There are multiple exams that the UPSC conducts. Further, we all know that the IAS exam is tough, and it requires a lot of hard work and special effort. Therefore, today we will try to understand the education qualification for IAS and IPS, which the UPSC conducts. Then, if you are planning to write any of these exams, it will help you understand details like IAS officer qualification and UPSC exam qualification. There are many things to be taken care of from filling application form till you get results. Studying for the exam is one part. But, taking care of other things like application form, fees, eligibility, exam dates, etc., these all are equally important. So, in the article, you will find all the required information.

IAS Exam
In the first place, we will understand the IAS exam. So, in the IAS exam, there are three stages, namely the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview round. Further, one needs to clear each stage to go to the next one. So, although there are lakhs of students who apply for the exam, in the end, there will be only a few students who clear the exam. But, then, every exam consists of its own qualifications. Then, both the exams IAS and IPS are equally difficult. So, you are required to work hard to make your dream count. Hence, even the IAS and IPS exam comes with UPSC exam qualification. We will try to understand them in detail below. Make sure that you will know the points well and apply for the exam.
Then, to score good marks in the exam, you need motivation. To get motivation, reading the life stories of other IAS officers will help you. So, we have covered stories of various IAS and IPS officers. Read More. Then, you can visit the official website for more details on the IAS exam.
IAS Officer Qualification
Now, we will try to understand all the information about the UPSC exam qualification. So, it mainly consists of the below requirements.
- In the first place, we have Age criteria and relaxation
- Educational Qualification
- Nationality
- Physical Standard
- Lastly, Number of attempts allowed
These are the main IAS qualifications; now, we explain each one of them below. So, take care of all the details to avoid future problems in the exam.
Age Criteria and Relaxation
To begin with, we have an age limit. So, one needs to fall under the age between 21 and 32. Further, there will be relaxation provided for some categories. In the below table, we have added the relaxation period for various categories. Then, if you belong to other categories, make sure that you understand the below table well.
Category | Maximum Age Limit for IAS (UPSC CSE) |
General | 32 Years |
Other Backward Castes (OBC) | 35 Years |
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) | 32 Years |
SC/ST | 37 Years |
Physically Disabled Candidates | 42 Years |
- Three years of relaxation is given for the case of Defence Services Personnel, disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country.
- Then, five years of relaxation is given for the candidates who belong to ex-servicemen including Commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered Military services for at least five years as of August 01, 2021
- Finally, there will be a relaxation of 5 years for the case of ECOs/SSCOs

Education Qualification for IAS
Then next, in IAS Qualification, we have education qualifications for IAS.
- In the first place, one must hold a graduation degree from any University which the Act of Parliament has incorporated.
- Then, all those students who have written their final exams and waiting for the results can also apply for the preliminary exam. Further, they are required to produce proof of passing the said examination and the Main Examination application.
- Next, all those with professional and technical degrees can apply for the exam as recognized by the Government of India.
- Lastly in education qualification for IAS, all those who have completed the MBBS, but yet to complete the internship, can also apply for the exam. Further, they are required to send a copy of the certificate from the concerned authority of the University/Institution along with the IAS Online Application.
So, these points fall under education qualification for IAS.
Coming to the Nationality, below conditions are applied,
- a citizen of India or Nepal, or Bhutan
- Or a Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 and settled in India.
- Then, all those who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibetan refuge and settled in India. They are required to provide a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India.
Physical Standard
Further, if you want to become an IAS officer, you need to be fit and fine. Further, there will be certain requirements that the UPSC gives, and one needs to have them.

