As we all know, there are various exams that the UPSC conducts. Understanding differences is essential, and many students prepare for the IAS, IFS, IPS exams every year. Each of these exams is different concerning exam syllabus, role, syllabus, and duties. Therefore, it becomes important to know the difference between various exams before applying for the exam. In the article, we will know about the IAS Vs. IFS. Let us understand which is better, IAS or IFS, IAS Vs IFS salary. So, if you are confused with these both exams, read the below article it will give more details on the same.

IAS Officer
We will first understand the IAS. IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service. Further, the exam is held by the UPSC every year. Currently, there are 4926 posts, and out of that, 3511 are selected through the exam. Besides, the IAS, together with the Indian Police Service and the Indian Forest Service, is considered India’s main civil service.
Further, to become an IAS officer, one must check eligibility. Then, one must clear all stages of the exam. As we all know, the syllabus of the IAS exam is huge. One can go through the official site for more details on the IAS officer. Click Here.
IFS Officer
Further, IFS stands for Indian Foreign Service. It is also one of the famous exams present in India. It serves as a symbol of the country’s international presence. Besides, it is a part of Group A of the Central Civil Services.
To become an IFS officer, one must check eligibility and clear the exam. Therefore, one needs to meet all the exam criteria before applying.
Difference Between IAS and IFS

Further, you will observe major differences in functions and duty concerning differences between these two. For example, the execution of the National Forest Policy is a fundamental duty of an IFS officer. Further for an IAS officer is a full-fledged bureaucrat who enforces government regulations.
The eligibility for the IAS exam all students applying for the exam must have a bachelor’s degree in any discipline. Further, for the IFS exam, one must have a graduate degree from any recognized university.
No doubt, the IAS exam is tougher than the IFS exam. But, the IFS exam has a higher level of competitiveness. It is because vacancies in the IFS have been smaller than in the IAS.
Further, the admission cards for both IAS and IFS are separate. However, preliminary screening and shortlisting of candidates are done through a single exam. There are 26 optional subjects in the IAS exam and the IFS 14 subject selections for the IFS main exam.
IAS Vs IFS Salary
To begin with, IAS officer salary the basic salary is ₹ 56,100. Allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Travel Allowance are provided extra.
The IFS officer salary goes around ₹ 60,000 per month. This amount of an IFS salary consists of all the allowances. Further, if officers get posted outside India, then salary might go up to ₹ 2.40 Lakh, but this differs from country to country and other allowances.
Which is better IAS or IFS
In the first place, it is based on one’s interest; both IAS and IFS are services that are recruited through the UPSC exams. However, one can apply for both at the same time on the UPSC official website. Further, the prelims exam is similar for both exams. But, the main exam and interview rounds are different.
Further, the IFS is mainly concerned with foreign affairs. They are responsible for communication-oriented workshops for promoting India’s value in other foreign countries. Besides, those who are interested in traveling can go for the IFS. As the IFS officers can influence people in other countries, and they deal with international deals and trade. However, they cannot control the rules and factors of the Government of India, which an IAS officer can do.
Roles and Powers
Let us know what the roles and powers of the IAS and IFS officers below are. We have mentioned a few of them.
IAS Officer
- To begin with, the IAS officers are responsible for development of the area under the supervision of minister once they are in this position.
- Further, they must implement various programs that will help the district you’re in charge of forward.
- They have the power to ensure that law and order are upheld all the time.
- They develop and implement policies in the area of finance and commerce. However, the minister will make the final choices with whom they will be working.
IFS Officer
- They responsible for representing India at commissions, consulates, and multilateral organisations around the world.
- Further, keeping informed about the events in other countries.
- They are also responsible for safeguarding India’s national interests.
- Besides, they represent India at worldwide forums and platforms. They must maintain nd expand economic support between India and other countries.
Eligibility – IAS Vs IFS
IAS Officer Eligibility
- In the first place concerning nationality, an applicant must be a citizen of India.
- Further, with an age limit for the general category, one can apply for the exam till they are of age 32 years. Besides, there will be relaxation for some categories.
- Lastly, an applicant must have completed bachelor’s degree from any recognized university.
Later, click here to know all the details related to the IAS exam. Read More.
IFS Officer Eligibility
- In the first place with the nationality an applicant must be a citizen of either of citizen of India, Nepal, Bhutan, or a Tibetan who stayed in India.
- Further, age limit is between 21 years to 30 years. There will be realxation provided for some categories like SC/ST, OBC, etc.
- Skills required are decision making, leadership skills, communication skills, etc.
The exams include three stages Prelims, the main exam, and the interview round. Click here to get all details related to the IFS exam syllabus, pattern, books, salary, and other details.

Life of IAS and IFS officers are different in an early career in the district and sub-divisional towns, which may be present in remote areas. Further, IAS officers travel within their district as a part of the job, including visiting undeveloped areas.
We all know the thought, great power comes with great responsibilities. IAS officers are responsible for a lot of work related to the country. Further, IFS officers are must take care of all things that might affect India’s foreign policy. But, then, the posting of the IFS officers can be anywhere in the world.
Lastly, it is a call for aspirants what they wish to become according to their aspirations, interests, and UPSC rank. It is not a bad idea to have multiple plans. As we have mentioned, if you like traveling and meeting people, IFS is one for you. One cannot give you a perfect answer for which is better, IAS or IFS, as they are unique in their way and come with different powers. Both the services help develop countries and protect the nations in various ways. Therefore, one can choose accordingly.
If you are interested in knowing about the UPSC’s various posts, Click Here. We have added all details that will help to know about the different posts. Based on that, one can decide which one is the best for you.
Conclusion – IAS Vs IFS
The above article gives you complete information about the IAS Vs IFS salary. One needs to know about the various exams details before applying for it. Then know about the exam syllabus and that exam pattern. Besides, one needs to understand their interests and choose which exams suit their skills. Therefore, as both come with great powers and roles, understand all details related to IAS and IFS. One can go through the official website to get more information. This article talks about IAS Vs IFS salary, background details, and other details. Go through the complete article and decide which one is better for you.
As you all know, all the exams that the UPSC conducts are tough. But, we see many students applying for the exam, and one must plan properly and prepare for the exam. These kinds of exams need a lot of hard work, so one can clear the exam in the right direction. Then, we have provided important links that will also help you with the exam. So, one can also make a note of all important points.

There are many factors to look after. But we have seen students choosing IAS over IFS. However, IAS and IFS are different, and both are equally important.
Cabinet Secretary is the highest post in the UPSC
With respect to the general category, the last rank for the IAS was 77, whereas the last rank for the IFS was113.
Editor’s Note | IAS Vs IFS
In the above article, we have covered all IAS Vs IFS salary information. You will get IAS Vs IFS salary details, which are better, eligibility, role, and other important details. One must understand all information related to the exam before applying for it. It can be from the exam syllabus, role as an officer. Further, one must also know their skills and interests and choose the exam. But, both the services are equally important for our country. One should be proud of themselves for serving the nation. There are many factors to consider before deciding which one is best for you according to your skills and interests.
Everyone cannot be good at everything; likewise, one cannot take up the role only because it is attractive or for any other reason. As it is a matter of national, one must understand everything related to each and decide. As we have seen, many people who planned to write the IAS chose alternative government positions due to less rank. However, these all exam depends on your hard work and efforts. All the best. Go though the necessary links before choosing one.