IAS exam which has a vast syllabus and you have to know about many other things. So, today in this article, let us understand the Geography optional syllabus for the UPSC. We have included all the essential information related to Geography. Along, with the syllabus, you will also find book list and some tips for the exam preparations. Then, check out the below article for more details on the Geography Syllabus for UPSC we have collected all the topics which come under the UPSC/IAS geography optional syllabus PDF. It will help you with the exam preparation.

Why Geography?
Geography is quite possibly the most suggested optional subjects in the UPSC Civil Services Exam. Many candidates take this optional subject in UPSC CSE just to ensure that they clear the exam. This article mainly focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of accepting Geography as an optional for UPSC exam and will offer applicants a reaction to their enquiry, is topography a respectable optional for IAS.
Choosing the optional subject for the UPSC civil administrations exam is an individual decision. Each individual has its novel qualities and shortcomings, and particularly with regards to clear the UPSC exam. Aside from this, applicants likewise have diverse instructive and expert foundations. A competitor should know the advantages and disadvantages of a specific optional subject and if the aces exceed the cons, he/she can focus in regarding that matter. Yet, prior to moving into the Pros and Cons area, we should check different parts of the subject.
Below are the reasons why candidates choose UPSC geography optional syllabus
- In the first place, scientific subject and candidates don’t need to learn a lot.
- You can easily get the notes offline and online.
- Success Rate of the subject is very high.
- Topics are connected with the GS Paper 1.
Pros and Cons -Geography Syllabus for UPSC
So, now let us understand the Pros and Cons of taking Geography as optional subject in the IAS Exam. Check below Pros of geography optional syllabus PDF
- Geography is a definite and more logical subject, that is the reason it is liked by many candidates from science, clinical and engineering background.
- Just ideas should be perceived and you are prepared for the exam.
- When it comes to study materials, few books are accessible for Geography.
- Geography optional syllabus has a colossal cover with General Studies both in prelims and the mains.
- With the unique inquiries, Geography likewise has a ton of association with subjects like financial aspects, climate, biology and climate.
- Aspirants can also use what they realize in Geography subject in their exposition paper on different points.
- Even in the UPSC character test, Geography will be helpful to clear the exam, as the board can pose inquiries on the nearby geography of an up-and-comer’s old neighbourhood like soil, vegetation, minerals, and so forth
- Geography is a most-encouraging scoring subject on the grounds that dissimilar to subjects like humanities, there isn’t a lot of extension for understanding. More than this, the outlines, flowchart, and so on can be utilized to get more stamps.
- The guide based inquiries are additionally scoring and simple to reply.
Now, take a look at the Cons taking Geography as the optional subject in the exam.
- The biggest negative point about Geography is that it covers a huge section of the syllabus.
- The competition in this optional subject is huge when compared with other subjects.
- The subjects are too lengthy and sometimes it becomes difficult to study everything and remember.

Syllabus – Geography Syllabus for UPSC
let us now understand the complete Geography optional syllabus pdf of the IAS Exam for both the papers Paper 1 and 2. Go through the below information carefully and prepare for the exam. We have included all the topics which come under the IAS Geography syllabus, read it and prepare well. Then, find the links for the complete syllabus below, we have added syllabus of Paper 1 and 2
As the IAS geography syllabus is huge. We will help you by giving the list of geography books which will help you with the exam preparations. Below is a list of the books for the Paper 1. As we all know, there are many books available out there. But, one must know which are the best books to study for the exam. So, we have listed some of the best books for you to read for the exam. Take a look at them and try to collect them and study for the exam.
Geography Books – Geography Syllabus for UPSC

