Every state has its own PSC. PSC means Public Service Commission. Similarly, Maharashtra has it’s own PSC called MPSC. Here, MPSC stands for Maharashtra Public Service Commission. Every year many candidates apply for this exam. However, only a few can clear it. Therefore, it’s important to know the MPSC Syllabus in detail. This is the very first step towards the exam. In today’s article, we will talk about MPSC Pre Syllabus. Moreover, we will also discuss the MPSC Exam Pattern. Further, we will analyze the MPSC Mains Syllabus as well. Hence, we will touch upon the entire MPSC Syllabus. Additionally, you can access the MPSC Syllabus PDF ahead in this article. So let’s begin!

About MPSC
MPSC is a constitutional body. It is the prime recruiter for the State Civil Service. Hence, the body consists of a chairman along with other members. This body sets the MPSC Syllabus. Hence, it conducts the MPSC Exam every year. MPSC releases it’s Pre and Mains Syllabus on its official website. To access the syllabus you can visit here: Read More. The body releases its notices on this site. MPSC notifies its application date for the exam. Accordingly, you can apply for the exam. However, make sure you’re prepared for it. However, before you apply let’s look at the MPSC Exam Pattern.

MPSC Exam Pattern
Firstly, we have a preliminary test. This is a qualifying test. Secondly, there’s a mains exam. Only those candidates who clear prelims are allowed for mains. Hence, one must pay careful attention to the MPSC Syllabus. There are two parts to this syllabus. Firstly, there’s the MPSC Pre syllabus. Secondly, there’s Mains Syllabus. You can either access the MPSC Syllabus PDF online or print it. The exam has three parts. That is prelims, mains, and an interview.
Prelims Exam Pattern
This is an MCQ type test. Hence, only objectives are asked. There is a total of two papers in this stage. Before looking at the pre syllabus let’s look at the exam pattern. Paper I contains 100 questions. However, it carries 200 marks. The duration of this paper is 2 hours. However, it can be answered either in English or Marathi. Secondly, Paper-II has 80 questions. These papers carry 200 marks. Hence, it lasts for 2 hours. UPSC follows negative marking in prelims. Similarly, MPSC follows negative marking in prelims. Hence, candidates need to be careful while marking answers. However, the decision making section in Paper-II does not attract negative marking. Both the papers are counted for merit ranking.

Mains Exam Pattern
Mains is a mix of essays and MCQ type of papers. After you qualify for prelims, you will qualify for this exam. There are 6 compulsory papers in the mains exam. However, Paper I & II are language papers. Whereas, Paper III-VI are GS Papers. However, unlike UPSC, there are no optional papers in MPSC. Even in mains MPSC follows negative marking for MCQ papers. Paper I is descriptive in nature. Whereas Paper II is MCQ type. Paper I is for 100 marks and lasts for 3 hours. But, paper II lasts only for 1 hour. All other papers are MCQ type. These papers last for 2 hours each. Hence, they all carry 150 marks each.
MPSC Pre Syllabus
Paper I MPSC Syllabus:
- Current Affairs.
- History.
- Indian and World Geography. (w.r.t Maharashtra).
- Polity and Governance. (w.r.t Maharashtra).
- Economics.
- Environment.
- General Science.
There’s an overlap with MPSC and UPSC Pre syllabus. However, MPSC is Maharashtra specific. Whereas, UPSC considers country wide aspects. Download the latest MPSC Pre Syllabus PDF here.

