In the article, we will try to understand the CAPF Syllabus. Understanding the syllabus of the exam is essential. Before applying for the exam, one needs to look at the syllabus to help you with exam preparation. So, let us understand the UPSC CAPF AC syllabus, exam pattern, and other essential information.

Before understanding the UPSC CAPF exam syllabus, will try to understand the purpose of the CAPF exam. Further, CAPF stands for The Central Armed Police Forces, and it refers to the uniform nomenclature of seven security forces in India under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Then, go through the official website for more information.
UPSC CAPF Exam Pattern
Now, we will understand the pattern of the exam in detail below. Understanding patterns and the syllabus of any exam is essential to score well in the exam.
Particulars | Details |
Name of the exam | Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) Assistant Commandants (AC) |
Conducting Body | Union Public Service Commission |
Selection | Three Rounds |
First Round | Written Test |
Second Round | Physical ability test |
Third Round | Interview/ Personality Test |
- In the first place, the UPSC CAPF exam has two papers of written format.
- Then, Paper 1 is the General Ability and Intelligence, and Paper 2 is the descriptive type.
- Paper 1 is multiple choice, and Paper 2 will check the language proficiency of the candidate.
- Further, Paper 1 is for 2 hours, consists of 200 questions, and Paper 2 for 3 hours and consists of 6 descriptive-type questions.
- Then, Paper 1 carries 250 marks, and Paper 2 carries 200 marks.

Marking Scheme
So, after understanding the exam pattern details, now let us know the marking scheme of the exam. As we have mentioned earlier, paper 1 is multiple choice, and paper 2 is descriptive. Further, paper 1 has 250 marks, and paper 2 has 200 marks. So then, the negative marking is only applicable for paper 1.
- In the first place, 1/3rd marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
- Then, if the question had two answers, it will be considered as the wrong answer and marks will be deducted even if any one of the answers is right
- There won’t be any deductions, if you haven’y answered the question.
- Paper II, it is the descriptive type and there will be 6 questions and marks given 200.
- Then, paper II has no negative marking and third round is the interview round that carries 150 marks.
CAPF Exam Syllabus
Further, it is time to understand the exam UPSC CAPF AC syllabus. Therefore, below we have added the details. First, we will look at the paper 1 syllabus and followed by the paper 2 syllabus below.
Paper I
Paper 1 General Ability Syllabus
This section will check your logical and analytical thinking. Then, your numerical knowledge to get good scores to practice well for that section where your skills are up to the mark. Topics we have mentioned below.
Analogies, Arrangements, Syllogisms, Spatial Orientation, Arithmetical Reasoning, Coding and Decoding, Figural Classification, Problem Solving, Space Visualization, Decision Making, Analysis, Ranking, Visual Memory, Arithmetic Number Series, Statement Conclusion, Relationship Concepts, etc.
Then, in Paper 1, we have also had Intelligence. This section will check your knowledge of the scientific phenomena of everyday observation, general awareness. Further, it also consists of current affairs; it is important for the competitive exams. You have to know what’s happening around the world and in the country. We suggest you know about the culture, literature, music, arts, sports, societal and developmental issues, governance, business, industry,
So, the syllabus for the Intelligence is General Mental Ability, Indian and World Geography, General Science, Indian Polity and Economy, History of India, Current Events of National and International Importance. So, this indicates that one must be aware of all the factors related to India and the world.

