Talking about this article, we will be covering the complete information of the UPSC Ethics Syllabus as there are nine papers in the main exam of the UPSC exam. Therefore, one needs to cover the complete syllabus to get the best results in the exam. In our earlier articles, we have covered the other syllabus of the other subject. Therefore, in this article, we have covered the details of the UPSC ethics subject paper and how to prepare an ethics strategy for the UPSC exam.

Important points on the Ethics Syllabus
Before understanding the syllabus of the Ethics, we will give you important points on the same. Further, it is the GS paper 4.
- In the first place, there are twelve questions in the ethics paper. Further, all questions are compulsory.
- Then, questions are of 10 and 20 marks, it depends on the question type. Usually, for 10 marks you have to write within 150 words. Later, for 20 marks you are required to write within 250 words.
- Further, total marks allotted to this paper are 125 marks.
- Then, talking about the format of the questions, there will be direct concept related questions for 125 marks. Further, you will be having case studies, they ask through the concepts on the situation based.
- Lastly, the nature of this paper differs from one year to year. So, make sure that you are updated with the latest topics for the exam. Further, referring to the previous year question papers, they will help in making understand question pattern, marks, and other important details.
UPSC Ethics Paper Syllabus
Now, we will understand the main concept of the article; below, we have listed the syllabus of ethics subjects and how to prepare for ethics for the UPSC exam.
Ethics and Human Interface
- The essence of Ethics, Determinants and Consequences of Ethics in Human Interaction
- Dimensions of Ethics
- Ethics in private and public relationships
- Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators
- Role of family, society and educational institutions in inculcating moral and ethical value
- Attitude
- Content, structure and function of attitude
- Influence of attitude in thought and behaviour
- Relation of attitude to thought and behaviour
- Social influence and persuasion
- Emotional Intelligence
- Concepts of emotional intelligence
- Utility and application of emotional intelligence in administration and governance
- Aptitude
- Aptitude and foundational values of Civil Service
- Dedication to public service
- Integrity and Objectivity
- Impartiality and non-partisanship

Continued UPSC Ethics Subject Syllabus
- Probity in Governance
- Concept of public service
- The philosophical basis of governance and probity
- Information sharing and transparency in government
- Right to Information
- Codes of ethics
- Codes of Conduct
- Citizen’s Charters
- Work culture
- Utilization of public funds
- Challenges of corruption
- Probity in Governance
- Concept of public service
- Right to Information
- Codes of ethics
- Codes of Conduct
- Citizen’s Charters
- Work culture
- Quality of service delivery
- Utilization of public funds
- Public/Civil Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration
- Status and associated problems
- Ethical concerns and dilemmas in government.
- Laws, rules, regulations and conscience.
- Accountability and ethical governance
- Strengthening of ethical and moral values.
- Ethical Issues in international relations and funding
- Corporate governance
Above are the topics that come under UPSC Ethics Syllabus. Try to cover the complete syllabus for the exam.
Besides, below we have added details of the few books for your reference. Further, we understand it is not possible to read from all the books. So, you can study according to your requirements.
- Ethics in Public Administration by Patrick Sheeran.
- Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by G. Subbarao.
- Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude for IAS General Studies Paper IV – Niraj Kumar
- Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – M Karthikeyan
- NCERT Psychology book Class XI & XII: Syllabus-specific chapters
- Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity, and aptitude- Civil services chronicle
- ARC Reports
- Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude – Santosh Ajmera & Nanda Kishore Reddy

How to prepare Ethics for UPSC
It can be any exam. But, one must have an exam strategy to score well in the exam. Then, know ethics strategy for UPSC exam. So, one needs to have an exam strategy for the Ethics subject as well. So, note down the below points for ethics strategy for the UPSC exam.
- One must refer to the previous year’s question papers. For a better understanding of question patterns, marks distribution, and other details.
- Referring to the best books is essential. To cover all the concepts of the subject, one must study from the standard books. Instead of wasting your time on other books.
- Then, one needs to make the best use of available time. One must give time for all the subjects equally. Further, you can prepare a timetable and follow it and give time for revision as well.
- One must have a habit of writing answer practice. As we already know, the main exam of the IAS is descriptive type. Hence, one must practice writing the answer. It will help you with the exam preparations and write the answer within the given time.
- Also, try to give mock tests and revise regularly. Both methods will definitely help you to score and to improve your skills.
- One must have a habit of reading newspapers daily, and it will help you with the exam preparations. There are application that are available online, you can easily study from them.
As we have already mentioned above, in our other articles, we have covered the information of the IAS exam syllabus, patterns, books, tips, and other related information. So, click here for more details.
You are aware of the ethics strategy for the UPSC exam and UPSC Ethics Syllabus. We will brief you about the IAS exam if you are already aware that the IAS exam syllabus is huge and has three main stages. First, we have a preliminary exam, the main exam, and an interview round. Further, one needs to clear all the stages. Then, in the preliminary exam, we have two papers, and in the main exam, we have 9 papers. The preliminary exam is objective type, and the main exam is descriptive type.
As the syllabus of the exam is vast, many aspirants go for the coaching classes. However, it depends on one person to the other. But, joining classes comes with advantages as well. Further, we have seen examples of aspirants who were able to clear the exam without classes. You can go for the self-study option if you are confident you will cover the complete syllabus. Same time to get the best results working hard is the only option. Good luck with your exam preparations. Make sure that you will use your time effectively and work hard for the exam.
Note – There are many exams that the UPSC conducts, and if you want to know more about the IAS exam. You can go through the official website.
Conclusion – UPSC Ethics Syllabus
To summarize, in this article, we have covered the complete syllabus of the UPSC ethics subject paper information. Further, many topics come under this particular subject. Then, one needs to cover all the topics under each subject to get the best results in the exam. Therefore, in this, we have covered the syllabus of Ethics subject, and book te refer. In our earlier, article you will find all the other details of the UPSC exam. Besides, you will also find important points on the IAS exam. We or any other exam source will help you with exam details, but real hard work must come from you. This article, will help you with how to prepare ethics for the UPSC exam.
To prepare well for the exam. Clearing the IAS exam is hard, but with the right plan and hard work, you can clear the exam. We know it is the toughest, still wesee many students appearing for the exam. As it is the most respected job in India. To make your dream count, one msut work hard and prepare well for the exam.

Then, find a few FAQs for more details
First, one must understand the exam syllabus and know which are the best books for the exam. Further, prepare the timetable study accordingly. Finally, try to refer to the previous year’s papers.
Many materials are available online and textbooks—some of the best books we have mentioned above in the article.
It is one of the most referred books for the polity UPSC exam. But, for more information you can refer to other books.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Ethics Syllabus
In summary, in the above article, you will get the details of the UPSC ethics paper for the exam. Further, we have added information on the Ethics strategy for the UPSC exam. One needs to cover the complete exam syllabus for the IAS exam. One may find difficulty in covering the complete syllabus, but try to study step by step. It is normal to panic, so be calm and start studying with a positive mind. Try to use those tips that we have mentioned above; they will help you with exam preparation. It is possible for one to feel like giving up, but remember why you started and prepare for the exam.