Exams like IAS requires a lot of preparation and hard work. Further, it is one of the toughest exams, and it has the longest syllabus. Besides, there are many things to be taken care of. In this article, we have mainly discussed the UPSC mains of Answer Writing. Therefore, you will find the complete information on the UPSC daily mains answer writing practice questions. Thus, if you are an IAS aspirant, this article will help you with all the details on the UPSC Answer Writing.

To begin with, we will be talking about the IAS exam. As we all know, the IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC exam, and there are three main stages. In the first place, we have the prelims exam, the second stage, the main exam, and the interview round. Further, in the prelims exam, we have two papers, and in the main exam, there are nine papers. Besides, those who clear the main exam are allowed to give interviews. Similarly, one can take coaching if they wish to take, as there are many benefits if you join the classes. However, we have seen examples of people who have cleared the exam without courses in their first attempt. Hence, it depends on your hard work and dedication towards your goals.
Then, you can join the classes, and there are many advantages if you join the classes. For example, it will help you cover the syllabus, study materials, mock tests, etc. But it depends from one person to the other. However, many have cleared the exam without taking the coaching. But, it depends from one person to the other. One can understand their skills and take a decision accordingly.
Why is Answer Writing Important?
Now, it is natural to ask why it is essential for one to write the answer correctly. As you are already aware, in the prelims, questions are objective type, and in the main paper, questions are descriptive type. So, in the main paper, one must effectively write answers to get the best results in the exam. Therefore, one must learn how to write the best answer by including all the essential points. While preparing for the exam, one must also give equal time to answer writing practice. It doesn’t matter how much you have studied, and if you fail to write the answer correctly, it will be of no use. One can get the best marks by writing effective answers. Then, to qualify for the interview round, one must clear the main paper. Therefore, in the article, we will explain and tips on the UPSC mains answer writing.

How to write?
Probably, now you are interested to know how to write the answer for the UPSC main exam. Below we have added some essential points on the same.
- Time plays a major role in the exam. Therefore, it becomes essential for one to write the answer within a specified time. Besides, completing the main paper itself is a big task, so answer practice will help you. Therefore, one must start practicing by keeping time on their time and also a number of words.
- One must start practicing the answer before three to four months of the UPSC main exam. If you want to feel confident, it is one must thing to do.
- Further, one must know how to write the answer, and it means a basic structure of the answer. So, before referring to the answers written by the topper or you can refer to the other note. It will give you a basic understanding of the same.
Note – If you want to know about the exam details and related information. You can visit the official website.
Tips for UPSC Answer Writing
Let us now understand some of the tips for the answer writing below,
- In the first place, do understand the question. One needs to analyze the question and answer it. Further, for this, you can refer to the previous year’s question paper.
- Further, try to use keywords to highlight your answer and try to underline the important points.
- Besides, develop the mental framework on how to write the answer. It is like the structure of the answer.
- Then, the presentation of your answer is important. So, write your answer with good handwriting, give proper heading and sub-headings. If it is required, put tables for some questions.
- Use simple language, and it should be clear and understanding. Avoid using jargon as there is a possibility of losing marks.
- You can follow either points or paragraphs while writing the answer. There is no such rule, but one can write according to their comfort level.
- One of the most important thing writing the answer within number of words. So, try to write the answer by including important points and keywords.
- Talking about the essay paper, you have to write a 1000 – 1200 word limit. Further, you need to write 150 words per question limit for the short-note section in the optional paper.
- In the GS paper, you can write about 200 words. The questions are usually opinion-based.
- As we are talking about the answer to writing practice, one needs to practice well. If you practice, it will be easy for one to include the above points.

Answer Structure – UPSC Answer Writing
Now we will look into the answer structure. We will give some essential points on the same. There are three main parts introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Introduction: It is the first part of the answer, so it should be informative. Further, make sure that you have included 10 – 15% words of the complete answer. Besides, you can write up to 15 – 25 words in the introduction.
Main Body: You should start with the most important points and write in the chronology of the facts. One must write fact-based and opinion-based answers. If you want to include both positive and negative answers, you can divide them into two parts and explain each point.
Conclusion: It is the last part of the answer. So, it should be a balanced product of the whole answer. You can begin with a simple sentence that brings all the main points of the answer. Besides, you can write about 25 – 30 words out of 200 words.
Type of Questions
Below we will discuss the type of questions for a better idea of the daily mains answer writing.
- Comment – these are the type of questions that will ask for your comment or your opinions. So, try to introduce the topic and provide examples, facts in favor of opinion. You can conclude it with a comment on both sides.
- Examine – For this type, you can give analysis, and you can include by providing causes, implications, and the way forward.
- Discussion-based – For this type, you can discuss by explaining, mentioning strengths/weaknesses and positives/negative.
Conclusion – UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice
In the article, we have discussed the daily UPSC mains answer writing practice. We have explained all the essential points, and it will help you with the exam preparations. You will find the importance, how to write the answer, tips, and also structure of the answer. To get the best results in the exam, it is essential for one to UPSC mains practice questions. It will be of no use if you study for the exam without practicing the answer. We also know the IAS exam is the most challenging. It requires special efforts and hard work to get the best results in the exam. Further, if you want the complete details of the IAS exam like exam syllabus, exam pattern, books, tips, and all the other exam-related information. Read More. You will also find details on the optional subjects. We wish you good luck with the exams, prepare well.
FAQs – UPSC Answer Writing

It is about writing the complete answer by mentioning the essential points.
Many platforms provide answer writing practice. Further, you can only practice by referring to the answers written by the toppers.
You can improve your answer writing by practicing well. In the article, we have added all the details related to the UPSC mains practice questions
Editor’s Note | UPSC Answer Writing
In the article, you will get the UPSC mains practice questions and answer writing practice. One needs to practice well for the exam. This article will help you to know daily mains answer writing. As we all know IAS exam is challenging, one must prepare well for the exam. This exam will test your subject knowledge and your hard work and dedication towards your goals. One can clear the exam with the right plan and direction, and you can get the best results. Many people leave their jobs to prepare for the exam, and some go back to their jobs. So, the choice is yours, and you can prepare well for the exam. So, make a proper plan and prepare for the exam.