website for more information on the IAS exam and on the UPSC. Read More.
How many Candidates Applied for UPSC
Further, below in the table, we have added all the details of How many Candidates Applied for the UPSC exam. The following will give complete details. Check below.
Year | No. of the candidates who applied | No. of the candidates who took prelims | No. of the candidates who qualified for mains | No. of candidates who took mains exam | No. of candidates who appeared for the interview | The final no. of candidates who got selected for posts |
2019 | 8 Lakh (Roughly) | – | 11845 | – | 2034 | 829 |
2018 | 1065552 | 500484 | 10419 | 10246 | 1992 | – |
2017 | 969065 | 462848 | 13300 | 13060 | 2564 | 1056 |
2016 | 1128262 | 459659 | 15382 | 15149 | 2961 | – |
2015 | 945908 | 465882 | 15008 | 15,008 | 2797 | 1078 |
2014 | 947428 | 446623 | 16706 | 16286 | 3308 | 1236 |
2013 | 776604 | 324279 | 14800 | 14178 | 3001 | 1122 |
2012 | 550080 | 271442 | 12795 | 12190 | 2674 | 998 |
2011 | 499120 | 243236 | 11837 | 11237 | 2415 | 999 |
2010 | 547698 | 269036 | 12271 | 11865 | 2589 | 965 |
2009 | 409110 | 193091 | 11894 | 11516 | 2431 | 989 |
2008 | 325433 | 167035 | 11669 | 11330 | 2136 | 881 |
2007 | 333680 | 161469 | 9158 | 8886 | 1883 | 734 |
2006 | 383983 | 195803 | 7692 | 7496 | 1408 | 553 |

Conclusion – How many Candidates Applied for UPSC
To conclude, for how many people give UPSC, in this article, we have added information related to how many students appeared for the UPSC exam or How many Candidates Applied for UPSC. Further, you will find all information related to the IAS exam, like its history, exam procedure, and how many people give the UPSC exam. So, if you are applying for the exam, you must read such articles. Besides, before applying for the exam, make sure that you have read all the information related to the exam, like education, eligibility, etc. Above all, this exam requires a lot of hard work and special effort.
Besides, we have mentioned above the level of competition. So, prepare well for the exam and study hard for your dreams. We wish you good luck. Besides, it is not like any other exams present. To get the best results and to become the next IAS officer, make sure that you work hard.

FAQs – How many Candidates Applied for UPSC
Lastly, look into some FAQs related to how many students appeared for the UPSC.
10,40,060 candidates appeared for the UPSC in 2020.
Roughly 5 lakh candidates have appeared for this exam.
150 IPS officers are selected every year.
180 IAS officers are selected every year
Editor’s Note | How many Candidates Applied for UPSC
In brief, in the above article, we have added all information about how many people appear for UPSC or how many people give UPSC exams. Further, you will get some insights into the IAS exam history. So, if you are applying for the exam, this article will give you an idea of the number of students applying for the exam. Besides, it becomes vital for one to know the complete details of the exam before applying. Therefore, in the article, we have added a few links to help you with the exam information. Further, go through the official website for the complete information on the UPSC exam. Finally, we wish you good luck with your exams. Hence, with the right plan, you can achieve your goals.