To begin with, HPPSC Exam (Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission), it is the Exam, conducted by the Government of Himachal Pradesh. It is responsible for selecting the candidates for various civil services posts and departmental posts. Like all the State Exams, HP Public Service Commission Exam, also has it’s own rules and regulations. So, let us understand, from the below article everything about HPPSC Shimla Examination.
Formed | 8 April 1971; 49 years ago |
Jurisdiction | Government of Himachal Pradesh |
Headquarters | Circular Rd, Nigam Vihar, Chotta Shimla, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh |
Commission executive | DVS Rana, (Chairman) Ashutosh Garg (Secretary) Dr. Man Singh (Member) Meera Walia (Member) Dr. Rachna Gupta (Member) |
Parent department | Union Public Service Commission |
Website | Official Website |

Eligibility Criteria – HPPSC Shimla Exam
In the first place, we will understand the all the required conditions for the HPPSC (Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission) Exam.
- Nationality
- Education Qualifications
- Age Limit
So, to write the Himachal Public Service Commission/HPPSC Exam, you must a citizen of India. It is the first and most important rule of the Exam.
Education Qualification
Then, we have an Education Qualification. So, according to the rules, a candidate must hold a degree from the Government recognized University or any equivalent Institution.
Age Limit
Lastly, if you want to write the exam, a candidate must be between the age 21 years to 35 years. There will be relaxation provided for the categories like SC, ST, OBC, and people with the disabilities, Children and grandchildren of Freedom fighters of Himachal Pradesh are allowed a relaxation of 5 years.
Then, if you are planning to apply for the HPPSC Shimla Exam. You are required to visit the official site. There you will get an application form and you can fill the form and there will be examination fees as well. You can pay the fees either online mode or the offline mode.

Exam Pattern – HPPSC Exam
The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission/ HPPSC Shimla Exam, is conducted in three stages. So, first is Preliminary Exam, the Main Exam, and lastly its Personal Interview Round.
Preliminary Exam
To begin with, the Preliminary Exam consists of totally two papers of Objective type. Then, the total marks allotted is 200 i.e., 100 for each paper. Duration is 2 hours. Every correct answer gets 2 marks and also for every wrong answer 1/3rd of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted.
Main Exam – HPPSC Exam
Then, next, is the Main Exam. It consists of total eight Papers. In which two are language papers, two optional subjects, and then three GS papers and one Essay Paper. So, making a total of 1050, where 150 marks is for Viva-voce.
Interview Round – HPPSC Exam
Lastly, the Interview Round. Here, you will be tested with the basic knowledge such logical, analytical skills, leadership qualities, and also the how much you are aware of Current Affairs and things related Economy etc. In brief, they will test you how suitable are you for that particular role.

