To begin with, there are lakhs of students who apply for the IAS Exam, but only a few make it till the end. IAS Exam is believed to be the most difficult exam, and it also has a vast syllabus. So, clearing the IAS exam requires special efforts and hard work. Many have topped in the IAS exam. So, today will talk about such topper Junaid Ahmad IAS, age, marks, biography marksheet, and many other details related to him. Then, find some tips for the IAS Exam.
IAS Exam
In the first place, IAS Exam has three main stages Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam, and lastly Interview round. You can go to the next stage only after clearing the previous one. Then, if you plan to write the IAS Exam, know more about the IAS exam syllabus, pattern, eligibility, exam dates, tips, and related details. So, Know More here.
For more information on the IAS exam you can visit the official website.
Then, look at the Junaid Ahmad IAS biography
UPSC Rank: AIR 3, CSE 2018
Attempt: Fifth
Optional Subject: Geography
Education: Electronics Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University
Work Experience: Currently training as an IRS at a Faridabad academy
Junaid Ahmad IAS Age: 27 Years
Then, he completed Engineering from Sharda University. Father is a Lawyer and mother is a homemaker.
Then, Junaid Ahmad IAS is from Nagina in Bijnor in UP (Uttar Pradesh). Later, in the year 2018, he achieved AIR 3 in the UPSC CSE examinations. Junaid Ahmad’s posting is in the Indian Revenue Service, for which he is under training.
Junaid Ahmad Marksheet
To begin with, Junaid Ahmad IAS had started preparing for the UPSC CSE exam after his graduation. The first attempt in 2014 failed. But this initial failure did not make him lose his faith and determination towards clearing the IAS Exam.
So, his continuous hard work and studying daily for five to six hours earned him success in his last attempt in 2017. Then, he got a 352 rank and a selection in the Indian Revenue Service. As he wasn’t happy with the results, he gave the fifth attempt in 2018 and finally he was able to fulfil his dream of cracking the most challenging exams in India by getting an AIR 3.
Then, in the below table you can see the Junaid Ahmad IAS marks and marksheet. You can check out the marks of each subject.
Subjects | Marks |
Essay (Paper – I) | 132 |
General Studies – I (Paper – II) | 108 |
General Studies – II (Paper – III) | 110 |
General Studies – III (Paper – IV) | 111 |
General Studies – IV (Paper – V) | 111 |
Optional – I (Geography) (Paper – VI) | 148 |
Optional – II (Geography) (Paper – VII) | 173 |
Subject | Marks |
Mains Written | 893 |
Interview | 184 |
Total | 1077 |
- So, Junaid scored 132 marks out of a total of 250 marks in the essay.
- Then, in general studies paper-I, he scored 108 marks out of 250, while in general studies paper II, III, and IV, he scored 110, 111, and 111 marks, respectively, out of 250 marks each.
- Lastly, in the optional subject of geography, Junaid scored 321 marks out of 350. Since Geography had overlapped with the general studies subjects, it was easier to cover.
Finally, UPSC topper 2018 marks- Junaid Ahmad IAS scored a total of 1077 marks out of a total of 2025 marks.
Suggestions – Junaid Ahmad IAS
So, now let us understand how IAS topper Junaid Ahmad IAS followed up for the Exam. He studied from the books which his seniors suggested, and also, he was dependent on the internet as there was a lot of free content available. Then, he used to study for 5 – 6 hours every day. According to Junaid Ahmad, NCERT books are the best for the IAS Exam preparations. He never lost hope when he faced initial failure as he started preparing in 2014. Then, for Civil Service Exam, “there are three success mantras that are Aim, Hardwork, handle failures,” says Junaid Ahmad.
List of Books
Then, check out the below book list, which Junaid Ahmad suggests
Indian Express – As it covers the information and the dedicated coverage of the specific topics such as Science and Technology. So, refer the Indian Express newspaper.
He says that one must stress on Modern History and Ancient History (based on the previous year’s IAS question papers).
