Every year UPSC conducts examinations for some of the most reputable services in India. Today, we shall talk about the upsc paper 2019. We will also deeply analyze the trend over the years. The UPSC exam consists of three stages. Firstly, you need to pass the preliminary examination. Secondly, you need to clear the Mains examination. Once you clear the prelims and mains, you’ll be eligible for the Interview or the personality test. In order to succeed in the examination, you need an overall understanding of the papers. It is important for students who wish to prepare for the year 2020 or any other year. They shall gain immense help from this UPSC Question Paper 2019 analysis. We are also providing you with upsc prelims 2019 question paper pdf ahead in this article. We shall also take an in-depth analysis of the upsc mains 2019 question paper.
About UPSC Question Paper 2019:
The preliminary test is an Objective type test. Whereas, the mains examination is descriptive in nature. UPSC follows a negative marking system in the preliminary test. It comprises of GS Paper I and GS Paper-II. GS Paper I is a merit-based paper whereas GS Paper-II is of qualifying nature. One must score at least 33% in GS Paper-II. For GS Paper 1 a candidate must score as per the cut-off. The Mains examination consists of 9 Papers. Only those candidates who pass the preliminary test are eligible for the second stage of the exam.

Paper Pattern for UPSC Mains Paper 2019
Let us first talk about the paper pattern for the mains exam. Then we will move ahead with the detailed question paper analysis.

Every paper is of 3 hours each. Except for Paper A and Paper B are merit-based papers. However, Paper A and Paper B are of qualifying nature. Students can choose their Optionals first. They can then prepare for papers VI and VII. Candidates can attempt papers in any language mentioned in the Eighth Schedule. However, paper A and paper B are an exception to this provision. You can answer your optional paper in English, even if you have attempted other papers in a different language.
Paper Pattern for Prelims 2019
Generally speaking, UPSC conducts the preliminary test in order to eliminate the non-serious candidates. It takes a firm strategy and preparation to clear the preliminary test. The preliminary examination is of 200 marks. It consists of 100 questions. Each question carries 2.5 marks. UPSC follows the negative marking system. With each incorrect answer, you will lose 0.66 marks respectively. Let us now analyze the prelims paper 2019. We shall also look at the upsc prelims 2019 question paper pdf.
Subject wise questions trend analysis – GS Paper 1
Firstly, we shall begin by discussing current affairs. Last year, 22 questions were asked from the Current Affairs section. The trend has been followed for many years now. Current affairs form a majority of questions in the prelims test. Therefore, we can now understand the importance of daily newspaper reading. Current affairs can be covered through magazines, reports, surveys, etc. Secondly, we will talk about History as a subject in the prelims exam. There were 17 questions from history in the year 2019. This frequency of questions asked makes it one of the most important subjects after current affairs.
Next, comes Geography. The prelims paper of 2019 consisted of 14 questions from the Geography section. On average, 10 questions are asked from geography since 2011. Thus, geography is an important subject to strategically score in prelims. This year the polity section bagged 15 questions. Polity is a very comprehensive subject. It is a significant subject for both prelims and mains. In the year 2017, the prelims paper comprised of as much as 22 questions. This is the highest number of questions asked from the polity topic. On average, you can expect 13 questions from the polity and governance section.
After this let us look at the Economy section. Over the years, around 14 questions have been asked from the Economy section. In 2019, the prelims paper comprised of 14 economy questions. The maximum number of questions asked from the economy section was 19. Science and Technology made up for around 7 questions in 2019. On average, 9 questions are asked from this section from 2011. Another important section of the prelims paper is Environment. Prelims paper 2019 had 11 questions from this section.

UPSC Prelims 2019 Question Paper PDF
In short, each subject is more or less of equal weightage in the prelims exam. Anyone who’s well prepared for these subjects for mains can easily solve prelims papers. To ease your way towards your goals, we’re here providing you with the pdf of prelims question paper 2019. Accordingly, you can download the pdf below.
UPSC prelims 2019 question paper pdf GS Paper 1: Download Here.
UPSC prelims 2019 question paper pdf GS Paper 2: Download Here.
CSAT 2019 Analysis
Civil Services Aptitude Test(CSAT) or the GS Paper 2 consists of the following subjects:
- Logical Reasoning.
