UPSC Prelims 2020 didn’t postpone due to the COVID-19 outbreak. So, students still need to prepare within a tight schedule. To get a prep one must know the exam syllabus. As you know UPSC conducts the exam. It is the toughest exam in India. In the following article, we are going to tell you about the UPSC prelims syllabus 2020. The prelims syllabus for IAS, UPSC, CSE, and Civil Service exam is almost the same. Thus you only need to look thoroughly at the entire prelim syllabus.

UPSC Exam Pattern and Marking System for Prelims
Exam Pattern
- It is the qualifying round for UPSC Mains. That’s why the questions are objective-type. It means candidates have to choose one of the four options. Also, the exam is conducted offline.
- Prelims are divided into two papers. They are GAT and CSAT. GAT – General Ability Test while CSAT – Civil Service Aptitude Test. Thus these papers check the aspirants’ analytical skill thoroughly.
- To make it understandable to all candidates, papers are set in Hindi and English. Although, English Comprehension Skill related questions are in only English. There’s no Hindi translation for it.
- As I said, UPSC Prelims is a qualifying round for Mains. Therefore, candidates have to obtain a minimum of 33% in the exam. Only 1/3 of candidates can cross this test. So, you can easily guess how tough it is.
Marking System
- GAT questions value 2 marks while CSAT questions carry 2.5 marks for each one.
- There is a penalty for wrong answers. a 0.33% mark of that question will be deducted. Also, don’t choose more than one option. Because a penalty is also the same in that case. Even if one of the given answers is correct.
- There is a little relief though. If you left any options blank, there won’t be any penalty for that.
- You can not be in Mains until you get 33% in Prelims.
Now, you have the idea of exam. Therefore, check out UPSC Prelims syllabus next.
Prelims Syllabus for UPSC Exam
Good knowledge of the syllabus can save a lot of time. And, also it is less confusing for aspirants. Cause, you won’t have to worry about what to read. Although it says the Prelims syllabus for the UPSC exam. However, there’s not much difference in the Prelims syllabus for IAS, CSE, and Civil service exam. Have a look at the exam syllabus.
GAT Syllabus (Prelims Paper I)
This paper contains various topics. History, Geography, Economy, etc. are here. This paper also has questions from science topics too.
- Important national happening and current affairs.
- History and Geography: Indian History. Its movements. There is a world and Indian Geography too. However, you have to read social and economic Geography also.
- Indian Politics: Govt. and constitution. Current public issues. Politics system.
- Social and Economic Development: India is a developing country. Thus it has many issues related to it. That’s why the Prelims syllabus for IAS and CSE exam added it. There are many topics about it. Poverty, inclusion, etc. one of them. Students have to read about social sector initiatives. Other than these, it has sustainable development and demographics too.
- Scientific Developments.
- Biodiversity, ecology, and climate change. These topics don’t have any subject in particular. Students need to do their own prep.
Well, these are Prelims syllabus for Civil Service Exam too. Check furthermore to know paper II syllabus.
CSAT Syllabus (Prelims Paper II)
When you hold a place like an IAS officer, you have to fluent in English. Paper-II basically judges your aptitude. It has a complex question and comprehension. One must have good agility, time management sense, and mental ability to pass the paper. This paper includes –
- Communication skill
- Comprehension
- Analytical and mental ability
- Logical reasoning
- Numeracy (Basic class X level): Magnitude. The relation between numbers. Graphs and data. Charts and tables.
Therefore, this is all you need for UPSC Prelims syllabus. Get prepared according to it. So that you won’t face problem in exam further.
Also, read: CSAT Books for UPSC – Best CSAT Book for IAS exam PDF

