It can be any exam, there are a lot many things to be taken care of when it comes to IAS. Also, if you plan to write the IAS Exam, you need to have good background knowledge. As we all IAS exam syllabus is huge; you must take care of many things like exam pattern, syllabus, exam rules, application form, admit card, and many other important things. In our other articles, we have all the essential information related to the exam. So, today in this article, we will discuss the IAS officer salary. So, we have gathered information about the Salary of IAS officer in India.

To begin with, the IAS Exam has three stages: Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam, and the Interview round. Candidates must clear each step to go to the next stage. Then, the syllabus of the preliminary and the main exams are different. So, you can visit here for more information on the syllabus of the IAS Exam. IAS exam syllabus is vast, and finishing it is a task. Then, we suggest you do proper research before writing the exam. So, take care of minute things. Then, prepare well for the exam. This particular exam mainly requires hard work and patience. So, we suggest you make a proper timetable and make time for every subject. At the same time have a habit of reading the newspaper daily at least till you finish your exams. Then, know IAS salary and all the other details below.
IAS Salary
In the first place, IAS officers are the top officers of the Indian administrative structure. The IAS salary in India also indicates the social status of the IAS officers. But the compensation of IAS doesn’t function as the sole spurring factor for the up-and-comers. It is the duties and the chances to serve the general public that propels the applicants. The Seventh Pay Commission had rebuilt the IAS official pay rates and had given a much-required climb in the all-out bundle, yet at the same time, the compensation of IAS officials is undeniably not exactly the CEOs and overseers of huge global organizations. For more details you can visit here
Pay Scale and Grades

So, the IAS salary in India is governed by the grades of the IAS officers and they are assigned based on their number of years of services. And also they are upgraded based on their years of experience. Then, the IAS salary structure is divided into 8 grades and each grade has a fixed basic pay and grade pay. Salary of IAS Officer in India comprises of the basic pay, grade pay, Dearness Allowances (DA), House Rent Allowances (HRA), Medical Allowance, Conveyance Allowances.
So, below is the salary structure of an IAS officer. Understand in detail.
Net Salary = Basic Pay + Grade Pay + DA + HRA + CA + different remittances
So, the DA depends on the city of posting and also differs from city to city. Then, the HRA depends on the address of the IAS officer. All the allowances differ from officer to officer. DA can increase up to 103% of the basic salary. The Union government periodically revises the DA for the employees and merges it with basic pay. Then, HRA ranges from 8% to 24% of the basic salary.
The HRA is by, and large 8-24% of the two pays; the figuring is as indicated by the city. Besides, IAS pay for class A urban community is 24%. Then, it is 16% for class B for class C urban communities, it is 8%. Be that as it may, convenience is given, however, without HRA. So, IAS compensation can satisfy all the fundamental necessities. Since the vast majority of the fundamental consumption is dealt with, they can save a significant sum till the retirement age.

