The Essay for UPSC is the most important section. Certainly, IAS Essay Writing for UPSC helps to score more in the exam. “Practice makes perfect” as a result practicing how to write essays in UPSC will help the aspirants to score. Subsequently, it is important to attempt an essay paper with the same gravity as all other papers. So, read this article thoroughly to learn How To Write an Essay For UPSC.

Essay for UPSC
Certainly, the Essay Paper is a completely different paper in UPSC CSE Mains. As a result, one has to write two essays. Also, each with a count of 1000 – 1200words. However, one topic is to be picked from a choice of four topics. The Paper is 250 marks ( 125 marks each).
Consequently, there are two essay types. Firstly, formal type of essays. Secondly, informal type. However, for UPSC, formal essays are expected. As a result, formal essays are nearly impersonal. Certainly, these types of essays are less emotional. In this essay, one can present quotes and facts. They are not conversational. Also, never use the first-person reference. In short, a formal essay has some seriousness to it.
Importance of Essay Writing in UPSC
In the UPSC CSE essay paper, two essays have to be written. They have a time limit of under 3 hours. With 1000-1200 word limit. However, each essay carries 125 marks. That makes a total of 250. Consequently, the essay paper is divided into two sections. Firstly section A. Secondly, section B. Each section carries a choice of 4 essays each. The candidate has to pick one from each section. Also, there are clear instructions in the syllabus. They specify what to write in the paper. Candidates can get extra credit for the effective and unique expression. Underlining the keywords, and mentioning solid facts will be a plus point.
IAS Essay Writing Strategy
Certainly, the most common method of structuring an essay is breaking it up into paragraphs. In these body-paragraphs, the aspirant will have to fit in all his content.
Strategies to prepare for Essay Writing:
Study the trends
One can refer to the previous year’s papers. So, from there you can get an idea of what type of essays are asked. Analyze the revolving topics. Also, make a list of generic topics and prepare for them in advance.
Read Books
Aspirants should read a lot of books. This will help in gathering the content for their IAS Essay Writing. Also, this will help them for preparing for other papers as well. Books provide a lot of knowledge and also increase the vocabulary.
Mentioning quotes by famous personalities will highlight the essay. Aspirants should keep reading quotes and memorizing them. Also, practice writing them and connecting them with the content of the essay.
Current affairs
Consequently, a UPSC aspirant should be updated with current affairs. Also, addressing the current issues and relevant news in the essay will help one get some extra marks over the top.
Practice is the key
Practice makes perfect. Just as the quote suggests one can write good essays by practicing them regularly. Moreover, write one essay each day for practice. It will help you get used to writing 1000 words within the time limit.

Tips on Essay Writing For UPSC
Decide Structure
Always write essays in paragraphs to make them look more presentable. Also, always pay attention to when to change the paragraph and where to add pointers. This way a candidate can score more in exams. Also, it is important to have a flow in the essay. Moreover, it is connected to writing order.
Writing orders are of two types:
Known-to-New: As the name suggests in this way of writing an essay the content goes from known to new. In short, these Facts and Figures are used to state new data.
Simple-to-Complex: In this method firstly simple ideas are introduced and develop on to Complex. This is how the depth of knowledge and understanding is tested.
The most important part of the essay is the introduction. Certainly, initial impressions are very solid. A good introduction will definitely make an impression. Also, the introduction helps to build an idea throughout the essay. The introduction sets the base for the entire essay. A good essay will engage the examiner to read further.
Paragraphs are supportive, critical. Initially one can start a paragraph by stating the negative side. Then go on to express positive views and include facts and ideas to support the idea. Usually, analytical paragraphs look best at the end. But, there are no such rules. Also, for some topics, it can be used as the opening for the topic.
The conclusion is a place to score marks if written properly. Moreover, conclusions are a crucial part of the essay. The conclusions are supposed to be fulfilling and never end in questions.
Brainstorming is a process used to generate some wonderful ideas. Consequently, in this one has to analyze the given topic. Also, then decide what all points to mention and in which order. Brainstorming helps to make the IAS Essay Writing more organized and well written. Further in the article, you will understand How to Write an Essay for UPSC?
Elements of Essay
Following are the elements of essay
- Dynamic Elements: Social, Political, and Economic Aspects of the given topic.
- Static Elements: Constitutional, legal, technological, technical, etc.
- Persona Element: Some good personal experiences or anecdotes. However, they should stay within the accepted framework of ethical conduct.
The use of keywords is very essential. Keywords are to be taken from the essay topic itself. Content about the keyword is what to be expected from the candidate. Also, the use of synonyms of the keyword and highlighting them will help to make the essay attractive for the reader.
How to Write Essay in UPSC?
Sticking to the time limit
In the IAS Exam, you have to write 2 essays. The combined time limit is 3 hours. Distribution of this time is to be done in such a systematic manner. Calculate the amount of time you require for brainstorming. Add the time to write each essay separately. Then add extra 10-15 mins for spare. In this excess time, you can either revise or add extra time to thinking or writing whichever is needed.
How to introduce the essay?
The introduction should be exciting for the reader. It should make the reader what to follow up. Also, a good introduction to the essay can be a brief explanation of the essay topic itself. Furthermore, to make the introduction interesting one can add anecdotes and quotes and highlight them to draw attention. However, always write an introduction with a clear view and not lead the reader to confusion.
How to conclude the essay?
The conclusion is equally important to the introduction. Just as the introduction, the conclusion should also be strong. Most importantly the conclusion of an essay or an answer depends on what’s asked in the question. To conclude the essay one can make use of different methods. For instance, start the conclusion by summarising the important points of the essay. Then drawing them into a plausible conclusion and finally adding some Wayford ideas. Or else you can conclude by bringing the idea in the introduction and providing a solution. The conclusion should always be precise and ending on a positive note.

Sample Essay for UPSC
- The government should reduce the Agriculture subsidies
- COVID-19 has widened the rural and urban divide
- A free woman is a characteristic of a developed society
- New Education Policy 2020: A Progressive Policy with Diverse Challenges
- Life is a long journey between human being and being humane
- The mind is everything. What you think you become
- Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but imagination
- Science and Mysticism: Are they compatible?
- Can Capitalism Bring Inclusive Growth?
- Multinational Corporations: Savior or Saboteur
- National Identity and Patriotism

Also check about other UPSC Strategy like Cracking UPSC in First Attempt, Interview Process of IAS Exam & How to prepare for overall exam and specifically Prelims Exam.
FAQ | Essay For UPSC
Essay Paper is one of the nine papers in the Mains Exam OF UPSC. In this paper, there are 2 essays to be written with a word limit of 1000-1200 words in 3 hours.
For a long time, UPSC aspirants have seen to be referring to;
The Hindu, The Indian Express, Business Standard.
Mains papers of UPSC are subjective and hence long answers are to be written. Having good handwriting will help you to score more. Therefore, practice essay writing in good handwriting.
Refer to the above article and we are sure you will find it easy to start writing an essay for IAS Exam.
Editor’s Note | Essay for UPSC
Essay Paper is one of the nine papers for the mains exam. If you have read the article thoroughly you will be able to write essays on your own. IAS Essay Writing can be mastered only by practice. Consistency and Patience will help you become a good writer. Read books, editorials, news articles, and keep practicing Essay Writing. ALL THE BEST!!