As the syllabus of the IAS exam is vast, one must be aware of the complete syllabus. In this article, we will focus on the UPSC/IAS Mechanical Engineering Syllabus. There are many things to looked after when it comes to the exam. It is one of the popular exams in India, and it is also one of the respectful jobs. Therefore, below we have covered all details that will help you with the exam. We have covered all the details related to the UPSC CSE mechanical engineering optional paper syllabus. Let’s begin and try to make points while resing the article.

As we have already mentioned in the article, we will be discussing the UPSC CSE Mechanical Engineering Optional paper Syllabus. Selecting the optional subject is essential for the UPSC exam, and there are many factors on which you can choose your optional subject as it will affect the final results of the exam. Therefore, it is a good idea to look into the syllabus of the paper and what skills it requires. Further, one can refer to the previous year’s question papers. It will give you a better understanding of the subject. But, then, there are a total of 48 subjects as optional in the main exam. So, it is a bit tough to analyze which is subject suits your skills. Therefore, we suggest you do proper research before choosing the optional subject. Then, below we will understand the pros and cons of taking this subject.
- In the first place, this paper questions are objective in nature. So, you don’t have to worry about the writing the long answers. Understanding the concept plays a major role.
- If you are from the same background it will help you to ubderstand the cncepts easily.
- Further, talking about the difficulty level, it is less when compared with the other subjects.
- It has a vast syllabus. So, it is important for one to cover the complete syllabus to get the best results in the exam.
- Further, this subject doesn’t overlap with the other subjects. So, there won’t be scope of overlap with other topics.
Note – One can visit the official website for more details on the same. Read More.
UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
Talking about this subject, it is a good option for Engineering graduates who aspire to become IAS officers. Further, below we have added the complete details.
- Mechanics
- first and second moments of area;
- Further, simple problems on friction; kinematics of particles for plane motion;
- Mechanics of deformable bodies
- It consists of Generalized Hooke’s law and its application, design problems on axial stress, bending shear.
- Engineering Materials
- Basic concepts on the structure of solids
- Further, common ferrous and non-ferrous materials and their applications; heat-treatment of steels; ceramics, composite materials, and nano-materials.
- Theory of Machines:
- Kinematic and dynamic analysis of plane mechanisms. Cams, Gears and epicyclic gear trains, linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems Critical speeds and whirling of shafts.
- Manufacturing Science
- Machine tool engineering : Merchant’s force analysis; Taylor’s tool life equation; conventional machining; NC and CNC machining process; jigs and fixtures.
- Metrology : the concept of fits and tolerances; tools and gauges; comparators; inspection of length; position; profile and surface finish.
- Manufacturing Management
- Then, it consists of System operations and control: Scheduling algorithms for job shops; applications of statistical methods for product and process quality control. Then, applications of control charts for mean, range, percent defective, number of defectives and defects per unit;
- Lastly, organizations,risks in projects andSystem improvement: Implementation of systems, such as total quality management.

Paper 2
Now we will look into the IAS /UPSC CSE Mechanical Engineering optional Syllabus for paper 2
- Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics and Turbine
- Flow-through fans, blowers, compressors; axial and centrifugal flow configuration and design of fans, compressors; single problems compresses and turbine cascade;
- Besides, fluids; incompressible and compressible fluids flows, effect of Mach number and compressibility, continuity momentum and energy equations.
- Lastly, the Basic concept of First –law and second law of Thermodynamics; the concept of entropy and reversibility, availability and unavailability and irreversibility.
- Heat Transfer
- Black body radiation – It contains basic radiation laws such as Stefan-Boltzman.
- Basic heat exchanger analysis and classification of heat exchangers.
- I .C. Engines
- Various systems of IC engines- fuels, lubricating, cooling and transmission systems. Alternate fuels in IC engines.
- Further, it has Classification, thermodynamic cycles of operation, determination of break power.
- Refrigeration and air-conditioning
- Psychrometry – It consists of properties; processes; charts; sensible heating and cooling; humidification and dehumidification effective temperature;
Click on the below link for more information on the mechanical engineering optional UPSC exam. In addition, you can download and refer to the exam.
Then, to cover the complete syllabus of the paper, studying from the best books becomes essential. So, below we have added details of the books. Then, you can try to study them.
- Heat Transfer – Gupta Prakash
- Heat and Mass Transfer – R. Yadav
- Mechanics of Solids – Popru
- Energy Conversion – Sukhalmoy
- Surveying and Levelling – T P Kanetkar
- Manufacturing Science – Ghosh and Malik
So, above are some of the books we have listed. But, of course, there are many books present.

Tips for the Exam
Tips are essential to get the best results in the exam. So, below we have added some tips that will help you with the exam.
- In the first place, know the exam syllabus and the pattern of the paper. Refer to the previous year papers it wil help you with a better understanding.
- Understand the basic concepts and it is suggested that to study from the NPTEL lectures. Then, to cover other concepts one can understand the basic concepts from the NCERT books.
- It is important for one solve the numerical problems and try to solve from the papers, practice problems as many as possible.
- Revision is the essential part of the exam strategy. It will help you to remember the concepts well. Besides, giving the mock tests will also help in an effective way. It will give you the feel of the final paper. We have added the complete information of the exam and details on the other optional subjects. You can read from her for more information.
UPSC Exam Highlights
No doubt, the IAS exam is one of the challenging exams in India. But, we have seen people clearing the UPSC exam. Further, the UPSC CSE exam is conducted every year, and we see many students applying for the exam. Besides, there are only 180 IAS officers selected every year. So, it is not easy to clear the exam. But, with the right plan, one can clear the exam. Further, in the exam, we have three main stages. The first one is Prelims, the main exam, and the interview round. If you clear the first stage and you can go to the next stage. In the prelims, you will find two papers.
Conclusion – UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
In summary, we have covered the complete details of the IAS / UPSC mechanical engineering optional syllabus in the article. One needs to cover the whole syllabus to get the best results in the exam. In our earlier articles, we have covered the details of all the other optional subject details and which are the best books for the subject. If you are planning to take this subject, then this article will help you with the exam. So, try to make the essential points from the article. You can clear the exam with the right direction and guidance. Then, you have a choice of going for the classes, and there are many benefits. But, it depends from one person to the other. There are a few who study on their own.
Besides, if you are looking for the classes, click here for more details. You will find all the details on the classes, click here for more.
We believe reading the success stories of the IAS officers will motivate students to study for the exam. So, we have added all the details of the Officers. Know More.

FAQs – UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
Below we have added some FAQs. Know more about the topic
Yes, it is good. If you are from the same background, that will help you with the exam to better understand the concepts.
Anudeep Durishetty, the topper for UPSC 2017, has got the highest marks in the UPSC optional.
The syllabus for the perp one and paper we have explained in the article.
One hundred eighty officers are selected every year.
Yes, it is one of the tough exams. But, one can clear the exam with the right plan and hard work.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus
In the article, you will learn about the ias mechanical engineering syllabus and other related details. The main thing about the IAS exam is covering the entire syllabus. So, one must be careful and cover the syllabus to get the best marks in the exam. We have also added some tips for the exam as we all know that the IAS exam is the toughest and can only be done with effort and hard work. Many apply for the exam but in the end we only a few who clears it. Therefore, hard work and dedication are essential for this exam. We wish you good luck with the exams.