To begin with, we all know how difficult IAS Exam is. The IAS Exam has a vast syllabus and we need to take care of many things. So, you must be aware of the exam syllabus, pattern, exam fees and many other things. If you have a plan of writing the IAS Exam you have to work hard to clear it. Surely, clearing the IAS is not a cup of tea, it takes a lot of hard work and patience one take up the IAS exam and clear it. There are many topics to be covered in one subject. So, today let us understand the IAS/UPSC Maths Optional Syllabus. We have covered all the details of the UPSC Mathematics Optional Syllabus.

Pros – UPSC Maths Syllabus
Before understanding the IAS/UPSC Mathematics/Maths optional syllabus, let us understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of Maths optional subject. Below we have listed
- So, questions which are asked in the paper are generally direct. If you are good at Maths, you can easily go for this subject.
- Maths is a static subject, unlike some other subjects. There is no link to current affairs here.
- If you take Maths subject, you will face less competition when compared to some other subjects.
- Maths, if you are already aware is a scoring subject. As it includes no theory in it. You just need to understand the subject matter and solve it accordingly. So, in the subject, you can easily get maximum marks.
- Lastly, you can perform well in this subject and if you like Maths then you can take up this.
Cons – UPSC Maths Syllabus
Then, next, let us understand the cons of the IAS/UPSC maths/mathematics optional syllabus
- There are no overlaps with the GS papers.
- You may take more time to complete the syllabus as you need to understand the concepts well. If you are already aware this subject needs more practice than studying blindly.
- Next, there is very little margin for error. If the answer is wrong you will lose marks. You will get the grace marks for attempting the questions in the right direction.
- It is believed that maths can be taken only by candidates who are a maths or engineering background. But, at the same time if you are confident enough and have good skills in Maths you can take up this subject. So, you can give the mock test regularly it is the way of revising the things you have studied.
Syllabus – UPSC Maths Syllabus

Understanding the syllabus of the subject plays an important role in all type exams. So, below we have listed all the topics under UPSC Maths optional Syllabus.
To begin with, we have Linear Algebra, Calculus, Analytic Geometry. Below we have added the links
Know more here –
So, next for the details on various topics for Paper 2, you can download here.
In addition to syllabus, you must also concentrate on Current Affairs.
Books – UPSC Maths Syllabus
Then, find which are the best books for the IAS/UPSC maths optional syllabus
Mathematics Paper I
- Dynamics, Statics and Hydrostatics – M. Ray
- Differential Calculus – Shanti Narayan, PK Mittal
- Analytic Geometry by Shanti Narayan, DK Jha, HC Sinha and Sharma
- Differential equations:- Golden series – NP Bali
- Vector Analysis – Shanti Narayan, PK Mittal
- Linear Algebra – K.C. Prasad, K B Datta
Mathematics Paper II
- Linear Programming & Theory of Games by SD Sharma
- Algebra – K C Prasad, KB Datta
- Mechanics & Fluid dynamics by Azaroff Leonid, AP Mathur
- Complex Analysis – GK Ranganath
- Real Analysis – H.L Royden
- Ordinary & Partial Differential Equation – M.D. Raisinghania
- Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis – SS Sastry

- In the first place, we suggest you make a proper time table, where you will give time for all the topics. To get a score giving equal time for all the subjects is essential. So, utilize the time available.
- Then, for exams like IAS, hard work is a must. You cannot expect things will fall in place without working hard. So, whenever you feel like quitting know why you started. Then, keep going. It’s a matter of time, so work hard and study smart so that you will fulfil your dreams.
- Also, understand the exam syllabus and pattern well. These both are very essential in any exam. As it will help you to study in a specific direction and to know the areas well.
- One cannot ignore reading the newspaper daily. Current affairs are equally important, many of you tend to ignore this. If you want a perfect rank given equal importance to read the newspaper daily. At least till you are done with the exams read the newspapers.
- Next, take care of your health. Physical and mental health are equally important. All of us may ignore our health. It’s no point when you prepare so well for the exam but when the exam is nearing you will fall sick.
- Take a break whenever you want simply studying won’t help you in any way. When you complete a certain portion take a break. You can talk with your friends and family or watch videos or movies or go for a walk. But, remember to restrict yourself with the timing.
- Don’t forget to give the mock tests. It is really important. Giving mock tests will help you in many ways. By giving the mock tests you will understand where you need improvement and where you are good at.
Tips – UPSC Maths Syllabus
- Experience the maths schedule at the outset. Comprehend the schedule and have it at the rear of your brain constantly.
- At that point, make a rundown of books from where you will set up every subject in the prospectus. For this, you can follow the particular point shrewd system we have given in this article. You can likewise take direction from your seniors and tutors for this.
- You should likewise experience the earlier years’ inquiry papers for maths discretionary with the goal that you know about the most significant and rehashed points from where inquiries are posed in the mains test.
- The approach to planning for this discretionary is basic – first, peruse and comprehend the ideas and hypotheses. From that point onward, commit 80% of the time in rehearsing the aggregates and the excess 20% in amending them.
- You should likewise rehearse the evidence of the hypotheses well indeed. It will help if you can demonstrate and determine the hypothesis or hypothesis without any preparation. At times, confirmations of hypotheses are additionally asked in the test, especially in Paper-II.

To conclude, in the above article we have included all the details which is important for the UPSC Mathematics optional Syllabus subject. As, it will help you with the exam preparations. There are many things you need to take care of. You must know, the syllabus of the exam, pattern, application form, admit card release date, exam fees, exam dates and many other related details. So, when it is concerned with an optional subject, be very careful while selecting the subject. Then, above we have added the details related to the IAS Maths syllabus. For more details on UPSC, visit here. Lastly, we wish you good luck with the exams, do well. Work hard so your all goals will turn into reality.
If you are good at Maths, yes surely you can go for this. As it doesn’t include much theory, if you are strong with your basics you can take Maths optional for UPSC.
There are many sources available online as well. Next, coming to books, above we have listed all the best books for the exam. You can take a look.
In the IAS main exam, Philosophy has the shortest syllabus, when compared with other optional subjects.
So, IAS Exam includes a vast syllabus and you need to take care of many things.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Maths Syllabus
In brief, in the above article, we have added the details of the syllabus of Maths. So, if you are already aware, in the IAS exam you must take care of a lot many things namely syllabus, exam pattern, exam fees, exam dates and other related details. So, the above article will surely help you if you have any confusion with the syllabus. If you have any other confusion you can check up with our other articles as well. Then, you will also find some tips and suggestions for the exam. Try to cultivate them when you are studying. Studying for 8 – 10 hours is enough and also have proper food and sleep. We wish you all the best for the exams, do well. It’s a matter of time so, work hard and make your dreams come true.