The Indian Economic Service Exam, alongside Indian Statistical Service, is the authoritative between clerical common assistance under Group An of the Central Civil Services of the presidential part of the Government of India. In our other article, we have covered the details of the IAS exam and other important government exams. So, today in this article, you will understand the ISS Exam like the Indian Economic Service Exam syllabus, salary, and all the other related details of the exam. Then, let us take a look at the below article.

Indian Statistical Service Eligibility
In the first place, I will understand which are all the conditions to pass to write the exam. So, know the below times before that know the below points.
Total number of vacancies – Indian Economic Service – Nil and Indian Statistical Service – 47 Seats
Now, check out the below points and understand all the conditions of the exam.
- Nationality – Must qualify for any one of the following.
- You can be a citizen of India or Nepal or Bhutan
- All those originally from India came from P the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Pakistan, Burma.
- Age Limit: The age must fall between 21 and 30 years. Then, there is age relaxation for reserved category candidates like SC/ST and OBC, etc.
- Educational Qualification: The candidates probably got a Post Graduate Degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics/Econometrics from a perceived college or an unfamiliar college affirmed by the Central Government of India every once in a while.
Note – If you need more details visit the official website

Pattern – ISS Exam
Before, understanding the pattern, know the selection process of the ISS Exam.
- Written Examination – 1000 marks
- Viva Voce (Interview) – 200 marks
Then, know the pattern of the exam. So, the paper is of the objective type. So, the General English and studies are of 100 marks each and duration is 3 hours. Then, Statistics-I and II (Objective) are 200 marks each, and the duration is 2 hours. Statistics-III and IV (Descriptive) are of 200 marks, and the duration is 3 hours. Also, know the below point for more.
- Statistics I and II – Objective Type Questions (80 questions with maximum marks of 200 in each paper) to endeavor quickly.
- Statistics III and IV – Descriptive Type having Short Answer/Small Problems Questions (half) and Long Answer and Comprehension issue questions (half).
- In any event, one Short Answer and One Long Answer Question from each segment are obligatory.
- In Statistics-IV, an equivalent number of questions, for example, half weightage from every one of the sub-segments underneath, and competitors need to pick any two subsections and answer.
- Finally, the papers on General English and General Studies will be of the emotional sort.
Indian Economic Service Syllabus
Now, know the complete Indian economic service syllabus below.