- NCERT Books (Class 8-12). This is a MUST read.
- Certificate Physical and Human geography by GC Leong. So, this particular book is believed to be a bible for both Prelims and Mains.
- Environmental geography by Savindra Singh
- Physical geography by Majid Hussain/ Savindra Singh.
Then list of geography books for the Paper 2
- Human Geography by Majid Hussain.
- Models In Geography – Majid Husain.
- Economic and Social Geography Made Simple by Rupa Publication.
- Then, India a Comprehensive Geography by Kullar
- Down to Earth Magazine – for studying the current issues.
Some other books for Geography study.
- India: A Comprehensive Geography by D R Khullar
- Geographical Thought by R D Dixit
- Fundamentals of Geographical Thought by Sudeepta Adhikari
- Lastly, Cities, Urbanisation & Urban Systems (Settlement Geography) by K Siddhartha
All the above books are best for you to study for the exam for Paper 1 & 2. Also, there are many materials which are available online. Make your own notes and read it during the exam. Give mock tests regularly, which will help you to know about your skills and where you need improvement.
Tips for studying Geography
some of the tips for you study the Geography subject, take a look at the below points
- Read NCERTs: Start out by covering Geography NCERTs from class VIII to XII. It will make your fundamentals strong. Besides, questions directly from NCERTs are asked in the exam, which is the reason it is critical to begin your planning from here.
- Fundamental books: Next, altogether study the essential books of geography, which incorporates Certificate Physical and Human Geography by GC Leong and Geography of India by Majid Husain.
- Previous years’ papers: Next, go for settling earlier years’ inquiry papers. Settling these inquiries will help you in recognizing significant themes that should be updated and, if necessary, re-reexamined.
- Mock tests: Mock tests will permit you to survey your planning and recognize the area(s) of shortcoming that you need to deal with.
- Current Affairs: Read papers, for example, ‘The Hindu’, and month to month magazines, specifically ‘Yojana’ and ‘Kurukshetra’for the current issues parcel. You can check our other articles for more related details on the IAS exam. For more information, visit the official site here.
Suggestions – Geography Syllabus for UPSC
Understand some of the tips for UPSC geography optional syllabus pdf.
- In any case, understand the total IAS Geography syllabus since it’s of no use you simply continue concentrating no specific way. In this way, we recommend you know the syllabus well then you can concentrate in like manner.
- Continuously be engaged. For IAS Exam, there is a requirement for hard work and patience then no one but you can clear the exam. In this way, it very well may be difficult at the beginning yet remember why you began it. It needs your persistent effort and spotlights on the studies.
- Make one great time table, where you will assign time for each subject. In this way, you can easily cover the entire syllabus. Since the syllabus is immense and every day you need to utilize time.
- At that point, in addition to the syllabus set aside a few minutes and read the paper every day. With the syllabus, Current Affairs are similarly significant for the exam.
- One must take care of the health, many people ignore this. To write the exam you should be fit intellectually and genuinely also. You can focus well just when you have energy and fit. Thus, have good food and drink loads of water. Not to forget to remember rest for 6 – 8 hours day by day.
- Take a break, at whatever point it’s required. On the off chance that you continue examining you can’t think that well. Taking a break after a specific time will assist you with centring more. You can watch videos, talk with your friends or spend time with them. In any case, ensure that you restrict yourself. What’s more, you can confine yourself from utilizing the cellphone. At any rate, till you finish your exam.
Conclusion – Geography Syllabus for UPSC

To conclude, in the above article, we have included all the details of UPSC Geography optional syllabus pdf. You must be very careful before choosing the optional subject. So, if you want to choose geography optional syllabus, know the background of Geography. You can’t choose any subject randomly. You have to do proper research on the subject, understand if you take up that subject can you prepare well or no. Don’t take because everyone else is taking. It will be good if you choose the subject according to your skills and talent. IAS exam is hard to clear so always make a wise decision concerned with this exam. Take care of all the important things and always be updated with the latest news of the exam. Lastly, we wish you good luck for the exam do well and study hard. May all your hard work will be fruitful.
Then, below check for the FAQ’s you will get a clear in case of any confusions. Take a look at them
The syllabus of geography is huge but there are lot sources where you can easily get the notes. In the above article, we have included all the topics under geography section. Then, you can download them for your reference. It will help you in understanding all the topics
It is one of the most popular optional subjects in the IAS exam. But, selecting the optional subject completely depends on the person, you must understand your skills as well. If you feel you have ability to score good marks, you can take up with that particular subject.
NCERT books are famous for the IAS exam. Along with NCERT books above we have listed other books which are good for studying the Geography. You will find some books online and also some PDF you can easily download them
As you are already aware, it has a vast syllabus. So, it is always a good idea to make a time table, where you will give time for all the subjects as it will help you to cover all the topics under each subject.
Editor’s Note | Geography Syllabus for UPSC
In brief, in the above article, we have covered all the details related to the Geography optional subject. If you have a plan of writing the IAS exam you must take care of many things. Like syllabus, pattern, application form and many other important things. Also, you must take care while selecting the optional subject. It can be any kind of exam, understanding of the syllabus is very essential and when it comes to the IAS exam as it has a huge syllabus, make sure that you cover all the topics. Lastly, we wish you good luck for the exams. Do well and work hard.