UPSC conducts exam for the All India Services. Similarly, JPSC is a state public service commission. JPSC Full Form is Jharkhand Public Service Commission. It conducts exams for the Jharkhand only. Along with the UPSC, states have their own commissions. There is a provision for Joint Public Service Commission. This Joint Commission conducts exams for two or more states. Therefore, there are two mechanisms for recruitments. One is at the State. Whereas the other is at the Centre. Aspirants need to stay updated with JPSC News and Result. In order to keep you updated, we’ve come up with this article.
Here, we shall discuss the latest news. We shall also talk about the results. Next, we shall guide you with the Exam paper pattern. We will also talk about Exam Syllabus. Then, we’ll look at the suitability, Jobs, and Salary. JPSC is a legal body. It recruits aspirants through exams. This exam is competitive in nature. Therefore, a lot of students apply for this exam. The exam paper pattern is similar to UPSC. However, there are minor changes in JPSC and UPSC. Therefore, aspirants must take care of this difference. UPSC asks questions specific to the Indian continent. It also focuses on global happenings. Whereas, JPSC is more specific about India and Jharkhand State. Aspirants have to keep themselves updated with the latest news.
Thus, aspirants preparing for UPSC can attempt JPSC as well. So, you must take care of the minor variations. Hence, you can prepare for both.

About Jharkhand Public Service Commission- JPSC
As discussed, JPSC conducts state CSE exams. It also conducts interviews for aspirants. Jharkhand Public Service Commission issues exam notices. It also declares the JPSC Result. It admits the best candidates. JPSC issues fresh exam notices too. The commission is under the Chairman’s supervision. It is appointed by the Governor. Therefore, there are 10 total members of the commission.
Dy Secretary 1
Dy Secretary 2
Exam controller
Deputy Controller Exam
4 other members.
Latest Notification
In its recent notice, the commission has declared some vital news. Firstly, exams from 2017,2018,2019 stand cancelled. This means exams did not take place for these three years. However, the 2017-2019 exams were scheduled to happen in 2020. The combined civil service examination 2017 (backlog) preliminary test was rescheduled for 1st Nov 2020.
Application Process | Dates |
Online Application | Not released |
Last Date to apply online | Not released |
2020 JPSC Notification | Not released |
Date to download JPSC Admit card | Before 15 days of exam |
JPSC Exam | 13 September, 2020 |

Therefore, JPSC News has revealed that JPSC 7,8,9 are canceled. The dates for these exams are yet to be notified. JPSC Full Form is Jharkhand Public Service Commission. The commission has released JPSC Result. 325 candidates cleared JPSC 6 exam. So, you can check the results here: Click here. The dates for mains and prelims will be released with the exam notification soon. Until then, you can check the revised 2020-2021 calendar for the exam. Download the PDF here: Click.
JPSC Exam Paper Pattern
Though the exams are cancelled or delayed, aspirants must continue their preparations. Therefore, it is important to have a look at the exam paper pattern first. UPSC conducts exams in three stages. Likewise, Jharkhand Public Service Commission conducts exams in 3 stages as well. The exam consists of prelims. After, prelims are the mains exam. Lastly, there is an interview.
Prelims Paper Pattern
Let’s look at the preliminary paper pattern. The prelims exam is objective type. Whereas, the mains is a descriptive test. Prelims consist of 2 compulsory papers. That is GS Paper I and GS Paper-II. Each paper is for 200 marks. The duration of each paper is 2 hours only. Therefore, aspirants need to learn time management as well. There are 100 questions in each paper. With every correct answer, you score 2 marks. Hence, we learn that prelims are for a total of 400 marks. You can compare UPSC prelims and JPSC prelims. You will notice that mostly the structure of prelims remains similar. Hence, you can prepare for both prelims together.
Mains Paper Pattern
Subsequently, let’s see the JPSC mains paper pattern. On clearing the prelims paper, aspirants qualify for this stage of the exam. Unlike prelims, this is an essay type of paper. In total, the JPSC Exam has 6 papers. Each paper lasts for 3 hours. In sum, the total marks for the mains exam are 1050. This exam is called Combined Competitive exams(mains). You can compare UPSC mains to JPSC mains. Hence, this comparison will help you prepare for both tests. Accordingly, you can plan your strategy. You can have a look at UPSC Mains paper pattern and Syllabus: Click here. Therefore, you’re good to go after keeping yourself updated with JPSC News. JPSC Full Form is Jharkhand Public Service Commission.
Interview Pattern
After mains comes to the interview stage. Here, successful candidates are screened based on temper. Therefore, it is also famous as a personality test. This interview is for 100 marks. Questions asked are general or specific. There is no such pattern observed here. Hence, candidates need not worry. The panel tests your logical skills. It also tests your nature. This test checks the factors which cannot be judged through written tests. Whenever JPSC News and Result is released aspirants must keep an eye on it. Because in this news you will find the interview details.
JPSC Syllabus
The syllabus is set by Jharkhand Public Service Commission. Firstly we shall discuss the prelims syllabus. Then, we will go to the mains syllabus. The prelims syllabus is similar to the UPSC prelims syllabus. Hence, we’ll highlight the novel points of JPSC.
- Indian Polity and Governance.
- Geography of India.
- History of India.
- Science and Tech.
- Economic and Sustainable Development.
- National events.
- Global events.
- Jharkhand Specific Questions.
- Others. (General Questions)
To begin with, we shall first look at history. The history of India is a common topic in UPSC and JPSC. However, candidates must focus on Jharkhand related questions. Unlike history in UPSC, here, history is more specific to the state. History can be divided into ancient & medieval. It also contains Modern history. Usually, each of these sections carries 5 marks. Therefore, you can expect 15 marks from History every year for JPSC. JPSC Full Form is Jharkhand Public Service Commission. Next, let us talk about Geography. This is a crucial subject for both UPSC and JPSC. In UPSC maximum questions are from here. So, there’s a need for rigorous practice. Geography contains General Geography. It also contains Physical and Economical Geography. Lastly, it contains Social & Demographic Geography.
Further, let’s look at the Indian Polity. It also includes Governance. This section contains the Constitution of India. Aspirants must have a basic insight into this topic. Students refer to several books for this subject. However, Indian Polity by Laxmikanth stays at the top. Next, comes Public Administration. It also includes Good Governance. There can be 4 questions from each of these sections for prelims. In addition to this, there are Panchayat related questions. Local Governance is also a part of this. However, there’s a possibility of 2 questions only. Totally, there can be 10 questions from this section.
Economic and Sustainable Development contains economy-related questions. It includes Basic features of the Economy. Further, there is Sustainable Development. It also includes Economic issues. Lastly, there are Economic Reforms and Globalization. The breakup for this section is 4-4-2 questions. Therefore, 10 questions can be asked here.
Other topics
After this comes Science and Technology. This section forms roughly 15 questions. Therefore, this is an important subject. Moreover, it contains General Science. Moreover, it contains Agriculture and Tech Development. Lastly, there is Information and Technology. The division of topic wise questions is 6-6-3. Thus, making up 15 questions in total. Another important topic is Jharkhand Specific Questions. Generally, it comprises of the History, Society, and Culture of Jharkhand. There are 10 questions from here. After, there are National Events. It also contains Global events awareness. This section is similar to International Relations in UPSC. It makes up for 15 questions in the paper. Therefore, this is the second most important section of the paper. Lastly, there are General Questions. This section contains Sports, Human Rights, etc. This section too forms 15 questions in the paper. To sum up, the overall paper is for 200 marks.
This paper is devoted to questions specific to Jharkhand. Hence, the topics include its state education system. It also considers the state laws of Jharkhand. Further, it contains the History of Jharkhand. Culture, Literature, Sports, Economic Development. Additionally, there is Industrialization, Government Schemes, and Systems. Climate, events, and disaster control are also a part of this paper. Hence, this paper asks only state-related topics. Students need to stay updated through their state’s current affairs. This paper is for 200 marks. So, the span is 2 hours for this paper.

