To begin with, when we plan to write any exam, we start our preparations by understanding the exam requirements. It can be any exam there are specific which matters the most. Further, concerning the IAS exam, one question which always pops into mind is Which subject is best for IAS or which degree is best for the IAS. Therefore, in the article, we have added all the information about which stream is best for ias and which subject is best for UPSC. Hence, read the complete article and understand which degree is best to become an IAS officer.

In the first place, one of the most popular exams present in India, the IAS exam, is conducted by the UPSC. Further, we see so many candidates applying for the exam and wishing to become the next IAS officer. In the IAS exam, you will find three main stages (Preliminary exam, the Main exam, and Interview round). Besides, all students need to clear all stages of the exam. Later, in the prelims, you will have two main papers, and in the main paper, you will find nine papers. Further, questions asked in the prelims are objective type, and questions asked in the main exam are descriptive type. Later, for more details on the IAS exam and other information. Read More. Then, one can join classes for the IAS exam preparations.
Which degree is best for IAS?
Further, one of the main questions in mind is which is the best degree for the IAS exam. Therefore, it is good to understand graduation options before choosing the degree to help a student prepare for the UPSC exam. Besides, your degree choice makes an impact on your IAS exam results. Therefore, if you are serious with your dreams, understand all details related to the IAS. Later, also understand which subjects are essential for the exam and choose your degree and college according to that. Besides, one must ensure that subject of interest might affect your performance in graduation and even in the UPSC exam.
Important Points
Once you have completed 12th and have a plan to write the IAS exam, understand the below points. That will help you on knowing on which degree is best to become an ias officer.
- To begin with, read about the IAS exam; one must understand all details related to the IAS exam. This means knowing the procedure of the exam and exam requirements.
- Further, knowledge of the subjects. It becomes essential for one to know which is the best subject for IAS after 12th. Besides, your graduation subjects should be the ones that cover most of the IAS exam syllabus or it can be your optional subject for the main exam.
- Later, you don’t have to take up the subjects that are taken by the toppers. Instead, you understand about subjects and know the syllabus well. . You can start studying subjects like history, polity, and economics on your own through the most suggested books and resources.
- Further, one can start their exam preparation by studying from the NCERT books. Therefore, try to study from the NCERTs from class 6th to 12th. During your graduation, you have a lot of time to study from the NCERT books.
- Besides, try to analyze from the previous year’s question papers. Practicing with question paper will make you familiar with the exam pattern and type of the questions.
- Further, try to read newspapers daily to know about current affairs. Along with covering the complete syllabus, one must also stay up to date with current affairs.
Optional subjects of the IAS Exam
Further, in the below table, know about the optional subjects of the IAS exam. Besides, you must be careful while choosing the optional subject. One must understand their skills and interests and select the optional subject as it will impact your final results of the exam. Therefore, it is good to glance through the syllabus before choosing one and go through the previous year’s question paper. Further, one should select the optional subject according to your background and which excites you. Besides, one must also check for the study materials and books that are readily available and readable. Also, make an analysis of the subject’s syllabus, get a clear understanding of the paper, and know which subject is best for UPSC.
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Political Science and International Relations
- Commerce and Accountancy
- Medical Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Geology
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Management
- Zoology
- Economics
- Geography
- History
- Physics
- Law
- Mathematics
- Lastly, Public Administration
Later, in the table below, we added information on how optional subjects overlap with the other subjects.

Optional Subject | Syllabus Overlaps with |
History | Prelims, GS I |
Geography | Prelims, GS I and GS III |
Public Administration | Prelims, GS II |
Political Science | Prelims, GS II |
Sociology | GS I, GS II, Essay |
Philosophy | GS IV. Essay |
Which subject is best for UPSC Exam?
Later, in the table below, know the optional subjects’ success rate and the number of students who appeared for that subject. Therefore, by understanding the below table, you will get an idea of which subject is best for UPSC.
Optional Subject | Candidates Appeared | Success Rate |
Agriculture | 89 | 12.4 |
Anthropology | 880 | 9.7 |
Civil Engineering | 124 | 8.9 |
Commerce & Accountancy | 224 | 12.5 |
Economics | 233 | 6.9 |
Electrical Engineering | 193 | 9.8 |
Geography | 2669 | 5.5 |
Geology | 37 | 5.4 |
History | 1074 | 5.5 |
Philosophy | 755 | 7 |
Political Science & International Relations | 1246 | 9.4 |
Zoology | 484 | 3.7 |
Mechanical Engineering | 170 | 11.2 |
Medical Science | 313 | 10.2 |
Physics | 140 | 10 |
Psychology | 193 | 10.9 |
Public Administration | 1165 | 10.2 |
Sociology | 1421 | 9.6 |
Lastly, Zoology | 55 | 1.8 |
IAS Exam Strategies
Further, below we have added some of the exam strategies that will help you with the exam.
- In the first place, understand the exam syllabus and the pattern of the paper. It is the first things one must do and refer to the previous year question papers.
- Further, solve as many question papers as possible, it will help you with the UPSC exam preparations. Besides, you will also understand on the trending topics, marks, and question pattern.
- Then, try to give mock tests that will aslo give you the feel of the final year paper. Later, it will also help you understand your strong areas and also in which all areas needs improvements.
- Besides, revision is vital for any exam. So, before starting with the new topics try to revise old topics. It will help you during the exam.
- Later, we have added all the details of the IAS exam like exam syllabus, pattern, books, tips, admit card, exam procedure, and other details.So, Click Here for all details.
- Lastly, one must make a proper use of availabe time and prepare an effective time table for the UPSC exam.

Conclusion – Which subject is best for IAS?
To conclude, in this article, we have added all information related to Which subject is best for IAS and which stream is best for the IAS exam, or which degree is best to become an IAS officer. Further, it is one of the questions that comes to all IAS candidates, as one wants to go for that stream which will help them prepare for the IAS exam. Besides, having a bachelor’s degree is essential to writing the UPSC exam. Therefore, one must try to choose such a stream with some subjects present in the IAS. However, it is not compulsory, as we have seen engineering and medical students taking the IAS exam.
But, if you are one among those who wish to choose such a stream that will help you in the IAS exam preparations, this article will help you. Further, we added details about which degree it is best to become an ias officer and all the other related information.
FAQs – Which subject is best for IAS?

Lastly, we have added a few FAQs on the topic.
Sociology, Geography, and Public Administration are easy subjects to score. Further, go through the above article for more details.
The total number of subjects in the IAS exam is 48
1. In the first place, know the exam syllabus and refer to the previous year’s question papers.
2. Then, understand which are the best books and prepare accordingly.
3. Further, make a proper timetable and give subjects for all subjects.
Editor’s Note | Which subject is best for IAS?
In brief, in the above article, you will get an understanding of which are the best optional subject for the IAS exam and which stream is best for IAS. Further, which stream you can take for your degree. As your degree subjects have an impact on the IAS exam preparation. Therefore, studying a few subjects in your degree will help you in the IAS exam preparations. You will find information like which degree is best to become an ias officer, which subject is best for UPSC. Besides, one needs to study from the best books, and one must also have a habit of reading the newspapers daily to know current affairs. Further, in the right plan and direction, one can clear the exam.