In this post, we will discuss the Importance of Project NETRA for India’s space program, as well as other relevant information. Project Netra by ISRO topic is important for applicants studying for the UPSC IAS exam and various other Government sector examinations. So take your time and read this information thoroughly. Let’s get started.
What is Project Netra by ISRO?
- The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) developed Project NETRA, a space-based early warning system to detect debris and dangers to Indian satellites.
- The initiative will provide India with its own space situational awareness (SSA) capabilities, similar to that of other space powers, which is usedto ‘predict’ dangers to Indian satellites from debris.
- The ultimate goal of NETRA is to picture the 36,000-kilometer GEO (geostationary orbit) region, where communication satellites operate.
- The initial SSA will be for remote-sensing spacecraft in low-earth orbits or LEO.
- As part of NETRA, ISRO intends to construct a multitude of observational facilities. It includes networked radars, telescopes, data processing units, and a control center.
- They can, for example, spot, track, and catalog objects as small as 10 cm over a range of 3,400 km, which is about equivalent to a space orbit of 2,000 km.
- India would join international efforts to track, warn against, and mitigate space debris as part of the NETRA project.
What Netra consists of?
- A high-precision, long-range telescope in Leh and a radar in the North East are both in the works.
- To acquire a comprehensive SSA picture, we’ll also employ the Multi-Object Tracking Radar (MOTR) that we’ve set up at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, as well as the telescopes at Ponmudi and Mount Abu.
- The North American Aerospace Defense Command, is a joint US-Canadian program. It provides limited debris data to a number of countries.
- The new SSA center would bring together debris tracking activities that are currently scattered across multiple ISRO facilities.
- Currently, India has 15 operational communication satellites in geostationary orbit (36,000 km). 13 remote sensing satellites in low earth orbit (LEO) of up to 2,000 km, and eight navigation satellites in medium earth orbit (MEO).
As a result, Project NETRA will play a critical role in keeping these Indian satellites in orbit. Below, we’ll learn about the relevance of ISRO’s Project Netra, as well as what space debris is. As well as other information. The concept of Project Netra is important for UPSC. Another key UPSC topic can be found here. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the world’s most powerful space telescope, according to NASA. This article will provide you with all the important details, such as the fact that it is the world’s most powerful telescope. You’ll also learn about the JWST telescope’s features, goals, cost, and how it compares to other telescopes.

Importance of Project Netra by ISRO
This project, which will cost around Rs. Four hundred crores will assist ISRO in safeguarding Indian spacecraft in space. Therefore, the project is extremely important in terms of the space program, and the following are the most important aspects of Project NETRA (UPSC) :
- The characteristics of the project are designed to follow particles as small as 10cm at a range of 3400km, which is equivalent to a space orbit of 2000km.
- India would join international efforts to track, warn against, and mitigate space debris as part of the NETRA project.
- More crucially, the SSA has a military component to it. This adds a new layer of defense to the country’s total security against air, space, and sea threats.
- The threat to Indian assets in space is growing as a result of space trash. Last year, the space agency tracked 4,382 LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and 3,148 geostationary orbit instances where space debris came dangerously close to Indian assets.
- ISRO is required to undertake 19 collision avoidance maneuvers (CAM) in 2021 to preserve its space assets, 14 of which were in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and five in geostationary orbit.
- From three in 2015 to 12 in 2020 and 19 in 2021, the number of CAMs has increased dramatically.
- Through this effort, India wants to establish its own space situational awareness capability (SSA). This accomplishment will help ISRO anticipate any potential injury or threat to Indian spacecraft in space. This effort will put India on par with other international space organizations that have been following their satellites to protect them from debris & other threats.
- With the help of this (Project Netra) effort, the operational Indian satellites in GEO and LEO orbits may be kept safe and secure.
What is space debris?
- Expended rocket stages, dead satellites, bits of space objects, and debris from ASAT make up space junk or debris.
- These objects are hurtling through LEO at a speed of 27,000 kmph, posing a severe hazard to satellites, as even centimeter-sized bits can kill them.
- Last year, ISRO tracked 4,382 LEO and 3,148 geostationary orbit instances in which space debris came dangerously close to Indian assets.
- The largest number of threats came from fragments from the Fengyun-1C satellite (part of China’s anti-satellite test (ASAT) in 2007) and the Cosmos 2251-Iridium satellite crash in 2009.
- Betkilometerlink satellites and Indian assets made 84 “close contacts of less than one kilometer.”

Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
- As a responsible space power, India should have SSA as part of its national capabilities, just as the United States does. This is a force multiplier as well as a critical prerequisite for securing our space assets.
- The SSA has a military component to it, and it offers a new layer of protection to the country.
- It protects its two countries from threats from the air, space, and sea by using satellites, ground radars, and air radars.
- The SSA also offers us with an early warning system against ballistic missiles approaching from above, thanks to long-range tracking radars.
- He suggested that, in addition to radars and telescopes, India consider sending satellites that track other spacecraft, as the United States and other space powers have done.
ISRO: Project Netra
- Under the Network for Space Objects Tracking and Analysis (NETRA) program (Project), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is increasing its orbital debris tracking capability by deploying new radars and optical telescopes.
- The government offered its approval for the radar’s deployment. It will be capable of detecting and tracking objects 10 cm and larger.
- The Indian Space Research Organization is the country’s space agency. ISRO is governed by India’s Prime Minister and operates under the Department of Space.
- ISRO’s goal is to use space technology to further space science research and planetary exploration.
- ISRO’s marketing arm, Antrix Corporation Limited (ACL), ISRO currently has 50 operational satellites in orbit.

Current situation: Project Netra by ISRO
- In the Sriharikota range (Andhra Pradesh), India now operates a Multi-Object Tracking Radar, but it has a limited range.
- Furthermore, for SSA, India relies on data from NORAD and other publicly available sources. However, these platforms do not provide correct (or complete) information.
- The North American Aerospace Defense Command is a joint US-Canadian institution that shares debris data with a number of countries.
- The SSA Control Centre in Bengaluru coordinates ISRO’s space situational awareness (SSA) initiatives. The Directorate of Space Situational Awareness & Management at ISRO headquarters is in charge of this.
- The European Space Agency’s Clearspace-1 mission is scheduled to fly in 2025. This will be the 1st mission in space to remove junk from orbit.
Conclusion- Project Netra by ISRO
The goal of this essay is to provide you with all relevant information on ISRO’s Project Netra, as well as other important details. Perhaps you’re wondering why Project Netra is so important to the UPSC. To begin, the Science and Technology Section covers the notion of satellites and space missions. Moreover, it comes under the IAS test syllabus (GS paper- 3). As a result, when reading the article, please make a note of all significant aspects and study them. Additionally, by visiting the official website here, one may discover all information related to UPSC examination important dates.

FAQ- Project Netra by ISRO
ISRO is a space agency of the Indian government’s Department of Space, with headquarters in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Its focus is on improving national development while simultaneously performing space science research and planetary exploration. ISRO’s marketing arm, Antrix Corporation Limited (ACL), is in charge of promoting and commercializing space products, providing technical consulting services, and transferring ISRO-developed technologies.
The Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is closer to the Earth’s surface than other orbits. Between 160 and 1000 kilometres above the earth’s surface might be reached.A tilted plane can be found on satellites in low-Earth orbit (LEO). Satellite imaging makes use of it. Low Earth Orbit is where the International Space Station resides.
Washington, D.C. The capital of the United States.
NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C. supervises the NASA Field Centers, creates management rules, and examines all phases of the ISS program. The station program is overseen by the Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Editor’s Note | Project Netra by ISRO
In summary, the above essay will go over the details of ISRO’s Project Netra. Project Netra is one of the most important components of the UPSC IAS exam. Furthermore, knowing and remembering all of the basic information is needed for the exam. The IAS test is unlike any other; it demands particular preparation and attention. So work hard with proper concentration and don’t give up. Finally, we wish you the best!