So, along with the syllabus, you must also read the newspaper daily. It is also essential for the exam. There are many sources available on the internet; you can check with the same.
Indian Economic Service Salary
Next, will understand the details of the Indian Economic Service Salary.
The IES officers, along with their basic salary, are able to take benefit of the following allowances:
- Transport Allowance (TA)
- House Rent Allowance (HRA)
- Dearness Allowance (DA)
- Conveyance Allowance
- Maternity Allowance
Thus, the essential compensation scale goes from INR 15,600 – 39,100. Taking in tally the evaluation pay of INR 5,400, the fundamental compensation amounts to be about INR 21,000.
Additionally considering the every day remittance, which is 125% of the essential compensation, alongside the TA and HRA, which is 30% for metro urban communities, the absolute compensation amounts to a gross all out of around INR 59,750 every month.
In conclusion, thinking about the standard allowances from the gross compensation (NPS of 10% + different derivations) to be about INR 3,650, the close by pay of the Indian Economic Service winds up to be about INR 56,000.
How to apply?
So, below we have added the steps for the registration. So, it contains Part 1 and Part 2. Take a look at the below points and understand them carefully it will help you while filling the application.
Part 1
- In the first place, go to the official site.
- Then you must click on the respective link. There you will find a registration link that will open up in the new window.
- Next, click on New Registration and provide all the basic details asked, like name, parents name, date of birth, email id, etc.
- Then, click on the submit button to the completed online registration form of SBI PO.
- Lastly, after the Registration, a Registration ID and a password will be sent to your mobile no. and email id.
Part 2 – Indian Economic Service Exam
After completing the Part 1 and proceed with the Part2
- You must log in with the provided Registration ID, date of birth, and password to complete registration.
- Then, upload the photograph and signature.
- Next, the candidates must verify the details. Preview and verify the application form carefully.
- Pay the required application fee online.
- Lastly, take out a printout of the application form for future use.
Lastly, you can pay the fees either online mode or the offline mode. If offline you need to visit the SBI branch and pay the cash.
IES/ISS Admit Card
Then, to download the admit card follow the below steps
- You need to visit the official website here.
- Then, click on “e-admit cards for various examinations of UPSC”
- Click on the link ‘UPSC IES admit card’
- Then enter all the required details like ID, date of birth, and other details.
- Next. you choose any of the mediums to download and click on ‘submit’.
- Lastly, you need to download it and take a printout of the hall ticket. You need it for the exam day.
Tips – Indian Economic Service Exam
- You should understand the syllabus and all the connected details of the test. Thus, do a foundation examination and have a deep understanding of the test. So, refer to old papers to know the exam pattern well. It will help you with the exam. Also, know the marks distribution and time.
- Make a timetable; one should ensure that you get ready timetable to give time for all the subject. Along these lines, you should use your time wisely. We all know time is very precious; it’s once gone will never come back, so make proper use of your time.
- Then, give mock tests. You need to give a test; it will help you understand your abilities and where you need the enhancements. Along these lines, ensure that you give as you will discover sources where you can undoubtedly give the tests.
- Revise regularly. It is a complete waste if you keep on studying without revising. So, we suggest you revise well, and it will help you to remember things.
- Taking a break is important. So, take a break from your studies, you can watch videos and talk with your friends or family. This will refresh your mind, and you can study more with good concentration.
- In conclusion, then look after your health. Good health is important to write the exam. Be that as it may, you must take care of your health; one should be fit physically and mentally to write the exam. Have great food and drink loads of water. Also, sleep well.
Important Dates
Then, below we have added the important dates. We also suggest you be updated with the latest news. So, be aware of the latest news of the exam don’t miss any notification. Below we have added the latest dates of the exam.
Date of Notification – April 7, 2021
Start of Online Application Process – April 7, 2021
Last Date to apply online – April 27, 2021
Starting of application Withdrawal – yet to be notified
The last date to withdrawal application – yet to be notified
ISS Exam Date – July 16 – 18, 2020
Results – August 2021
Interview – To be notified
To conclude, in this article, we have added all the important details of the ISS exam. You will find the Indian Economic/Statistical Service syllabus, salary, and all other details. Along with that, we have added some tips which will help with the exam preparations. But, it becomes essential for you to do proper research by yourself and know the complete details. We wish you good luck with the exam, do well. Make sure that you will keep all the points that we have mentioned above. Then, you can make your notes that you can refer to during the exam time. Make your comfort zone and study well; in the end, only that matters.
Also, check here for more details on such exams
FAQ’s – Indian Economic Service Exam

The Indian Statistical Service (ISS Exam). It is a civil service under Group A of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India.
So, if you are planning to write the ISS exam, you must check with all the required conditions, and then if qualified, you can apply for the exam.
For any exam, you must first understand all the syllabus, exam patterns, and exam conditions.
Editor’s Note | Indian Economic Service Exam
We have added the details of the Indian Economic Service Exam. You will find the details of the Indian Economic Service Syllabus, salary, and all the other information about the exam. Along with that, we have added the details of important dates, how to apply for the exam and also some tips which will help you with the exam preparations. We all know, for any exam to write knowing all the details is important. Then, we also suggest doing proper research before applying for the exam as we know all the exams follow a different approach.
All the best for the exam and prepare well. It is difficult at the start but always remembers why you wanted to do this. Then, keep going. Hard-working is the main component for the exam, if you want your dreams to come true, work hard and study smartly. Best wishes.