Pay Scale and Grades Structure
Take a look at the below details on PayScale on different scales.
Click on the link for the complete details on the PayScale and Grade Structure. We have added all the details, which will give you a better understanding of the IAS salary. Then the pay scale differs from one grade to the other.
Junior Scale Grade – IAS Salary
So, the Junior Scale is the first grade assigned to the IAS probationers. Then, the post included in the junior grade are:
- Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDMs)
- Sub-Divisional Officers (SDOs)
- Sub-Collector (After completion of Two- years of Completion)
Then, the post varies from state to state and also depends on the administrative structure.
Senior Time Scale Grade
The Senior Time Scale it is for the IAS officers who have completed 5 years of service. So, look at the below points which are included in the senior time scale grade are
- District Magistrate (DM)
- Collector
- Joint Secretary of a Government Ministry
Junior Administrative Grade
So, next, we have Junior Administrative Grade is the next and as the name proposes, it is allocated to the IAS officials who complete 9 years in the administrations and turns into an individual from the managerial gathering in the state organization. A few posts remembered for this evaluation are as per the following.
- Special Secretary to the Government of India
- Various state Government Departments head.
Selection Grade
This particular grade is for the IAS officers who complete 12 to 15 years in service. Their role in the Policy decision is very essential.
- Secretary to a Ministry
- Director in a field organisation
Super Time Scale
This evaluation is doled out to the IAS officials when they complete 17 to 20 years in the help. The officials don’t follow a normal posting in light of the fact that the postings rely upon the desire of state governments. Moreover, the state unit strength additionally assumes its part here. So, the main posts remembered for this evaluation is
- Principal Secretary
Above Super Time Scale – IAS Salary
This evaluation is alloted following 20 years of administration. Following 20 years of administration, the IAS official continues to get the evaluations and the compensation increments with the evaluation, yet the posting relies upon the desire of the public authority. The records and execution assume a vital part of the posting. The post likewise shifts in this evaluation.
Apex Scale
Then, Apex scale is the subsequent top evaluation in India and simply second to the Cabinet Secretary Grade. The officials relegated to this evaluation exclusively after they made progress in their past postings. The posting in this evaluation relies upon the presentation and the desire of the public authority. A few posts remembered for this evaluation are as per the following
- Chief Secretary of States
- Then, there are Union Secretaries in charge of different ministries of Government of India like Home Secretary, Finance Secretary
Cabinet Secretary Grade
Perhaps the main parts according to the IAS pay is that the compensation is chosen and fixed by the Union Government of India, yet it is paid from the State reserves. The state to which the IAS official is allocated pays the compensation and different advantages.
Lastly, this is the pinnacle of the pyramid of IAS pay grades in India. Bureau Secretary is the top official of India. The IAS official for this post is hand-picked by the Prime Minister of India and he can browse a rundown of officials gave to him from the Ministry of Personnel.
Perks and Allowances – IAS Salary
Then, an IAS officer will get a good number of Perks and Allowances. They are as follows.
- To begin with, the stay
- Transport
- Security
- Bills
- Trips
- Study leaves
- Job Security
Then, there could be other perks as well.
Retirement Benefits – IAS Salary
So, along with the salary, an IAS officer is has retirement benefits. So, we have listed them below –
- Lifetime Pension – In the first place, An IAS official appreciates lifetime annuity and other retirement benefits as well.
- Post Retirement – Then, after retirement officials can undoubtedly be designated to commissions. Also, their administrations can be benefited from other government divisions.

Conclusion – Salary of IAS Officer in India
We have explained to you all the details of the Salary of the IAS Officer in India. So, if you have any confusion regarding the IAS salary, this article will be of great help. The salary IAS salary depends on various factors, and we have covered all those factors in detail. In case of confusion with IAS salary, read this article, as you will get a clear idea. So, in addition to salary, there are many other things looked namely, syllabus, exam fees, and filling up the application form. So, we suggest you always know the latest information about the exam. All the best for the exam, do well. It might not be easy at the start, but don’t give up. Work hard and fulfill all your dreams. Good luck with your exams.

Check out the below section for FAQs on IAS salary, and it will also clear your doubts.
So, the Salary of an IAS Officer in India depends on the different grad. So, they will be paid on the grade structure. Then, the salary of an IAS Officer increases with the grade and time.
Yes, there a good number of perks for IAS officers. Namely, transport, bills, trips, etc.
According to the rules, the IAS officer salary is more than the IPS officer. However, many factors decide the salary of both the officers.
Then, coming to the monthly salary of an IAS officer starts at Rs. 56,100 (basic pay), and it can go till Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary. Along with that, there are a number of perks and incentives with the salary.
The salary of the IAS officer is no more than Rs 2.5 lakh per month. Then, as we know, there are many other perks and benefits along with the salary. So, in many ways, it’s enough, and it will also increase with your grade.
Editor’s Note | IAS Salary
In brief, the above article will help you to understand the complete details related to the IAS salary. We have covered all the details like PayScale, Perks, and Allowances, and other benefits in detail. So, if you have any confusion with the IAS salary, you can easily clear with this article. Then, if you have a plan of writing the IAS exam, make sure that you have done a good study before applying for the exam. Take care of the syllabus, exam pattern and also read the newspaper daily it will be of great help. Good research will always help you for better results.
All the very best for your exams. It is hard in the initial days but always remembers why you started and It is all your worth. We suggest you know all the details of the exam well before so that it will not create problems in the future. IAS officer is the dream job for many, it is possible with all the efforts.