- Quantitative Aptitude.
- Reading Comprehension.
- Data Interpretation.
- Decision Making.
- Math and Basic Numeracy.
The above topics together form the CSAT paper.
Check out the Best CSAT Books for UPSC: Click here.
It is really important to choose the right books for your prelims preparation. The first step towards your goals is qualifying for the preliminary exam. Firstly we shall start talking about Math. In 2019, UPSC asked 32 questions from this section. Math and Numeracy carried the maximum weightage in prelims 2019. This makes it one of the most important topics for CSAT preparations. It requires regular practice and revision to clear this section. As a result, you will not lose marks.
Secondly, let’s talk about logical and analytical reasoning. This topic formed 18 questions in prelims 2019. Therefore, it is another important topic for your prelims. Next, we will talk about Reading Comprehension. There were around 30 questions from this section. Thereby, making it the next significant area to focus on. Prelims 2019 comprised of only three types of questions. The questions asked were from Math and Numeracy, Logic and Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. There were no questions from Decision making and Data Interpretation. However, it is not a healthy habit to focus only on certain topics and skip others. Hence, as a serious aspirant, you must prepare all topics comprehensively.
UPSC Mains Paper 2019
QP CSM19 General Studies I Download
General Studies II PDF Download
QP CSM19 General Studies III Download
General Studies IV PDF Download
GS Paper 1:
GS Paper 1 consists of History, Geography, and Social issues. Within History, we have the subheads namely, Art and Culture, Modern History, and World History. Then we have Geography. Geography is subdivided into two subheads. First is World and Indian Physical Geography. Second is the Important Geophysical Phenomenon. Social Issues are mainly about Women Empowerment, Indian Society, etc. Let us now analyze the topics as per their significance in upsc mains paper 2019.
The upsc mains paper 2019 had fairly moderate level questions. Most of the questions were analytical in nature. Others were of static or logical nature. There was one question from Art and Culture. This question was based on Gandhara Art for 150 words 10 marks. Next, there were four questions from Modern History. They were mostly analytical in nature. Accordingly, two of them were for 10 marks. The rest two were for 250 marks each. There was only one question from World history in upsc mains 2019 question paper. This question was based on ideas like the American and French revolution. Therefore, these questions were of moderate level. There were eight questions from Geography. Therefore, it is an important topic of upsc mains 2019 question paper. The questions were analytical in nature. One must prepare rigorously to ace this subject.
The upsc mains 2019 question paper GS 1 comprised of 6 questions from the Indian Society section. These topics need an integrated and holistic approach. Hence, this completes the GS paper 1 of upsc mains 2019 question paper analysis. Now let us move ahead towards GS Paper 2.
GS Paper 2:
GS Paper 2 consists of Indian Polity and Governance. It also consists of International Relations and Social Justice. The Mains 2019 paper for GS 2 was said to be one of the lengthiest Paper. It was also a difficult paper in recent years. The maximum number of questions were asked from Indian Polity. There were 16 questions on Indian Polity and four questions on International Relations. The difficulty level of questions in GS Paper 2 2019 was higher. Therefore, one must be thorough with important concepts. In order to answer these questions, you must understand constitutional articles as well. There were 8 questions with a high difficulty level. Then, there were 7 moderate level questions. Lastly, there were 5 easy level questions.
General Studies Paper 3:
GS Paper 3 consists of Economy and Science and Technology. Additionally, it also contains Biodiversity and Environment. Lastly, it includes Internal Security and Disaster Management as well. Now, let us first talk about the Economy subject. Overall questions asked were easy to moderate level. There were 9 questions from the Economy section. Secondly, let’s discuss Science and Technology. There were only 3 questions from this section. Questions ranged from moderate to easy level. Thirdly, we will talk about the Environment section. The environment section was given a slot for only 2 questions in 2019. One question was static. Whereas the other one was based on current affairs. Consequently, we will talk about Disaster management first. Then we will talk about Internal Security. There were 2 moderate level questions from disaster management. Whereas, there were 4 questions from Internal security. These questions were of moderate and difficult levels.
