When we plan to write any exam, we think of many things, like filling application form, eligibility, dates, exam pattern, rules, and regulations. So, to find these all information in one place will be very helpful. It applies to the IAS exam also. If you visit the official website, you will all the essential details of the exam. Therefore, when writing the UPSC exam, make sure that you have seen the website. Further, in this article, we have added information on the UPSC Official Website that is upsc.gov.in. So, read the complete article and know more about the UPSC IAS exam website and other essential information.

UPSC Official Website
To begin with, we will start by understanding the details of the UPSC. UPSC stands for the Union Public Service Commission, and it is India’s premier central recruiting agency for the central government public servants. It was established on 1 October 1926, and its headquarters is at Dholpur House in New Delhi. It functions through its own secretariat. Further, it is responsible for appointing candidates for the Group A and Group B posts under the union government’s civil services cadre and defense services cadre. Besides, UPSC is granted by Part XIV of the Constitution of India, titled as Services Under the Union and the States. In addition, it is also required to consult by the government for things related to the appointment, transfer, promotion, and disciplinary matters. The chairman of the UPSC since 2020 is Pradeep Kumar Joshi. Further, below we have mentioned some of the functions of the UPSC.
- In the first place, It is responsible for conducting exminations for appointing candidates to the services of the Union.
- Further, it assists two or more states, if requetes in operating and framing schemes of joint recruitment for any services.
- Making appointments for the civil services and posts and making promotions and tranfers from one services to another.
- Any claim for the award of pension in respect of injuries sustained by a person while they are serving in a civil capacity.
Formed | 1 October 1926 (94 years ago) |
Preceding agencies | Federal Public Service CommissionPublic Service Commission |
Jurisdiction | Republic of India |
Headquarters | Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi |
Minister responsible | Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions |
Commission executive | Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Joshi, (Chairman) |
Parent department | Government of India |
Child Commission | Public Service Commissions in India |
Website | upsc.gov.in Click Here for UPSC Official Website |
The above table will give you the details of the UPSC and IAS exams details.
The UPSC consists of a chairperson and other members appointed by the President of India. Further, the commission consists of nine to eleven members, including the chairman. Besides, each member holds office for the period of six years or until one attends the age of sixty-five years, whichever is applicable and early. Then, the terms and conditions of service of the chairman and members of the Commission are governed by the UPSC Regulations, 1969.
IAS Exam
Further, as we are talking about the official website for the IAS exam. As we all know, the IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC. IAS exam is conducted every year, and many students apply for the exam. It is one of the toughest and the respected jobs in India. Even though it is challenging, many students are aspiring to become the next IAS officers. But, becoming an IAS officer is not an easy task; it needs special efforts and hard work. Let us take a brief look at the IAS exam below.
Event | Dates | Salient Features |
UPSC notification | 04-Mar-2021 | The UPSC issued the IAS exam notification on March 4, 2021. |
Last date to apply for the IAS exam 2021 | 24-Mar-2021 | The IAS exam application form is accepted till March 24. |
IAS prelims exam 2021 | 10-Oct-2021 | IAS Prelims 2021 will be conducted on October 10 across the nation. |
IAS prelims 2021 result | October – November 2021 | UPSC will give the IAS result 2021 in the last week of October or in the first week of November |
IAS mains 2021 | 07-Jan-2022 | UPSC has released the new dates for the IAS Main 2021 exam. It will be conducted offline ( pen-paper mode). |
IAS main 2021 result | March/April 2022 | The IAS Main Exam result 2021 will be released online only. |
Talking about the IAS exam procedure, it has three main stages. So, in the IAS exam, the first stage is a preliminary exam, the second stage is the main exam and interview round. Further, it becomes important for one to clear all the rounds to reach the final destination. Further, there are three All Indian roles,
- Indian Administrative Service
- Indian Police Service
- Indian Forest Service
Below, let us understand all the information related to the UPSC Official Website
UPSC IAS Exam Website Details
UPSC initiates the candidates for IAS, IPS, and Central Civil Services through this test. Further, every one of the services and the offices in the association and state governments are going by the IAS officials that make this test the renowned one in the country.
Note – Then, to help you with the IAS exam syllabus, pattern, dates, and other essential details. You can click here, and you will find all the essential information. Also, visit the official website upsc.gov.in
UPSC Website
Talking about the UPSC website that is upsc.gov.in, we will explain to you briefly what is present on the official IAS exam website (upsc.gov.in). Usually, you will find information on the exam and the authority of conducting the exam on any official website. Further, details regarding exam rules, regulations, exam dates, and other rules related to the exam. Talking about the UPSC IAS website, it is a large website and has details about the exams conducted by the UPSC. You will get the information related to the Historical Perspective, Provisions, Functions, Divisions, and Commission. Further, you will find detailed information on different examinations and calendars of the active events. Besides, get the complete information like previous question papers, cut-off marks, calendar, Marks information, upcoming exams, revised syllabus and scheme, model question and answers, demo files, etc.
Then, details on applying for exams online, interviews, written results, admit cards, final results, recruitment advertisements, etc are available on upsc.gov.in.
Conclusion – UPSC Official Website
In summary, in the article, you will get the details of the UPSC Official Website (upsc.gov.in). Besides, one needs to go through the official website to understand all the details related to the exam. Then, all of us know about the IAS exam and its importance. If you are applying for the exam, you must take care of many things. If you need any information about the exam, you must visit the official website. Before applying for the exam, one must know about the exam’s important dates, results, etc. Further, one must check the official website for the latest details about the exam. We have also provided the essential links along with the UPSC Official Website that will help you with the necessary information.
When we plan to write any exam, we think of many things, like filling application form, eligibility, dates, exam pattern, rules, and regulations. So, to find these all information in one place will be very helpful. It applies to the IAS exam also. If you visit the official website, you will all the essential details of the exam. Therefore, when writing the UPSC exam, make sure that you have seen the website. Further, in this article, we have added information on the UPSC Official Website that is upsc.gov.in. So, read the complete article and know more about the UPSC IAS exam website and other essential information. To make your dream count, one must work hard. Then, this exam will not only check your subject knowledge but will also check your dedication toward your goals.
FAQs – UPSC Official Website
Lastly, we will look into some FAQs for a better understanding.
Yes, one can prepare for the IAS exam without coaching. However, one must be confident with their skills and must cover the complete syllabus of the exam as we have seen IAS officers who have cleared the exam without taking the coaching.
The IAS exam notification was released on March 4.
There are a total of nine papers in the main exam. Further, those who clear the preliminary exam are allowed to write the main exam.
It depends on one person to the other. Some take coaching and some don’t, but if you are confident with your skills you can study on your own.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Official Website
In brief, the above article will give you the complete information of the UPSC Official Website (upsc.gov.in). One must go through the official website to understand the exam date and other details. Further, the IAS exam is conducted every year all over India to recruit people for civil services. Like every other exam, the IAS exam also has it’s the procedure to conduct the exam. Besides, there are many websites that will provide you with the complete details of the exam procedure and also other details like exam syllabus, pattern, admit card, application form, tips, post details, etc.
In the official website, you will get complete details of the exam. So, if you are preparing yourself for the exam make sure that you have visited the official website for the complete details. Lastly, we wish you best wishes for the exam. Always remember why you started whenever you feel giving up. Your hard work will pay off, one can out their efforts to clear the exam.