Useful Books for UPSC Prelims
As, you now know the syllabus, look at the list. These books can be helpful in preparation.
- Old and New NCERT Books: All these years, during prep NCERTs are proven to be very helpful.
- Spectrum History Books.
- World Atlas and G C Leong’s Certificate Physical Geography.
- M Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity.
- Ramesh Singh’s Indian Economy.
- Arihant’s CSAT II.
- CSAT Manual – Tata McGraw Hill, etc.
Some Tips to Excel in CSE
After knowing the syllabus you need to focus on your study. Besides, there’s no alternative option for hard work. We’ve enlisted some tips that may help you. Have a look.
What Should Aspirant Needs To Do
- Realize Your Goal: Don’t mistake a wish for a goal. We often did that. And, once you realize it, don’t waste any time. Start preparing right away.
- Believe in Yourself: Many students think that only brilliant students can crack UPSC. But It’s not. So, you need to believe in yourself. Besides, there are lots of chances to improve. Then why not/ Instead of cry over it, start preparing.
- Looking down on yourself is never been a good thing. It only down your morale nothing else. And, trust me nobody wants that. Keep trust in your goal and hard work.
- Don’t leave anything incomplete. Study sincerely for UPSC. And you already know the UPSC prelims syllabus. Prelims Syllabus for CSE and Civil Service Exam is also almost the same.
- We already know how wide the UPSC syllabus is. Take advantage of it. Read it with attention. Know the exam pattern. It can reduce your mistakes.
- Optional marks have a high value in the exams. Hence, choose it carefully. It can give a jump to start your prep. Try to choose those subjects that you have a hold on.

How To Get Prepared for The Exam
- Create a pre-planned strategy. It can save both your time and energy. After all, we are talking about the UPSC exam. Millions of students take it every year. Thus a good strategy is very important.
- You can go for self-study. But at some point we need guidance. That’s where the coaching centers come. They can guide you properly. But be careful about the fraud. There is plenty of centers claiming the best coaching. Go for only the best ones.
- Try to make notes on your own. In this way, the topic will become easier for you. After all, our brains can captive our own actions easily.
- NCERTs are important for UPSC prep. It can help with Mains as well as Prelims. These books are written logically and analytically. On the other hand, solve previous question papers. This way can be familiar with papers. It will make you less nervous on the exam day.
- Don’t miss current affairs. Also, remember to go through the Budget and Economic Survey of India. It’s a useful comprehensive for UPSC Prelims. Similarly, current affairs will help in GS paper.
- We all tend to memorize things. Try not to do that in UPSC. You can easily forget that. Instead, understand the topic. As long as you understand it, it will be fixed in mind. Keep revising every topic from time to time.
- Don’t overdo things. Take out some time to relax your mind also your body. Otherwise, hard work will make you exhausted. Always keep a positive vibe. Although it is tough UPSC is just an exam after all.
However, this is all for Prelims syllabus for UPSC, IAS, CSE, and Civil service exam. After reading UPSC Prelims exam it will get easy.
Necessary FAQs for The Candidates
Union Public Service Commission aka UPSC is responsible for it.
Certainly, it is important. Unless you have more than enough time. Then, you can decide not to read it.
Not exactly. UPSC already told that they won’t defer Prelims any further.
No. Supreme Court made it clear. So, the exam will take place on time.
Well, this may make you happy. Almost 50% of question is repetitive. Though they only changes the question type.
Of course! But you need to have any of the grad degrees. As for final year students, they have to show confirmation letters from their institution head.
At least, not for now. Total cut-off mark is 33%.

Editor’s Note | UPSC Prelims Syllabus
UPSC Prelims is the doorway for Mains. So, don’t take it lightly. Besides, most of the students make this mistake. Don’t forget it is the qualifying round. Hence, only the best can pass it. If you want to be one of the best, get ready. Because there is no second way besides hard study. UPSC Prelims Syllabus will help in that case. In the article, we made it clear for you. Nonetheless, you have to do the rest. Follow the tips to improve your pace. Practice makes you perfect, so keep it that that way. to achieve the goal, give your 100% effort. Keep fighting!!