- Vipin Chandra
- Spectrum for IAS Prelims
Indian Polity
- Constitution at work
- Laxmikant
- Newspaper for the issues of Governance in India
Then, Geography was his optional subject and he covered it in depth from the standard textbooks.
- Geography NCERTs
- Goh Cheng Leong
Art and Culture
Lastly, some important reference Material for IAS exam
- Administrative Reforms Commission reports
- Economic Survey
- Budget Document
- NITI Ayog vision documents and reports
So, along with the above book list, you can check here for the details regarding the UPSC Exam Books.
Currently an IRS trainee
So, as per a tweet made by one of his juniors, he secured rank 352 in the civil services exams last year, but his relentless hard work helped him eventually become the UPSC third topper. Then, according to the sources, he is currently an officer in the IRS. Then, from 2016 till last year, Ahmed stayed in Jamia’s Residential Coaching Academy when he got chosen for the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), PTI reported. When he got the news on Friday about emerging as the third topper in the UPSC exam, he was training as an IRS at a Faridabad academy.
Tips – Junaid Ahmad IAS

- UPSC Preparation – According to all the toppers, you need at least one year to prepare for the UPSC Exams.
- Choosing the optional subjects – So, while selecting the optional subjects, ensure that you select such subjects where you are interested and where your skills match. So, don’t just randomly choose subjects. So, know the syllabus of the subjects you have shortlisted and understand how your skills match the syllabus. Know the Pros and Cons and then decide on the optional subject.
- Reading the Newspaper – One needs to read the newspaper daily. So, all the IAS toppers suggest reading The Hindu and The Indian Express to be included in your daily routine.
- NCERT Books – There are multiple study material sources for UPSC exams, but your basic reading should ideally start with NCERT textbooks. The concepts are explained in simple language. So, reading NCERT books from class VI to class XII is suggested for all the relevant subjects.
- Make Notes – Whenever you cover a certain portion of the syllabus, make sure that you make notes on it. This will help you in the exam time and also helps you with the revision.
- Writing the answers – So, wherever possible, include diagrams, flowcharts, etc., to enhance your answers. They give a clear understanding of the concept and would gain you more marks. Presentation is of utmost importance. Further, he added getting marks in the exam is about first impressions, so keep it neat, simple, readable, and compact.
Conclusion – Junaid Ahmad IAS
To conclude, in this article, we have mainly gathered all the information related to Junaid Ahmad IAS, age, IAS marks, biography, marksheet, and all other related details. You will also find some great tips and a book list suggested by Junaid Ahmad IAS and other toppers. As you all already know, the IAS exam is surely a difficult one, but smart and hard work will surely take you to the success path. So, be a hard worker and try to cultivate the above suggestion which may help you prepare. All the IAS aspirants need to get inspired by the young IAS officers. We find examples who have cleared the exam without coaching and who cleared it in the first attempt. It is possible with all your efforts.
FAQ’S – Junaid Ahmad IAS

So, it completely depends from one person to the other. Some believe it’s 15 hours, and according to Junaid Ahmad, IAS 5 – 6 hours is enough. Therefore, 7 – 8 hours of study would be a good idea.
Make a proper timetable and work hard it’s simple. Gather all the information and know the syllabus well.
So, we really think and believe hard work is only essential. But, also a proper plan and a good timetable, smart work. Nothing is impossible. At the same time, working hard is important.
Editor’s Note | Junaid Ahmad IAS
In brief, we have added Junaid Ahmad IAS age, marksheet biography, and all the other details in the article. Along with that, you will find some great tips from the IAS toppers. Then, we all know that the IAS exam has a huge syllabus, and you must cover all the topics. There are many things you need to take care of. If you are an IAS aspirant, you might already know what the important things are, and also, you must be a hard worker. At the start, it will be difficult but don’t give up, start working hard. The IAS exam is tough but, it is one of the most respected jobs. Suppose you are serious about it. Start studying today. Further, we wish you best wishes for your Exam.