Paper II
Then, in paper 2, we have two parts, part A and part B.
Part A – So, in this section, you have to answer in narrative form, either in English or Hindi. Further, there will be 80 marks allotted for this section. Then, the topics we have mentioned below.
Part‐B – Total of part B is 120 marks covering questions related to comprehension, precis writing, and other communication or language skills.
Further, topics that come under Paper-II are mentioned below.
Essay Writing, Comprehension, Precis Writing, Counter Argument, Communications, Report Writing, Language Skills, Grammar, Vocabulary, etc.
History India, Geography – India, About India, Indian National Movement, Eminent Personalities, Cultural Heritage, Environment, Economic, General Polity, Current Events – National and International, General Science, Indian Constitution, Science, and Technology.
Interview Round – CAPF Syllabus
Finally, in the interview round. Once you clear the Physical and Medical exams, applicants will be invited to the CAPF Interview or Personality Test. Further, in the interview round, there will be 150 marks. All those who are selected for the interview round, supposed to fill the form called Comprehensive Application Form (DAF), which is required to give their preferences for the armed forces like BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, and SSB.
Then, the final list will be announced by the UPSC by considering all the scores obtained by the candidates in the written exam and performance in the interview round.
We all know referring to good books is essential. Therefore, below we have mentioned the details of the books that will help you with the exam preparations.
- UPSC CAPF AC Examination by Lucent Publication
- UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam Practice Workbook by Kiran Prakashan.
- CAPF Assistant Commandant AC Exam by Arihant Books
- CAPF Assistant Commandants (AC) Examination by Ramesh Publishing House
Suggestions for the Exam
Further, we will try to help you with your exam preparation by providing you some suggestions for the exam.
- Time Management – This is one of the most important things in any exam. One who knows how to utilize the provided time he will be able to achieve many things in life. So, we suggest you make a proper timetable and give time for the topics to cover all the topics.
- Syllabus and Pattern – Further, knowing the exam pattern and the syllabus is equally important. Before you start studying for the exam, make sure that you know the exam syllabus and the pattern well. It will help you study effectively for the exam. In the article, we have added the complete details of the exam.
- Mock Tests and Revision – Giving mock tests and revising will help you remember things. Therefore, we strongly suggest you give mock tests; you will understand your skills better and areas of improvement. Before studying, try to recollect what you had studied the previous day, by doing so, you can remember things well, it will also help you during exam time.
- Current Affairs – Give equal importance to current affairs. To get a good score in the exam, you have to cover all the topics. Therefore, have a habit of reading the newspaper daily atleast till you finish your exams. Lastly, give equal importance to all rounds and practice for the interview round as well. So, try to use these tips while studying for the exam, it will surely help you to score good marks in the exam.
UPSC CAPF Exam Dates
Further, look at the below table for the details of the UPSC CAPF exam dates. Then, one needs to keep track of the latest information related to the exam not to miss anything important.
Event | Date |
CAPF AC 2021 Official Notification | April 15, 2021 |
Starting of CAPF AC 2021 Application form | April 15, 2021 |
Last date to fill the application form | May 05, 2021 |
CAPF AC 2021 Written | August 08, 2021 |
CAPF AC 2021 Written Test Result | October-November 2021 |
Personality Test | To be announced |
Note – UPSC CAPF AC Syllabus
One needs to enter the examination hall 20 minutes before the scheduled time. Further, you are not allowed to enter the hall if you are late more than 10 min. Don’t forget to bring a black ballpoint pen for the exam. You have to use only a black ballpoint pen. Then, also carry admit card and other documents.

Conclusion – CAPF Syllabus
To conclude, in the article, we have added all the information on the UPSC CAPF AC syllabus and UPSC CAPF exam pattern. Understanding the exam pattern and the syllabus is essential for any exam. Then, if you have a plan for writing this particular exam, it will surely help you by providing all the necessary details. Also, try to use the tips which are mentioned above. Lastly, all the very best for the exams, prepare well, and work hard for good results.
Note – Further, if you are interested in reading the details of the UPSC CAPF exam like eligibility, full form, dates, and other details. Read More.
FAQs – CAPF Syllabus
We have added a few FAQs for more understanding.
All the exams which are conducted by the UPSC are difficult. Talking about the UPSC CAPF exams, the number of vacancies is less, and applying candidates are more. Therefore, one needs to work hard to crack the exam.
UPSC CAPF exam pattern has two papers. Paper 1 is objective type, and paper 2 is of descriptive type. Then, the final round in Interview.
ParaMilitary forces are concerned with the work of protecting the citizens of the country, and the CAPF is for protecting the borders and sensitive zones.
Editor’s Note | CAPF Syllabus
In brief, we have covered all the details of the UPSC CAPF AC exam syllabus and the exam pattern. Then, get some tips that will help you with the exam. By reading this article, your confusion with the exam syllabus and the pattern will be reduced. It is possible to get some difficulties in the exam but don’t give up. Exams are tough, but you can get a good score in the exam with proper practice. We wish you good luck with the exam. Don’t lose hope, if you want to make your dream count, make sure that you will work hard for it.