To begin with, IAS is believed to be the most difficult exam and also the syllabus of the IAS exam is huge. So, it becomes essential for candidates to take care of the exam syllabus, pattern, exam conditions and many other things. If you are already aware, the IAS exam contained three stages namely the Preliminary Exam, the Main exam and lastly Interview round. If you are aware, you are required to clear each stage to go to the next stage. Along with this, you must take care of many other things like filling up the application form, paying the fees, admit card, exam dates, rules and regulations of the exam many other related things. You can easily find all the details in our articles. In this article, we will discuss on UPSC Sociology Syllabus. Look at the below article for more on the sociology optional syllabus for UPSC/IAS exam.
- Why Sociology?
- Advantages of choosing Sociology as an optional subject
- Disadvantages
- Sociology Syllabus
- Paper 1 – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
- Paper 2 – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
- Tips and Suggestions – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
- Conclusion – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
- FAQ'S – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
- Editor's Note | UPSC Sociology Syllabus

Why Sociology?
Sociology is one of the important subjects in the GS paper in the UPSC exam. UPSC Sociology Syllabus is one of the easiest optional subjects. So, many candidates take Sociology as their optional subject in IAS Main Exam. In Sociology Paper 1 has fundamentals of Sociology and Paper 2 has Indian society, its structure, and change. In addition to this, it is easy to understand and scoring as well. As it is easy to understand even candidates with a Science background can take this subject. Coming to the syllabus it’s less and it also helps you with essay paper as it has at least one essay asked on the social issues. If you are already aware of the last round which is the Interview, this subject will be of more help.
UPSC Sociology syllabus has been a hot favourite among the student community for several years with more than 1600 students with Sociology optional appearing in the Mains Examination. Then, approximately an average every year in the last five or more years. The success rate of students with Sociology optional is also seen to be high with more than 2 in the top 10 and more than 10 in the top hundred in the rank list in the past years. So, you can easily take up Sociology as an optional subject and you can easily score on the same.

Advantages of choosing Sociology as an optional subject
You just cannot choose any random subject because everyone else is choosing it. You need to take care of many things while choosing one. If you are an aspirant IAS, you are already aware of many things. So, the syllabus of the exam is huge and clearing the IAS exam is very difficult. You should be very careful while choosing the subject. Below check out the advantages and disadvantages of sociology optional syllabus for UPSC/IAS. So, below are the some of the advantages of selecting this subject.
- It has a shorter syllabus and also easy to understand, scoring subject as well.
- Since it is easy to understand, even science background students can select this subject as optional in the exam.
- It will help with essay writing asked on social issues and with the interview round as well.
- Then, it is interesting especially if social issues matter to you.
- There is overlap with General Studies Paper I.
So, along with the advantages, we do have some disadvantages and we have listed them below. So, check below for UPSC Sociology Syllabus disadvantages.
- It is not as scoring subject as Geography
- Then, candidates must have knowledge of Current Affairs more
- You need to think before writing as it should be presented which is nothing but how you choose to represent your answer.
Sociology Syllabus
So, below we have listed the Paper 1 and 2 in detail of sociology optional syllabus for UPSC/IAS. So, check out the topics and content completely. This will surely will help you with the exam preparations.

Paper 1 – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
Check out below for complete syllabus of Sociology Paper 1 syllabus with all the topics.
Paper 2 – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
Next is Paper 2 of sociology optional syllabus for UPSC/IAS. Take a look for the topics of Paper 2.
A. Introducing Indian Society:
- Perspectives on the study of Indian society
- Impact of colonial rule on Indian society
B. Social Structure:
- Rural and Agrarian Social Structure:
- Caste System
- Tribal communities in India
- Social Classes in India
- Systems of Kinship in India
- Religion and Society
C. Social Changes in India
- Visions of Social Change in India
- Rural and Agrarian transformation in India
- Industrialization and Urbanisation in India
- Politics and Society
- Social Movements in Modern India
- Population Dynamics
- Challenges of Social Transformation
So, above we have covered all the topics under the Sociology. You can have a look and decide is it good for you to take up as an optional subject or no. Select keeping all the points in the mind. Along with this make a proper revision, it will help you to remember things which you have studied. And also you can give mock tests, by doing this you will understand where you need to study more and which topics yet to cover. Below we have included some tips which will help you with the exam preparations.
Tips and Suggestions – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
Then, we will provide you with some tips for the exam which will surely help you with the exam preparations. So, look at the below points. Note them.
- In the first place, understand the complete syllabus because it’s of no use you just go on studying in no particular direction. So, we suggest you know the syllabus well then you can study accordingly.
- Always be focused. For IAS Exam, there is a need for hard work and patience then only you can clear the exam. So, it might be difficult at the starting but remember why you started it. It needs your hard work and focuses on the studies.
- Make one good time table, where you will allot time for each subject. So, that you can easily cover the whole syllabus. Because the syllabus is huge and each day you have to make proper use of time. Daily 8 – 10 hours of study would be good.
- Then, in addition to the syllabus, make time and read the newspaper daily. With the syllabus, Current Affairs are equally important for the exam.
- One must take care of the health, many people ignore this. To write the exam you must be fit mentally and physically as well. You can concentrate well only when you have energy and fit. So, have proper food and drink lots of water. Not to forget sleep for 6 – 8 hours daily.
- Take a break, whenever it’s required. If you go on studying you cannot concentrate that well. Taking a break after a certain time will help you to focus more. You can watch videos, talk with your friends and family or hang out with them. But, make sure that you limit yourself. And you can restrict yourself from using the cellphone. At least till you finish your exam.
Conclusion – UPSC Sociology Syllabus

To conclude for sociology optional syllabus for UPSC/IAS. In this article, we have explained all the syllabus of Sociology in details. If you have a plan of writing the IAS exam and you can take Sociology as the optional subject. When compare to Geography subject, this subject is easy to understand and to study for the exam. So, many candidates take up this as one of the optional subjects. In the end, it depends on you, which subject you want to take up as an optional subject for the exam. The syllabus of the IAS exam is huge so choose wisely. Finally, we wish you good luck for the exams. Preparing for the UPSC exam is difficult at the start but always remember your dreams. Visit the official website here.
FAQ’S – UPSC Sociology Syllabus
Then look at the most asked FAQ’s, which will give you more idea. We have included some of them below.
So, the syllabus of Paper 1 and Paper 2 are different. It mainly includes all the basic concepts of the Sociology. You can check up with the above article for more details.
Yes, it is easy to understand and you can score well in this subject. So, many candidates take up Sociology rather than geography.
It is the most preferred one of the optional subject for the IAS Exam. So, you can think of taking this as an optional subject as it is easy to understand.
So, Philosophy has the shortest syllabus in the UPSC exam. If you feel you can’t cover another subject you can choose this particular subject.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Sociology Syllabus
In brief, in this article, we have covered all the details related to Sociology. So, if you are confused about which optional subject to choose for the IAS exam. We have listed the advantages of choosing Sociology as an optional subject. But, choose such a subject which is easy for you to study. As the syllabus of IAS is huge to be very careful while choosing the one. You can read the complete article and in the end, you will get an idea which subjects to select. Lastly, we wish you all the best for your exams, do well. May all your hard work will be fruitful. Good luck