To begin with, IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. We already know that it is believed to be the most difficult exam. Many students apply for the exam but only a few can clear it. Then, the IAS exam has a huge syllabus and one needs to cover everything. So, if you are planning to write the IAS exam, you must take care of many things. Even though it is the toughest exam, you will also find many examples of people who have cleared without training and also in the first attempt. So, it is not impossible, it is surely possible with all your efforts. Today in this article we will discuss how to become an IAS officer, full form, salary and other important details.

IAS (Indian Administrative Service) Exam
In the first place, to write the IAS exam, there are certain conditions you need to pass. Then, the IAS exam had three stages namely Prelims, then Main Exam, and lastly Interview round. You need to clear each stage to go to the next one. In the IAS exam, there are many things to taken care of exam syllabus, pattern, application form and many other things. IAS exam is surely a hard one but it is possible to clear with the right plan and hard work. So, make sure that, if you are an IAS aspirant you are focused on your dreams and focus on the studies to make your dreams come true. All the best.
IAS full form = Indian Administrative Service
Then, the IAS exam is held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment of officers for the All India Administrative Civil Service.
Then, for more details on the IAS exam, you can visit here. Read More
IAS Officer Profile
So, if you have a dream of becoming an IAS officer, you might be aware of what is the duty of an IAS officer. There will be a question arising that why the IAS exam is so popular and why there is so much respect for the position. So, we will tell you what is the duty of the IAS officer and how to become an IAS officer.
Then, if you are aware, an IAS officer handles all the functionalities related to the Government. It is concerning the state level, district level, divisional level. They look after framing new policies and implementation of the policies. Also, concerned with the district affairs and development duties and then looking after the law and order, developmental works, and general administration.
Then, if you know becoming a collector, is one of the jobs an IAS officer handles in his/her career. Also, being secretary various departments they look after the organizations and takes it further.
Then, coming to the career options, members of the Indian Administrative Service hold various administrative posts like
- District Collector
- Heads of Departments
- Head of Public Enterprises at the state level
- Lastly, they also are posted on deputation to the Central Government to various posts.
Eligibility – IAS Officer
Then, we will take a quick look at the IAS Exam eligibility, know the below points
- Nationality – The candidate must be a citizen of India or Nepal or A subject of Bhutan
- Education Qualification – Then, in this one must hold a Graduate Degree from a recognized University.
- Age Limit – Lastly, one must be a in the age between 21 years and 32 years. Then, there will be relaxation some reserved categories.
Then, for more details on the IAS exam eligibility, you can check out this article.
So, for more details on the exam syllabus and the pattern, you can check here.
IAS officer Salary Details

Now, we will discuss the main part of this article i.e., IAS officer salary. UPSC IAS is the toughest exam and highly competitive in nature. As we already mentioned above you need to be aware of many things if you are planning to write one, so even about the salary structure. Being an IAS officer you have ample opportunities for career growth. a
So, the basic pay of an IAS officer starts from Rs. 56100/-. Then, after promotions, the maximum salary can go on to reach Rs. 2,50,000/- for the position of Cabinet Secretary. So, we have provided you with the details of IAS officer salary, pay scale, allowances, facilities, and other perks offered to an IAS officer according to the grade-wise pay scale and after the 7th Pay Commission.
Salary Structure
Then, in the below table, we have mentioned according to the scale, the entry level salary and the highest salary of IAS officer.
Post | Salary Per Month |
IAS Starting Salary | Rs. 56100/- |
Highest Salary of IAS Officer (Cabinet Secretary) | Rs. 250000/- |
So, below we have given example of an IAS Officer salary slip for Junior Scale or Entry Level position.
Basic Pay – Rs 56,100
Dearance Allowance 2% – Rs 1,122
Travel Allowance – Rs 3,200
DA on Travel Allowance 125% – Rs 4,000
Deduction – Rs 6287
So, Total IAS Salary in Hand – Rs 58,135

IAS Officer Salary
Then, as per the 7th Pay Commission recommendation, an IAS Officer salary at the start is Rs 56,100 per month. Apart from the basic IAS Officer Salary, they also receive Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Travel Allowance (TA) and other allowances. Also, the salary of IAS officers varies based on their level and the grade.
So, for more details on the IAS officer salary, you can click below.
SI.NO | Grade | Pay Scale |
1 | Under Secretary in Government of India | Senior time Scale (PB-3 with Rs 6600 Grade Pay) after completion of four years of service. |
2 | Deputy Secretary in Government of India | Junior Administrative Grade (PB-3 with Rs 7600 Grade Pay) after completion of 9 years of service. |
3 | Director in Government of India | Gets Selection Grade (PB-4 with Rs 8700 Grade Pay) after completion of 13 years of service |
4 | Join Secretary to Government of India / Secretary in State Government | Super time Scale (PB-4 with Rs 10000 Grade Pay) after completion of 16 years of service |
5 | Additional Secretary in Government of India / Principal Secretary in State Government | Gets Higher Administrative after completion of 25 years of service. |
6 | Secretary ton Government of India / Chief Secretary | Apex Scale (Rs 80000 fixed) after completion of 30 years of service. |
7 | Cabinet Secretary | 90000 fixed |
Gross & In-Hand IAS Salary
Gross IAS Salary = Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + HRA + TA + other allowances
Then, the gross salary will include Basic Pay, Grade Pay, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Travel Allowance & other allowances. Along with that, IAS officers also receive other benefits.
Perks and Allowances

So, as we already have mentioned along with the salary, an IAS officer good perks and allowance. Then, below we have listed all of them.
- Home Rent Allowance
- Dearness Allowance
- Travel Allowance
- Official Accommodation
- Service Quarter
- Office Vehicles
- Security
- Electricity Bills
- Phone Bills
- Trips
- Household Staff
- Study leave
- Medical Expenses
- Pensions
- Unofficial Benefits
- Lastly, Post Retirement Benefits
Conclusion – IAS Officer
To conclude, in this article we have mentioned all the details related to the IAS full form (Indian Administrative Service) salary,. You will find all the details like IAS full form, salary structure and all the other related details. So, if you want to know all the things related to the IAS officer salary, this article, will surely help you. Then, for the IAS Exam, you must know all the details of the exam syllabus, pattern, application form details, age limit etc. So, for more details on the same, know more. Lastly, we wish you all the best for the exams.
Lastly, below we have listed some of the FAQ, which will give you more idea about the IAS officer salary. So, take a look at the below points.
The entry-level salary is Rs. 56100/- and then the maximum salary is Rs. 2,50,000 per month.
As you all know, besides the salary an IAS officer gets good amount of perks like HRA, DA, TA, official accommodation, service quarter, trips, household staff, office vehicles, security, free electricity & phone bills, study leave, medical expenses, pensions, and other benefits.
So, after the 7th pay commission, the basic salary of an IAS officer is increased from Rs 21,000 to Rs 56,100.
So, if you compare IAS and the IFS. The IFS officer salary structure is also higher than the IAS officer salary structure. It is because of more or the higher allowances. However, the IAS is all India service and the IFS is a Central Service.
Editor’s Note | IAS Officer
In brief, in this article, we have added the details of IAS officer salary, IAS full form, salary and all the other details. You will find all the details related to the IAS salary, pay scale, perks and allowances. So, if you are planning to write the exam, and want to know about salary, this article will be of great help. It is essential for one knows everything about the exam before writing. So, make good research and apply for the exam. Lastly, we wish you good luck with the exams. We suggest you put in all your efforts and hard so that your dreams will turn into reality. Whenever you feel like quitting always remember why you started it.