In this article, we will understand the details of one more IPS officer. In this article, we have added information on Nisha Parthiban IPS. Know the details like Nisha Parthiban IPS photos, biodata, husband, age, and other related information. Earlier, we have covered the details of many IAS and IPS officers. By reading the success stories of the officers, all aspirants will be motivated to achieve their goals. So, read the below article and learn more about Nisha Parthiban IPS officer.
Nisha Parthiban IPS Biodata
In the first place, we will have to look into Nisha Parthiban IPS biodata. Nisha Prathiban, from the batch of 2011. Further, she is from New Delhi. Nisha Parthiban IPS’ husband’s name is P Parthiban. Even her husband works as SP, Crime Branch in Tamil Nadu. There is a rule that Indian Service officers are not allowed to choose the same cadre of their spouse if that also belonged to the home cadre. But, these particular rules were triggered by the 2011 IAS-IPS couple as these couples got the same cadre citing marriage grounds. Further, guidelines recently got changed.
Below let us understand the preparation strategies of the IPS officer and details of Nisha Parthiban IPS photos, age, posting, etc.
Talking about the UPSC exam, we know it is the toughest exam in India and the most respected job in India. This exam has three main stages: the Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview round. Further, the Preliminary exam pattern is MCQ, and it consists of two papers, and the Main exam consists of nine papers; it is a descriptive type. Further, as the IAS paper has the biggest syllabus, some may face difficulty covering the complete syllabus. For this purpose, you can take coaching classes or self-study. Both options come with advantages. It is completely your choice, and hard work is essential for both methods. In addition, if you join classes, you can cover the syllabus easily, and in case of any doubts, you can easily contact lectures.
However, we have seen many success stories of officers who could clear the exam without classes in their first attempt. Talking about the current situation, you have the option of taking online coaching. There are many coaching classes; they offer you an online class facility. This solution solves many problems. You will be to save time and money. But, it depends on your requirements and comfort. If you want to know other details related to the IAS exam and other exams conducted by the UPSC, you can go through their official website. It will help you with exam history and the latest news.
Nisha Parthiban IPS had completed M.A. before joining the Indian Police Service.
Exam Strategy followed by Nisha Parthiban IPS Officer
After understanding Nisha Parthiban biodata, age, husband, now, below, we have added the exam tips followed by the Nisha Parthiban. It can be any exam, every one of us follows some exam strategy to score well. For exams like IAS, IPS it is highly required to plan. Try to use the below tips provided by Nisha Parthiban.
- In the first place, she syas one must be selective and balanced. Further, one must understand those areas, where they need improvements. It is essential for candidates to understans their strong and weak points. It will help you plan study pattern.
- One must focus on the Ethics and Essay Paper. Further, she adds it is important for aspirants to score good in these papers. One must prepare well fo these subjects.
- While choosing the optional subject, one must be very careful. One needs to understand their skills and interest. Since optional papers carry a considerable weightage, so it is important for one to prepare well for the optional subjects.
- Further, many focus on studying for the exam, it is important. Along with this, one must also practice writing the answer. As we all know there will be time constraint, one should practice writing the answer, to cover all important points with predefined number of words. Therefore, answer wrting practice is must.
Optional Subject
As we have already mentioned above, one must be careful while choosing the optional subject which syncs with their skill and interest. Below we have added an optional subject chosen by Nisha Parthiban, IPS officer.
- First, she says that, one must undersatndtheir level of interest. For this pupose, one must you can go through the NCERT books of 11th and 12th, you will get an idea about this subject.
- Further, you can also talk with your teachers or peers; who are qualified for the exam.
- You can refer to the previous year question papers, this will help you with a better understanding. Know which are the best books and study material for the exam
- Then, understand performance of the optional subject previous years. As there are some subjects which will not help you get score you wanted.
- Lastly, effective time management. It is essential to cover the complete syllabus and revise. So, make a proper time table and allot time for all the subjects.
Suggestions for the Exam
- As already mentioned, one must know how to manage time. It essential for aspirants to know how to prepare an effective time table.
- Second, understand the complete syllabus and the pattern of the exam. It is the first thing one must do. For this purpose, you can refier previous year question papers.
- Try to revise and give mock tests. These both will help to improve your skills and also to know your areas of improvement.
- Further, read newspapers daily, it will help you with the exam. Current affiars plays a major role in the exam. So, one needs to read newspapers atleast you finish your exams. Then, refer to the best books, to cover such a vast syllabus, it is essential for one to refer to the best books available.
- Along with the above points, one needs to be aware of latest news related to the exam like exam date, admit card, results, etc.
Posting of Nisha Parthiban IPS Officer
Talking about the posting, she was allotted to Tamil Nadu Cadre. Further, in November 2015, she was posted as Deputy Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) in Coimbatore city. Then, her current posting is in Tamil Nadu as SP, Crime Branch. Further, Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram and Union Territory (AGMUT) cadre requested inter-cadre transfer on the grounds of marriage.
Besides, talking about the change in Cadre. PM Narendra Modi approved that in cases where the spouse cannot opt for the same cadre. In that situation, one spouse who belongs to the same state can opt for the next available state. This particular rule is applicable for three services; they are IAS, IPS, and IFoS. Before, officers were not allowed to change cadre on the marriage grounds. But, these problems came to light. The case of the Parthiban couple was due to Mr. Parthiban’s home state being Tamil Nadu and his spouse’s cadre being allotted the same.

Concusion – Nisha Parthiban IPS
In this article, you get Nisha Parthiban IPS photos, age, husband, exam strategy, and other related information. Please read the complete article for more details and understand how she was able to crack the exam. The journey of cracking the IAS and IPS exams is hard. We have seen many who has dropped in the middle. This particular exam will not check only your knowledge but your patience and dedication towards the exam. We believe that reading officers’ success stories will help other aspirants work hard on their goals. Further, if you are interested in reading such inspiring stories, we have added details of officers who cleared the exam in their first attempt and who cleared without coaching. They worked hard on their dreams despite the difficulties they had. Read such stories here. All the best for the exam.
If you are worried about the exam syllabus and pattern, we will help you by providing all information for the exam. In addition, we have added all the information in our other articles like syllabus, pattern, books, tips, eligibility, and other important aspects. Read More.
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Nisha Parthiban is an IPS officer from batch 2011.
It is the authority of Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram and Union Territory (AGMUT) cadre of the Indian Administrative Service.
The youngest IAS officer is Ansar Shaikh.
Editor’s Note | Nisha Parthiban IPS
In the article, you will find the details of the Nisha Parthiban IPS officer. Know about Nisha Parthiban IPS photos, age, biodata, husband, tips, etc. We suggest you use those tips that the Nisha Parthiban IPS officer mentions. To clear such exams, you mainly need hard work and patience. All sources can help you by providing a syllabus and tips, but it depends on working hard and fulfilling your goals. Above, we have also provided links for reading such inspiring stories. We wish you the best wishes for the exam.