Paper II MPSC syllabus:
- Comprehension.
- Interpersonal skills.
- Communication skills.
- Logical reasoning.
- Decision Making.
- General Mental Ability.
- Numeracy.
MPSC Mains Syllabus
Paper I contains 2 sections. Each section is divided into Marathi and English. The Paper carries 100 marks. Hence, each section is for 50 marks. Similarly, Paper-II follows the same pattern. Paper III contains History and Geography. History includes Indian History. Moreover, it also includes the history of Maharashtra. Further, this paper also contains Geography. Geography includes India Geography. Additionally, it also includes the Geography of Maharashtra. Hence, the aspects are state and country level. Agriculture is a part of this paper. Further, Paper IV talks about the Indian Constitution. This is similar to Polity in UPSC. Paper V is based on Human Resource Development (HRD).
Further, MPSC Mains Paper VI deals with Economics. Economics includes the study of the Indian Economy and State Economy. Sci &Tech is a part of this paper. You can download the MPSC Mains Syllabus in Marathi and English.
Latest MPSC Exam Notifications
MPSC releases it’s latest notices on its official website. Hence, the recent updates can check there. MPSC Exam 2020 was postponed many times due to COVID-19. However, MPSC has released a new date for prelims. Accordingly, MPSC Pre is scheduled for 14th March 2021. However, the revised MPSC Mains Exam dates are yet to be declared. Despite this, students stay well prepared. MPSC has already released the MPSC Results for 2019. Check out the results here: Click Now! MPSC also releases the vacancies on its official website.

MPSC Vacancy Notification 2020
Serial No | Post | Vacancy |
1 | Deputy CEO | 7 |
2 | Deputy Education Officer | 25 |
3 | Class Officer | 25 |
4 | Dept. Superintendent (Land Record) | 6 |
5 | Naib tehsildar | 73 |
6 | Asst. State Tax Commissioner | 10 |
7 | Other | 47 |
How to prepare for MPSC Syllabus Pre and Mains?
As we saw, MPSC Pre is MCQ type. Hence, more MCQ type tests need to be attempted. Once you’re prepared you must undertake mock tests. Hence, you can access the previous year’s question papers. Practice as much as possible. Take the MPSC Pre Syllabus. Then study accordingly. This will help you in planning your journey. Often, when students skip this section, a lot of important topics are left untouched. However, we don’t want you to miss anything. Hence, start with analyzing the syllabus. You can download the MPSC Syllabus PDF above. Further, you must prepare notes for complex topics. Moreover, pay careful attention to the MPSC Exam Pattern. Hence, study only according to the pattern. This will save your time and efforts. Therefore, divert your resources smartly towards important topics. Once your pre-preparation is done, head towards Mains.
Check the MPSC Mains Exam Pattern first. Further, analyze the Mains Syllabus. Start preparing for the exam. Moreover, start solving mock test series. However, do not miss out on regular revisions. Additionally, you can undertake a coaching class for better guidance. Here’s a list of the Best IAS Coaching Classes in India: Read More.
The average time is one year. However, you can start preparing well in advance. Moreover, you can devote more time for essays if you start your preparation early.
UPSC is a national level competitive exam. Hence, students from all over India apply for this exam. Whereas, MPSC is a state level competitive exam. Hence, the competition is limited. Moreover, UPSC focuses more on India and the World aspects. On the other hand, MPSC focuses on the State and Indian aspects.
Daily 6 to 8 hours are enough for MPSC preparation. However, include short breaks amidst long study schedules. This will help you to stay focused even under stress.
Editor’s Note | MPSC Syllabus
To summarize we’d like to say a few things. Firstly, always start by analyzing the Syllabus. Download the syllabus PDF. Because you will constantly feel the need to refer to it. Make sure to print it for future use. Moreover, it also ensures that you cover the entire syllabus. Further, often exams are descriptive or objective in nature. Hence, you need to prepare accordingly. Therefore, the second step is Exam Pattern analysis. You can also access the exam pattern via PDF. However, it’s advisable to print it. We’ve noted the MPSC Syllabus and also dropped the MSPC Syllabus PDF. Hence, you might’ve noticed an overlap between the two stages. That is, Pre and Mains syllabus is more or less identical. Hence, just the nature of the exam changes.
The pre is a qualifying test for the mains. However, the mains is a qualifying test for the interview. Finally, clearing all three stages will lead to your selection. In addition to preparing for GS Papers, do not miss language papers. Prepare for them thoroughly as well. Hence, sections like essays will fetch you higher marks. Because each essay tends to be unique, try to score as much as possible. An added advantage of MPSC is that it does not have any optional subjects. This makes it even easier for candidates to make marks. However, it follows a negative marking scheme. Hence, the easy task is not so easy.
If you’re struggling with your preparation, join a class. Sometimes, proper guidance can work wonders. Often aspirants lose a considerable amount of their time just for understanding the Exam Pattern and Syllabus. However, joining good coaching may save your time.