Thousands of aspirants attempt UPSC every year. However, only a few clear it. It is a reputed profession. Especially in India, there’s a certain craze about being an IAS. We often watch movies. These movies portray a powerful person as an IAS officer. Usually, aspirants are attracted to this power. Moreover, they’re also fascinated by the high pay scale. Additionally, you receive housing and transport perks. All of this makes UPSC India’s favorite. But how do I become an IAS Officer? What does it take to be an IAS Officer? What’s the UPSC Age Limit? At what Age Limit can I attempt UPSC(IAS) Exam? Will the Civil Service Age Limit hamper my preparation? Bureaucracy is the steel frame of India. Let’s see how to be a part of it. So let’s begin.

Why an Age Limit?
An IAS officer is a person with authority and responsibility. Moreover, India is a developing country. Hence, Indian governance demands progressive and innovative ideas. Where will this come from? No doubt, this comes from the younger generation. Young, ambitious change-makers are the fuel to governance. Hence, this justifies UPSC Age Limit. IAS Exam Age Limit ensures that the system selects young candidates. Moreover, younger candidates have a greater chance to get promoted at higher levels by retirement. Hence, the earlier you clear UPSC, the more the benefits. As we know, innovation is a must. With digital India walking in, there’s a need for a digitally literate workforce. However, senior officers may or may not have this literacy. Therefore, young people like you and me are preferred. These are some of the reasons why there is a Civil Service Age Limit.
The UPSC Age Limit – General Category
In this section, we’ll look at the IAS Exam Age Limit for the General Category. This section does not enjoy reservation. Hence, there’s no relaxation in the Age Limit for this category. The minimum age to attempt UPSC is 21 years. Hence, it means that you must be a university graduate. However, if you are in your final year, you can still apply. The only age limit criteria is that you must become 21 years of age by August of your attempt year. Hence, one must calculate its age. Accordingly, make an application. However, if you don’t fit in the criteria, wait for your turn! While the minimum age limit is 21 years. The maximum UPSC Exam Age Limit is 32 years for the general category.

The UPSC Age Limit – Reserved Category
Apart from the general category, there’s a reserved category. Our country is diverse. Hence, every section deserves equal representation. Therefore, the reserved category enjoys certain relaxations. There are different reserved categories. Moreover, each category has a different UPSC Age Limit. Let’s look at them one by one. Firstly, there’s the Other Backward Class. Also, know as OBC. While the minimum age limit is the same for all categories, the maximum age differs. Accordingly, the max-age limit for OBCs is 35 years. Secondly, there are Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). The upper IAS Age limit is 32 years. Hence, it’s the same as the general category Civil Service Age Limit.
Further, there are SC/STs. SC stands for Scheduled Caste. Whereas, ST stands for Scheduled Tribes. They enjoy a maximum UPSC Exam Age Limit of 37 years. Hence, this is one of the highest age caps. However, there’s one more category with a higher age limit relaxation.

UPSC Age Limit – Physically Disabled Candidates
This is the last category to enjoy age limit relaxation. However, it includes the physically disabled candidates(PDC). Further this category is divided into two segments. Firstly, there’s a general category PDC. Secondly, there’s an OBC category PDC. The maximum UPSC Age Limit for the general and OBC PDC is 42 years. This is the highest relaxation in the IAS Age Limit. Hence, this provision encourages all types of potential candidates. Moreover, these candidates are not physically disabled. Rather they are differently abled. Our country needs talent from all walks.
Other criteria
There are many criteria in addition to the UPSC Age Limit. The IAS Exam Age Limit is just one aspect of the criteria. Moreover, there are physical fitness criteria at times. Further, there’s a cap on the number of attempts for certain categories. Hence, the criteria are not just limited to the UPSC Exam Age Limit. All these criteria ensure fit candidates into the Civil Service. Moreover, it ensures well-trained personnel in the bureaucracy. Hence, one must constantly track his/her eligibility. Moreover, also track your attempts. This will help you to never miss a chance. Before you start preparing, it’s necessary to check these criteria. To learn more about the Civil Service Age Limit: Click Here.

How to clear UPSC before the maximum IAS Age Limit
Mostly, under graduates start preparing for UPSC. Often, the study plan is long term. Hence, the first attempt is taken at 21 years of age. However, not everyone who attempts UPSC is a student. There are housewives, engineers, MBAs and people from different sections attempting. However, sometimes the time for preparation might be less. As we’ve already seen, there are different age caps. Hence, firstly you need to check the UPSC Age Limit. Check if you fit in the criteria. Accordingly plan your preparation. Mostly, UPSC syllabus can be covered in a year. However, it takes full dedication to cover the entire syllabus. Therefore, one must complete all the GS papers. Moreover, choose an easy optional. This will save your time. If there’s less time, do not make notes. Do not start reading a new book. Instead, revise the basics.

Undertake a coaching class if you need guidance. Get your schedule planned. This will save your efforts and time. Hence, you’ll be able to clear the exam well within the IAS Exam Age Limit. Click to find out the Best IAS Coaching in Mumbai: Read More. Find the right coaching class. You can also check their demo lecs before joining. Further, do not overburden yourself. Give it your best, it’s your final chance! Wish you all the best!!
This is a difficult task. However, even if you prepare partially, you might waste an attempt. Instead, prepare for the exam before hand. Give it at least a year or 8 months. Do not waste an attempt.
The UPSC Exam Age Limit differs to give the weaker sections a competitive advantages. However, this is one of the principles of equality in our country.
It’s advisable to self study if you’re preparing for less than a year. Moreover, undertake a coaching for your optional subject. Additionally, you can watch or read online sources for further quick guidance.
Go for the static books. Give it a first reading. Moreover, keep revising the static books. However, do not refer to any new book before the exam. Hence, limited resources maximum revision is the key. You can prepare your own notes if you have time. However, if you don’t have time, do not rush to note everything. But make sure to note down important concepts.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Age Limit
Here we will conclude our article. We’ve seen the various dimensions of the UPSC Exam Age Limit. Age Limit is an essential aspect before you start your preparation. Hence, check this before you go ahead. The general category enjoys no age limit relaxation. However, we’ve seen that reserved categories enjoy certain relaxation. Hence, check your status. Start your preparation well in advance. If you’re well within the IAS Exam Limit, it’s good news. However, if you’re on the verge of crossing the maximum age limit, you need to rethink. Moreover, calculate your preparation according to the number of years you have in hand before the exam. However, if you’ve less time for preparation, the hard work is more. You will have to rush through the basics. Additionally, cover GS as soon as possible. Devote more time to your studies.
A year of dedicated prep will help you clear the exam on the very first attempt. However, even if this is your first attempt, write it as if it’s your last! Make sure to revise the static portion. Solve previous year’s question papers. Read current affairs. Practice mains answer writing. Attempt your prelims well. Later, start preparing for your mains. Moreover, take small breaks. Lastly, believe in yourself. Do not overburden yourself. Study with a fresh mind. Always stay motivated, do not over stress. Take the efforts, grab the opportunity, you can surely do it! Do not give up. The success is worth the pain. Wishing you all the very best in your journey!