General Studies Paper 4:
GS paper 4 consists of Ethics and Integrity. It also consists of Aptitude. The paper is divided into two sections. Firstly, let us talk about Section A. Section A questions demanded basic understanding. It also required the application of concepts. It consists of quotes or sayings of different philosophers. Therefore, the questions need to be answered accordingly. Next, we shall talk about Section B. Section B is mainly based on Case Studies. This year’s case studies were comparatively short and easy to understand. Most of the questions required solutions based on the case study. In order to suggest measures to the case study, a holistic study of topics is important.

UPSC Question Paper 2019 – Essay
In addition to the above-mentioned papers, UPSC conducts an essay paper. This paper is worth 250 marks. The time duration for the essay paper is 3 hours. Candidates are provided with 8 essay topics. However, the paper is divided into two sections. Section A has 4 essay topics. Aspirants must attempt one out of them. Likewise, Section B has 4 essay topics. Aspirants must attempt one of them as well. Thus, altogether candidates need to attempt two essays out of the 8 topics. Further, let’s analyze the essay paper for mains 2019.
Firstly, we will talk about Section A. Section A consisted of 4 essay topics. These topics were majorly general in nature.
Section A
The essay topics in Section A are mentioned below:
- Wisdom finds Truth.
- Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be.
- Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society.
- Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to improve.
Secondly, we will talk about Section B. Section B topics were more specific and knowledge-based. On the contrary, Section A was more general. It required a philosophical approach. Section B had topics based on Science and technology. The topics here required a multi-dimensional approach.
Section B
Accordingly, we have mentioned the essay topics in Section B below:
- South Asian societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and identities.
- Neglect of primary health care and education in India are reasons for its backwardness.
- Biased media is a real threat to Indian Democracy.
- Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling.
Essay Paper pdf download
Above all, it is important to analyze the question paper and solve it. You can download the Essay paper for 2019 right here. An important element of scoring well is to practice. Therefore, the more topics you practice, the better you will score. Subsequently, you should analyze as many question papers as possible. Moreover, students must render considerable time to understand the topics. After you understand the topic, you must create a mind map. Therefore, you will be able to allocate your ideas in the right direction. Most importantly, you must cover the topic comprehensively. Hence, aspirants must be careful. One must not write vague content for essays.
Compulsory paper – English
This is a compulsory paper in the mains examination. Therefore, specific attention is required for this paper. This paper is qualifying in nature. Marks obtained in this paper are not counted for the final ranking. However, if you don’t pass this paper, you stand failed. Usually, students who aren’t very fluent in English worry about this paper. However, the level of questions asked is of matriculate level.
Question paper for English 2019: Click here to Download.
Generally, moderate difficulty level questions are asked. This paper is of 300 marks. Candidates must score at least 75 marks to qualify. The main motive of the exam is to check the competency of candidates. Therefore, this paper is not a great obstacle in UPSC. Similarly in 2019, the paper was quite easy to understand and solve. But, candidates must not ignore or reduce their practice. To sum up, it is important to study qualifying papers as well. Hence, one must develop reading and writing habits in order to score well in this exam.
You can also check about Test Series, Study Material, Question Paper & CSE Subjects which in details talk about Prelims Test Series, Indian Polity, Free Material for UPSC, UPSC Optional Subjects, UPSC History Syllabus
No, Just solving previous years’ question papers won’t help. You must rigorously prepare for your examination. Study and analyze the papers. Evaluate your time management. Correct your own papers. Improve your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the final Mains examination.
Yes. English paper is a qualifying paper. Candidates need to score only 75 marks or above to qualify. Students from the vernacular background too can ace this paper. It will need more reading and writing practice for this paper.
Candidates believe over the years that polity is the lengthiest topic for them. Most candidates have experienced that it takes time to decode the questions in this section. One must be thorough with GS Paper 2 to score well here.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Question Paper 2019
In conclusion, we’d like to say that all this hard work and effort will pay off in the end. You must be consistent with your preparation. Demotivation or stress is a part of the process. However, dedication is important. It is equally important to test yourself by solving maximum question papers. When you solve a question paper, you actually get prepared for the final examination. Therefore, you learn to write examinations under stress. Lastly, time management is really essential. If you know all the answers, but you can’t manage time the knowledge is useless. To train your mind in the right direction is the key to clearing this exam. All the Best!