As a part of the UPSC exam study materials, we have covered many topics that will help you with the exam preparations. One can refer to the old papers for more details. Further, in this article, we have covered all information on the Raisina Dialogue. Know highlights related to the Raisina Dialogue 2020, 2021, 2022, and other related information. One cannot miss this topic as it is essential for the IAS exam GS papers. So, make sure that you have gone through all points.

The Raisina Dialogue is a multilateral conference held yearly in New Delhi, India. It is organized by the Ministry of External Affairs in collaboration with the Observer Research Foundation. Further, it emerged as India’s flagship conference on geopolitics and geo-economics, and it was held first time in 2016. It is by the Observer Research Foundation, an independent think tank, in collaboration with India’s Ministry of External Affairs. The name comes from Raisina Hill, which is an elevation in New Delhi. It is the seat of the Presidential Palace of India, Rashtrapati Bhavan, and the Government of India.
Headquarters | Observer Research Foundation |
Location | New Delhi |
Important Points
It is designed as a multi-delegate discussion platform. Further, it is attended by a wide range of global policymakers, including cabinet ministers, heads of state, private corporations executives, etc.
- Raisina Dialogue 2020 Conference will host 700 participants from more than 100 countries, and at least 40% of the speakers will be women.
- Further, it has been India’s contribution to global efforts to discover solutions, identify opportunities and provide stability for a century.
- A session will be conducted on the Indo-Pacific, including military or naval commanders from the Quad. Quad countries are Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. Further, it will have a French Defence official on the panel this year.
- The Raisina Dialogue also asserts the crucial role played by India in the Indian Ocean Region.
In the first place, it helps find ways to move toward an inclusive global order and rules-based international order. Further, it serves as an opportunity to discuss the big ideas defining the emerging global realities. Lastly, it brings together India’s friends and partners seeking common ground.
IAS Exam Highlights

Now let us get some insights on the IAS exam. As we all know, the UPSC exam conducts like the IAS exam every year, and there are so many candidates and working professionals applying for the exam. However, in the end, only a few can clear the exam. This IAS exam needs a lot of hard work and put in extraordinary effort. Further, many sources are available that will help you with the exam preparations. In addition, one must visit the official site of the IAS to get complete information about the exam. Click Here. While applying for the exam, one must take care of multiple things, like exam requirements, syllabus, pattern, books, and other details.
In the first round of the exam, two papers are objective type, and in the second, there are nine papers. In the second round, questions are descriptive type. Once you clear the second round, you will be called for the interview round. Further, get the complete information on the UPSC exam here. Know More.
Raisina Dialogues 2016 – 2019
In 2016, it was held from March 1 – 3, 2016, with over 100 speakers from 35 nations. Further, the theme was “Asia” Regional and Global Connectivity.” It was mainly about Asia’s physical, economic, and digital connectivity.
Further, the year 2017 was held from January 17 – 19, inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The theme was “The New Normal: Multilateralism and Multipolarity.” Later, key speakers were Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, and the Diplomatic Adviser to the President of France. Then, the Jacques Audibert, Commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Europe, and Africa, Admiral Michelle Howard. Further, the Chief of the Army Staff, General Bipin Rawat.
The 2018 theme was “Managing Disruptive Transition: ideas, Institution, and Idioms.” Some of the speakers were Smt. Sushma Swaraj, Foreign Minister of India; Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel; Stavros N. Yiannouka, CEO, World Innovation Summit for Education
Raisina Dialogue 2020
In 2020, the fifth edition of The Raisina Dialogue was held in New Delhi, India, from January 14–16. Further, the theme was Navigating the Alpha Century.
Raisina Dialogue 2021
Further, the sixth edition of the conference Raisina Dialogue 2021 was held in virtual mode from Apr 13 -16, 2021, due to the covid-19 pandemic. Denmark prime minister Mette Frederiksen and Rwandan president Paul Kagame were the chief guests and prime minister Modi at the inaugural session.
2022 Raisina Dialogue
This year is scheduled to have nearly 100 sessions with more than 210 speakers from 90 different countries. In addition, The United States and Germany will also be hosting side events.
The theme of Raisina Dialogue 2022
Further, the theme for 2022 is “Terranova- Impassioned, Impatient, Imperilled.” It is based on the six pillars, which are
- End of Multilateralism- a networked global order
- Rethinking Democracy- trade, technology, and ideology
- Communities Inc- first responders to health, development, and planet
- Water Caucuses- turbulent tides in the Indo-Pacific
- Samson vs. Goliath- the persistent and relentless technology wars
- Achieving Green Transitions- common imperative, diverging realities
Special Guests of
- Carl Bildt, former PM of Sweden. Stephen Harper, former PM of Canada, and Mohamed Nasheed, former President of Maldives.
- Anthony Abbott, former PM of Australia. Further, a pre-recorded message from Abdulla Shahid, UNGA President, will be shown.
- The foreign ministers of Argentina, Armenia, Nigeria, Portugal, Poland, Norway, Netherlands, Lithuania, Slovenia, Guyana, Madagascar, Luxembourg, and the Philippines.
- Lastly, the foreign minister of Australian foreign minister will participate virtually.

UPSC Exam Preparations
Now we will give you detailed tips for the IAS exam preparations. The IAS exam is not like any other exam, and it is difficult to clear. However, it is possible for one to be clear with a proper understanding of the syllabus and the exam pattern. Further, one can study independently or go for coaching classes. It varies from one person to another. As we have observed, many officers have cleared the exam without classes and with their first attempt. However, there are some advantages if you join classes like study materials, mock tests, test series, etc. Then, for self-study, one must be confident and should know the exam syllabus. There are many videos online that will help you with exam preparations. You have to work hard for both methods to get the desired results.
In the first place, one must go through the previous year’s papers to know the syllabus and the paper pattern. Further, know which are the books for all subjects and try to study from the same books. Time plays a significant role in the UPSC exam, and this exam requires a proper investment of time and energy. Therefore, prepare a proper timetable and provide time for all subjects. In addition, one must make time for revision as well. Before starting a new concept, it is important for one to revise the previous topics. Later, one must answer writing practice. It will increase writing speed and how to include good points in a few words. One must give mock tests and test series to test your skills regularly. Further, take necessary breaks to help you concentrate well for the exam.
Conclusion – Raisina Dialogue
In summary, the article will help you by giving information on the Raisina Dialogue 2021, 2022, and other essential information. Later, for more details on the Raisina Dialogue, one can go through their official site. However, we have added all points that are enough for the IAS exam. As we always mention, one must maintain a separate notebook where you will write essential points and can study the same during the exam. We have provided you with the necessary links for more details on the exam and Raisina Dialogue. We wish you all the best for the upcoming exams; try to follow the rules and guidelines for the best results.
FAQs – Raisina Dialogue
Finally, go through the following FAQs for more details on the topic.

The Raisina Dialogue is a multilateral conference conducted yearly in New Delhi, India.
Every year you will find different themes. For the year 2022 theme was Terranova- Impassioned, Impatient, Imperilled.
Yes, if you are, sure enough, you can clear the exam. For this, one must understand the exam syllabus and pattern of the paper.
Editor’s Note | Raisina Dialogue
Know all details that is related to the Raisina Dialogue 2020, 2021, and 2022. Get the highlights of the IAS exam and we have added all tips for the exam. It will help you to get the best results in the exam. It is important for one to follow some essential tips that will help you to score well in the exam. Go through the necessary links that will help you to get more information. The IAS exam is hard, but you have seen many IAS officers who have successfully cleared the exam. Therefore, even you can with the right investment of energy and time.