Syllabus – HPPSC Exam
So, now let us understand the syllabus of the Prelims and the Main Exam in details.
The Prelims consists of two papers in which General Studies and the other is Aptitude.
Topics for Paper 1
- GK topics
- Current affairs of national and international Importance
- Indian History and Civics
- The physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
- Socio-economic, political and cultural conditions of HP
- Indian polity and governance
- General Science and Environmental knowledge
Then, next paper is Aptitude Test, it mainly focuses on the below topics.
- Basic numeration
- Comprehension and Composition
- Logical Reasoning
- Communication Skills
- General Mental Ability
- Verbal Reasoning
- Elementary Mathematics
Main Exam – HPPSC Exam
As you all are already aware of to write the Main Exam. You must first clear the Prelims. So, now will understand what all are the important topics for the Main Exam of HP Public Service Commission Exam.
In the first place, there are two language papers, English and Hindi.
Syllabus of English Paper is – Comprehension of unseen passages, Usage and Vocabulary, English Writings like Composition, letter . application, Note, Report writing, Precis (summary) writing, English Grammar. So, it will make a total of 100 marks, each topic carries 20 marks.
Syllabus of Hindi Paper is
- Translation- English to Hindi
- Translation- Hindi to English
- Explanation of passages in Hindi
- Composition writing, Idioms, Corrections
As, we have already mentioned above, there will be one Essay writing paper. So, you are required to write the a essay of 900 words. They will provide with two topics you are required to choose one and write original content. Then, you need to keep in mind basic grammar. Some of the topics are Political and Economic issues, Historical and cultural factors.
Syllabus of General Studies – HPPSC Exam
GS Paper 1
- Historical Understanding of India
- Globalization, Capitalism, Nationalism
- Geographical Knowledge of HP and India
- Disaster Management
- Indian Society, Laws, and rights
- Gandhian Thoughts
GS Paper 2
- Indian Constitution
- Parliament
- Policies and Governance
- Administration of regional and rural HP
- Indian relations with Neighbouring countries
- Crim in Himachal Pradesh
- Tribal conditions and Policies in HP
GS Paper 3
- India Economy and Demography
- Poverty and Unemployment
- Monetary policies, GDP, Foreign Trade
- Technology advancements
- Sustainable Developments
- Space programs
- Tourism Industry in HP
- IT and BioTech in HP
- Lastly, Ecology and Climate change
So, coming to optional subjects. There is a total of 31 subjects which are available. So, those candidates must choose two papers for the Exam. So, along with 6 compulsory papers, any 2 subjects from 31 subjects.
Not to forget, along with all the above topics. You need to focus on Current Affairs especially, exams like these there will surely be questions on Current Affairs. So, make sure that you are also equally giving importance to it.
Suggestions and Tips
- In the first place, stay focused. So, always remember why you started this. It’s the matter of investing a quality time. So, make sure that you will be focused till the end of the Exam.
- So, make sure whenever you study a certain portion. Try giving the mock tests, it is most essential. Surely it will be of great help. By doing this activity, it will help you know, where you need improvement. So, always give a mock test. There are so many sources which are available online.
- Many of them ignore taking care of themselves. But, for any type of exam, having good mental and physical health is very essential. So, have good food and sleep for 6 – 7 hours daily. Studying for 8 – 10 hours is enough. Especially, during the exam time, you need to take extra care of yourself.
- Lastly, till you finish your exam, restrict yourself from using the cellphone. But, at the same time taking a break is also must. So, in between the study, you can watch videos. You can also talk with your friends and the family members as it will refresh your mind and that helps you to concentrate more on the Exam.
- Along with studying the given syllabus similarly, you need to study the current affairs as it is essential in the exam point of view. Hence, make time all the subjects equally.
Conclusion – HPPSC Exam
To summarize, all kind of exams consists of its own pattern and the syllabus. So, in this particular article, we have gathered the information of HPPSC Shimla / HPPSC Exam /HP Public Service Commission. So, if you have a plan of writing this particular exam. Then, this article will be of your help. As we have all the essential details which are required for the Exam, along with some of the tips. But, at the same time, you must work hard. Also, we can only provide you with the required details. Then, start preparing for the exam with the proper knowledge. Lastly, we wish you all the best for the exam, do well.

FAQ’s – HPPSC Shimla Exam
So, to apply for the HPPSC exam, you are required to pass certain conditions namely Nationality, Education Qualification, and Age limit. We have made it easy for you. We have mentioned all the details, so check out the above article for more.
In the first place, it is the Exam, conducted by the Himachal State Government. They will select the candidates for various Civil Service Posts. So, for more details on the same, you can either check with the article.
You can easily apply by visiting the official site and filling all the basic details. Then, by uploading documents if required. So, keep checking with the site for the latest updates and download the admit card when you get the notification. Keep checking the site especially during exam time.
Editor’s Note | HPPSC Exam
In brief, the above article will be of more help if you are planning to write the HPPSC Exam. As we have covered all the details which are essential for the Exam. So, you can check with it for details on syllabus, pattern, exam rules and other essential details of the Exam. So, follow up the rules and write the exam. Lastly, we wish all the best for the exam and may your hard work will be fruitful.