This article will give you all the Ways and Means Advances details. Know all concepts like WMA full form, meaning, what is ways and means advances, and advances by RBI. It is essential as a part of the IAS exam study materials. Further, one can refer to the previous article for such more topics. Ways and means are defined as a mechanism used by the RBI under its credit policy to provide states and banking with assistance over temporary mismatches in the cash flow of their receipts and payments. Further, while reading the article, note down all points as it will help you with the IAS exam preparations. Let’s begin and get all information on the WMA meaning and other details.

Before we dig into the topic, it is necessary to understand why this topic is essential for the UPSC exam. In the IAS exam, one must write GS papers. Therefore, one must at least know the important details. In addition, the IAS exam comes with a vast syllabus. So, make sure that you are aware of all the vital topics.
As mentioned earlier, the Reserve Bank of India provides temporary loan facilities to the center and state govt as a banker to the govt. This particular facility is known as the Ways and Means Advances (WMA).
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