To begin with, in the article, we will be talking about the PSIR Optional Syllabus. Choosing the optional subject for the UPSC exam plays a significant role. Further, in this article, you will get information on the UPSC political science optional syllabus. There are many things to be taken care of when it comes to the IAS exam. Choosing optional subjects is also an important thing. If you are looking for the UPSC PSIR syllabus, this article will give you complete information.
Further, as we all know, there are three stages in the IAS exam: first, there is a preliminary exam, second is the main exam, and interview round. One needs to clear all the stages of the exam. In the preliminary, there are two papers, and in the main exam, there are nine papers. Further, we also know that the syllabus of the IAS exam is the longest. To clear the IAS exam, one requires special efforts and hard work. Besides, this exam will check your subject knowledge and your hard work and dedication towards your dreams. It is not an easy task to become an IAS officer, and it requires a high level of commitment. But, it is possible to achieve your goals with the right plan and direction. One must get motivated by the present IAS officers, and they worked hard to reach the stage they are today.

Besides, you have an option of going for the coaching classes, which comes with many benefits. Like you can easily cover the syllabus, study materials, and other benefits. But, it completely depends on one person to the other. However, we have seen people who have cleared the exam without classes, which means one must work hard. If you are confident with your skills and can cover the complete syllabus, you can study on your own. There are many sources present online, and you can make use of them for the exam.
If you are interested, you can visit the official website for the UPSC and IAS exam details. Click Here.
Political Science Optional Subject
Then, talking about the UPSC political science optional syllabus, it is one of the common subjects chosen by the students in the main exam. So, if you think, is it a good idea to take this subject as an optional subject? If you take Political Science as your optional subject, it will help you prepare for current affairs. Further, a large section of the Political Science concepts is already covered in the UPSC Prelims. So, this will make your work is easy while preparing for the main exam. So, try to make the necessary points while reading the article. It will help you with the exam.
Below we have discussed the vital section of the article. In addition, below, we have added the complete syllabus of the UPSC PSIR Optional Syllabus. So, please make a note of them; it will help with the exam preparations.
- Political theory – Meaning, Definition, and approaches
- Theories of the state – Pluralist, Liberal, Neoliberal, Marxist, Post-colonial and feminist.
- Equality – Relationship between freedom and equality and; Political, Social, and economic; Affirmative action.
- Indian Political Thought – Dharamshastra, Arthashastra, and Buddhist traditions; Sri Aurobindo, B.R. Ambedkar and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, M.K. Gandhi, M.N. Roy.
- Justice – Concept of justice with reference to Rawl’s theory of justice

Continued – PSIR Optional Syllabus
- Indian Nationalism – Political Strategies of India’s Freedom Struggle: Civil Disobedience, Non-cooperation; constitutionalism to mass Satyagraha, Peasant and workers’ movements, revolutionary movements.
- Principal Organs of the Union Government – Executive, Envisaged role and actual working of the Legislature, and Supreme Court.
- Planning and Economic Development – The role of planning and public sector; land reforms and agrarian relations; liberalization, Green Revolution, and economic reforms.
- Principal Organs of the State Government – Executive, Envisaged role and actual working of the Legislature, and High Courts.
- Key concepts in International Relations – Security, World capitalist economy and globalisation; Balance of power and deterrence. Further, the National interest, and power; Transnational actors, and collective security.
Above, we have mentioned some of the topics under the syllabus. You can click on the below link for more details on the UPSC political science optional syllabus.
Then, check out the below table for the details on the books for this PSIR Optional Syllabus.

- Does the Elephant Dance? Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy – David Malone
- India’s Foreign Policy – V. P. Dutta
- Challenge and Strategy: Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy – Rajiv Sikri
- The Globalization of World Politics – Baylis, Smith and Owens
- International Organisations, Conferences and Treaties – Spectrum (Publisher)
- Foundations of Indian Political Thought – V. R. Mehta
- Politics in India – Rajni Kothari
- Political Theory: An Introduction – Bhargava and Acharya
- Indian Home Rule (Hind Swaraj) – M. K. Gandhi
- Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a nation – Austin Granville
- Panchayati Raj: Oxford India Short Introductions – Kuldeep Mathur
- Working in a Democratic Constitution: A History of the Indian Experience – Austin Granville
One can’t study from all the books mentioned. So, understand your needs and know which are the best according to your requirements. Then, try to make your points according to the concept. Then, you can study those points during exam time.
If you are worried about covering the complete syllabus, we have added the full details of the IAS exam pattern, books, tips, and other essential information. Click Here.
Tips to study Political Science
Now you have understood the details of the syllabus and which are the best books to refer to. Below we have added some tips for the exam.
- In the first place, one must make their answer attractive by including bullet points, tables and real-life examples. Current affairs are equally important for the exam.
- Further, one must understand the time factor while writing the answer, if you are not able to write answer for one question, one move to the next one. You can cover that later.
- Besides, one must clearly write their introduction and conclusion part clearly. Then, one must understand the complete syllabus of the paper and also understand the paper pattern.
- We all time is money, so one must make a proper use of available time. Once you understood the syllabus, prepare an effective time table and allocate time for all the subjects. Further, give some time for the revision and for the mock tests.
- One must revise regularly, it will help you to remember things well. If you just keep on studying it will not help you in anyway.
- One must refer to the previous year question papaers that will help you to understand the exam pattern and the syllabus. Further, you will also undertand question format, marks, and trending topics.
- Giving mock tests will help you effectively. Even it is suggested by the many toppers, as it will give you the feel of the final paper. Further, you will understand your skills better.
Conclusion – PSIR Optional Syllabus
In summary, get the complete details of the UPSC PSIR syllabus in the article. It is a big task to cover the whole syllabus of the IAS exam. However, we are helping you by providing the details of the syllabus. Therefore, it is possible to get a good score in the exam with all your hard work. Further, in our earlier articles, we have covered the complete details of the IAS exam. Besides, following up on a particular exam strategy is essential for any exam.
Hence, we suggest you plan well for the exam. For this purpose, you can read articles on the IAS exam toppers, and there you will understand the tips that are followed by the toppers. So, to help you with this, we have covered the success stories of the IAS and IPS officers. You can read them here. By reading such stories, you will learn about the exam tips, exam books, and their exam journey. So, try to read them for a better understanding of the exam.

FAQs – PSIR Optional Syllabus
Lastly, check out a few FAQs for a better understanding.
Yes, it is one of the popular optional subjects, and it has various advantages. Further, half of the concepts are already present in the prelims.
There are many books available on the subject. Further, above, we have mentioned some of the best books for reference.
Yes, it is one of the best books for the polity optional. One shouldn’t miss out on this book while preparing for the UPSC exam.
It is the subject that is chosen by half of the toppers. It has multiple advantages, and it will even help you with current affairs.
Editor’s Note | PSIR Optional Syllabus
In brief, you will find the complete information of the UPSC political science optional syllabus. It is one of the popular optional subjects chosen by the toppers. If you pick this particular subject, it has many advantages. As half of the concepts are covered in the prelims, it will also help with current affairs. Further, in the article, we have also added book details and some tips for exam preparations. As we all know, one must cover the complete syllabus to get the best results in the exam. Lastly, we wish you all the best for the exams. You can achieve your goals when you come out of your comfort zone. So, prepare well and study hard for the exam. Try to visit the above links, and you will find the necessary information for the exam.