JPSC Mains Syllabus
JPSC News and Result are notified on the official site. You can always check the JPSC Syllabus on the site. To check the latest JPSC News and Result: Click here. JPSC Full Form is Jharkhand Public Service Commission. Accordingly, let’s discuss the mains syllabus for JPSC. This exam is called the Combined Competitive Exam(Mains). There are 6 papers in total. Each paper lasts for 3 hours. The total marks for the mains exam are 1050. Unlike UPSC there are no optional papers here. Let’s point down the 6 papers below:
1. General Hindi and English.
2. Literature and Language.
3. History, Geography, Social Sciences.
4. Polity and Governance.
5. Indian Economy.
6. Science and Technology, Environment.
About the papers
Paper I is just a qualifying paper. It is for 100 marks. Candidates must score 30/100 to qualify for other papers. Hence, Paper I have 2 sections. That is English and Hindi. Each section is for 50 marks. Both sections are of matriculate levels. This paper contains Precis and Comprehension. It also contains Grammar and Essay. Further, let’s talk about Paper-II. Paper-II is Literature and Language. This paper is for 150 marks only. A list of languages is provided by the commission. Candidates have to choose among them. After this comes to Social Science. Paper III contains 2 sections. That is History and Geography. This paper is for 200 marks.
Furthermore, there is Polity. Polity and Governance is similar to the UPSC GS Paper 3. Paper V and VI contain Economy and Science. These papers are similar to UPSC GS Paper 4. These papers are for 200 marks each. To sum up, JPSC News and Result are crucial for strategic preparation of the exam. JPSC Full Form is Jharkhand Public Service Commission. Without updates, it is difficult to ace the exam. In order to avoid confusion, one must keep checking the latest data.
JPSC exam or the combined civil services exam is conducted for state civil service. It is conducted by Jharkhand Public Service Commission. Whereas, UPSC is for Central Services.
An aspirant can attempt JPSC at 21 years of age. The criteria remains the same for attempting UPSC.
You can simply visit the link: Click here. The site provides another link for admit cards. Click and fill your details.
Editor’s Note | JPSC
To conclude, we’d like to say that one must stay dedicated and determined in his quest for success. Firstly, research your topics. Then, gather your study material for the topic in one place. Further, make notes if required. Moreover, you must revise your topics regularly. Keep yourself updated with daily current affairs. Do not miss out on important JPSC News and Result related notices. (JPSC Full Form mentioned above) Prepare a strategy and study accordingly. Make a sleep schedule and get enough sleep. Have a proper diet and exercise. Stay self-motivated and assess your improvements through mock tests.