Number of attempts allowed
Lastly, we have several attempts. In the below table, we have added the details of the number of attempts for various categories. There will be relaxation provided, but one needs to take care of the age limit.
Category | Number of IAS Attempts |
General | 6 Attempts |
Other Backward Castes (OBC) | 9 Attempts |
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) | 6 Attempts |
SC/ST | Till the age limit |
Physically Disabled Candidates | For General and OBC aspirants: 9 Attempts SC/ST Aspirants: Unlimited times till the age limit |
So, above are the IAS officer qualification; it is a must for all the candidates to have them. To become an IAS officer or apply for the exam, make sure you understand all the conditions.
IPS Qualification
Let us briefly understand IPS qualifications; for the IAS officer, even to become an IPS officer, one needs to have certain qualifications; we have listed them below/UPSC exam qualification.
IPS stands for Indian Police Service. IPS is the management cadre of Indian Police, and the officers selected as IPS provide leadership to the Indian Police Forces. Similarly for IAS, even the IPS exam consists of three main stages, namely.
- Preliminary Exam
- Mains Exam
- Lastly, Interview/Personality Test
Further, talking about the IPS qualifications, we have Nationality, Age limit, and educational qualifications. So even for this exam, you have to clear all the stages to become an IPS officers. Therefore, below we have covered all details of the IPS exam.
IPS Officer Qualification
- Nationality – In the first place, one should be a citizen of India.
- Age Limit – candidate’s age must be between 21 and 32. Then, there will be relaxation provided for some categories like,
Category | Maximum Age Limit for IAS (UPSC CSE) |
General | 32 Years |
Other Backward Castes (OBC) | 35 Years |
SC/ST | 37 Years |
Physically Disabled Candidates | 42 Years |
- Number of Attempts – Check out the below table for the details on the number of attempts for the various categories.
Category | Number of IPS Attempts |
General | 6 Attempts |
Other Backward Castes (OBC) | 9 Attempts |
SC/ST | Till the age limit |
Physically Disabled Candidates | For General and OBC aspirants: 9 Attempts SC/ST Aspirants: Unlimited times till the age limit |
- Education Qualifications – Then, you are required to have a Bachelor’s Degree or an equivalent qualification from any recognized University.
So, above are the requirements which are essential for one to have to write the IPS exam. Make sure that you know all the details perfectly before writing the exam.

Conclusion – IAS Officer Qualification
To conclude, in the article, you will find all the details of the IAS and UPSC/IPS exam qualifications details. For any exam, understanding the exam conditions is essential. So, we have added all the details; it will save you time. Therefore, read the complete article for the complete details. Further, we have added all the qualifications that are essential for the IAS and the IPS exam. Before applying for the exam, make sure that you have read all the details properly; one must qualify for all the conditions. So, it will be helpful for you if you take care of things well before. Then, the main thing is to study hard; if you make the right plan, it is possible to get good results.
Note – As already mentioned, IAS and IPS exams are challenging. Therefore, you have to take care of many things, to save your time. Therefore, we have added all the essential information that will help you with the exam preparations. So, read our articles for more information on the IAS exam. Read More. Then, we suggest you make the best use of the time and give time to all the subjects. Further, have a habit of reading newspaper, it is as important as other subjects. Also, give mock tests regularly; it will help you to remember things. By reading our article, you will also find details of books, tips, and other details. We wish you all the very best for the exam, do well.
FAQs – IAS Officer Qualification
Finally, we have added FAQs for a better understanding of IAS officer Qualification.
In the IAS exam, we have subjects like History, Geography, Political Science / Civics, Economics, General Science – Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Further, the IAS exam has a vast syllabus, and one needs to cover everything,
180 IAS Officers are Appointed Every Year
To become an IAS officer, you must have a bachelor’s degree from any field from a recognized university.
The youngest IAS officer of India is Ansar Shaikh.
The IAS training is for 2 years.
In the IAS and the IPS exams, your hard work and efforts are required. But, then, they are tough, but you can clear them with the proper plan. Lakhs of students apply for the exam every year. But, a few make it till the end.
Editor’s Note | IAS Qualification
In brief, you will find information on the UPSC exam and education qualification for IAS. Further, we have all other important qualifications essential for the IAS and IPS exams. Then, you need also to understand exam patterns and the syllabus of the exam. So, make sure that you will take care of all things before applying for the exam. To get a good score in the exam working hard is essential. You cannot expect good results without working hard enough. We have seen many examples of IAS officers who have cleared the exam with good ranks. Therefore, it is possible for you as well; it just needs your hard work and dedication. Lastly, we wish you good luck with the exams. Work hard and make your dream count.