As we all know, current affairs are essential for the UPSC exam. So, along with covering the complete syllabus, candidates need to cover current affairs. Further, for this purpose, reading newspapers is necessary. Therefore, in this article, we have added all details related to the How to Read Newspaper for the UPSC exam. Further, we have covered the importance of reading newspaper for the UPSC and topics to read in a newspaper for the UPSC exam.

How to Read Newspaper for UPSC
To begin with, it is a common question that arises in everyone’s mind is How to Read Newspaper for UPSC and which all are the essential topics. Therefore, we will understand all the essential points on the same. Further, not only for the UPSC exam, it is necessary for the other competitive examinations. Therefore, along with the other books, one must read newspapers daily to get the proper knowledge for the exam.
As we all know the difficulty level of the IAS exam, to get the best results and rank in the exam, one must cover the entire syllabus. Further, current affairs are essential for the UPSC exam and also for other competitive exams. Further, in the IAS exam, it is vital for all three rounds. They are the preliminary paper, the main paper, and the interview round. In the IAS prelims, questions will be objective type, and in the IAS main exam, questions will be descriptive type. So, as a whole, one needs to read newspapers for the UPSC. Later, get all details related to the IAS exam by visiting the official website. Below we have added information on the How to Read Newspaper for the UPSC exam.
Importance of Reading newspaper for UPSC
Now it is the natural question of why it is essential to read the newspapers for the UPSC exam.
- In the first place it is important for one to read newspapers to get the latest news around the nation.
- The main reason for the reading a newspaper for the IAS exam is to master the current affairs in the paper.
- Further, around 60-70 percent of the questions posed in the UPSC exam are somewhat related to current affairs.
Some of the essential papers are
- The Hindu
- The Indian Express
- Business Standard
What to Read?
Along with understanding How to Read Newspaper for the UPSC exam. Further, below we have added all essential topics that important for the exam.
- National News – In this one must cover Nationwide schemes/initiatives launched by the government.
- Further, all information related to the ISRO or any scientific development and Election-related news like reforms by the Election Commission.
- All essential deatails reated to the national importance.
- International news – Treaties and agreements signed therein and reporta that are published by the international organizations such as the UN, UNICEF, ASEAN, etc. Example: WHO’s reports on COVID-19, various indexes issued by these organizations.
- Further, political events like uprisings, political coup etc. Eg Israel issue, Rohingya crisis.
- Polity – In this one must cover Parliamentary bills and acts. Eg: Citizenship Amendment Act and Schemes/reforms etc announced by the government.
- Besides, one must cover Ministry-wise schemes and reports, Parliamentary debates, and Verdicts of the supreme court and high courts on important matters.
- Economy – In this one must cover Press releases by SEBI, RBI, NITI Aayog, NASSCOM, ASSOCHAM, etc. Further, reforms and measures introduced by the finance ministry and their implications. Then, Indicators like GDP, CPI, IIP, etc.
- General Knowledge – issues related to environment and biodiversity and Culture and heritage-related news such as the conduct of national programs and events.
- Science and tech news like major developments in the science fields.
- Besides, GI tags, the addition of UNESCO heritage site, etc. Later, News about endangered and extinct species.
Important Tips – How to Read Newspaper for UPSC
We will provide you with some tips to help you in the exam preparations and How to Read Newspaper for the UPSC exam.
- In the first place, one must have a clear understanding of the exam syllabus before you start with the exam preparations. Therefore, refer to the previous year’s question papers. While reading the newspapers, your interest is not important on the topics, it is about reading relevant topics.
- As we all know, many things are present on the paper. But, one should try to read-only those topic that is important from the exam point of view. As it is easy, you keep on reading the complete paper, and those topics are not essential. It will be a waste of your time.
- Making notes is a vital component while reading the article. Further, for this try to have digital notes rather than handwritten as they consume a lot of time and energy. There are many apps that help you with the same.
- One must assign a proper time for reading the newspaper daily. As it is difficult to understand and remember all topics. So, try to revise all topics regularly.
- Further, talking about the IAS exam. One needs to give mock tests, it will help you in an understanding of the final paper pattern. Many platforms offer you mock tests, test series.
- These days many apps help you get details on the newspapers as they come in handy and are easy to understand.
Continued – How to Read Newspaper for UPSC
- esides, referring to the previous year’s paper is vital. It will give you a clear understanding of the question pattern, marks, and trending topics.
- Try to classify all topics into various categories like geography, polity, economics, environment, ecology, science, and technology, etc. It is not necessary to go in-depth in most cases. Just try to read about the main points, understand the basic problem, the key figures and people involved, the policy/law.
- Further, try to read monthly compilations for quick revision and weekly revision. It is the only way to remember all important topics. Give extra time and read from the editorials. Editorials are a vital source for taking inspiration for answer writing for UPSC Mains.
- Lastly, don’t read a lot of papers; keep it simple and read from the standard papers for the UPSC exam preparations.
Other Sources
Further, below we have added other sources along with newspapers. So, check out the below points on current affairs, it will help you with the exam.
- Yojana Magazine – It is one of the famous magazines for the UPSC exam preparations. This magazine includes relevant and authentic information since the government of India itself publishes it.
- Online Sources – Now, there are many online sources available. They contain all relevant information.
- TV news – is also a great source of information, and it is best to understand what is happening around.
- Press Information Bureau (PIB)
- PRS India
- Websites of various ministries
Further, read more here for information on current affairs. In the link, we have added details on the various newspapers and magazines, other sources. Further, know more about the How to Read Newspaper for UPSC.
Conclusion – How to Read Newspaper for UPSC
In summary, we have added all information on the importance of reading newspaper for UPSC and How to Read Newspaper for UPSC. Further, for the UPSC exam and all the other competitive exams, one needs to read newspapers for the IAS exam. We have added all the vital topics and some tips that are important for the exam. This article will help you effectively in the exam preparations. Further, some sources are available online. It will help you in giving details on the same. Besides, we have added all information related to the IAS exam like exam syllabus, pattern, books, tips, How to Read Newspaper for UPSC, and other details. Click Here.
Some of the essential FAQs below on the topics to read in a newspaper for UPSC
What newspaper should I read for UPSC?
Some of the newspapers for the UPSC exam preparations are the Hindu, the Indian Express, and Business Standard.
Study and understand the topics, make bullet points in fewer words, and cover all essential points.
Some important magazines are Yojana, Kurukshetra, Economic, and Political Weekly, Down to Earth.
Editor’s Note | How to Read Newspaper for UPSC
In the above article, we have added information on the How to Read Newspaper for UPSC, best newspaper for UPSC, the importance of reading newspaper for UPSC, and topics to read in newspaper for UPSC exam. This article will help you with the IAS exam preparations. Along with the exam syllabus, one needs to read newspapers for the exam. Further, to get the best results in the exam, one needs to work hard and put in special efforts. Try to avoid reading a lot of papers, read-only some of the standard newspapers and magazines. Further, make a proper timetable and give time for all subjects and for the revision. We wish you good luck with the exams. Besides, we have provided all the necessary links that will help you with the exam preparations.