To begin with, today in this article we will understand the PSC (Public Service Commission) Exam, full form, registration, online and all the other details. The PSC in India is there to assist the respective state governments to recruit, transfer and disciplinary actions. As we all know, IAS Exam is the toughest exam, which is conducted by the UPSC. he IAS Exam is the common entry point for 20-odd Group A and Group B services. So, take a look at the below article for more details on the Public Service Commission (PSC) Exam.
Introduction – PSC Exam

Likewise, the State Public Service Commissions direct enlistment tests go about as a passage point for pined for administrations in the state organization.
In this article, hopefuls can discover solidified data on PSC Exams in India. Each Public Service Commission has its own site, test design, qualification conditions and prospectus. Be that as it may, comprehensively talking, there is a critical cover between PSC Exams and UPSC Exam.
The practical methodology for common assistance competitors is to get ready for state PSC tests and UPSC at the same time.
In the table given underneath, we have recorded the different Public Service Commissions alongside their subtleties for the test year 2020-2021 and furthermore for 2018-19 where the test cycle is as yet in progress.
PSC Exam
So, almost all the state exams, follow up the same pattern. It contains the pattern like Preliminary exam, the main exam and lastly the Interview round. Below is a list of different exams.
Public Service Commission (PSC) |
Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) |
Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) |
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) |
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) |
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) |
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) |
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) |
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) |
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) |
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) |
West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) |
Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) |
Then, every state comprises its exam with a set of rules and regulations. So, before applying for the exam make sure that you have read all the details related to the exam.
So, for more details on the same, you can visit here. Know More
You will get all the details such as the exam pattern, syllabus, exam criteria, how to apply for the exam and also many other details. So, along with that, you will find some great tips which will help you with the exam preparations.
Eligibility – PSC Exam
Then, like all the other exams, all the state exams also includes some of the conditions in order to apply for the exam. Generally, there are three to four conditions which must be taken care of.
- Nationality
- Education Qualification
- Lastly, Age Limit
Then, for more details on the PSC Exam, you can visit the official website. Know More

Then, it can be any type of exam, you must follow some tips which will help you with the exam preparations. So, below we have provided you some tips which may help you.
- One must know the syllabus well before writing the exam. Know the topics well and study accordingly.
Make a time table, where you will allocate time for all the subjects and also take a break at regular intervals, it will help you to concentrate more. So, you can talk with your family and friends or you can watch videos but make sure that everything has a limit and go back to your studies. - Give mock tests, when you complete a certain portion. It will help you to know the skills and also where you need improvement. There are many sources available online, where you can give the tests.
- Take care of your health, it is the most important thing. Don’t ignore your health, have good food, sleep well.
- The revision also is very essential. As you keep on studying without revision it will be difficult for you to remember everything. So, after a certain portion of the study revise. The revision will help you to remember things so, have a habit of revising.
- One must have a habit of reading a newspaper daily. Current Affairs plays a major role in the exam. So, make sure that along with the syllabus, you are aware of the current affairs.
- Lastly, always be updated with the latest information on the exam. Mainly, when the exam dates are close, so know when they will release admit card and all the other details.
Online Registration
Then next, to apply for the PSC exam you need to visit the official website.
There will be a step by step procedure for applying. You can do PSC online registration. Generally, all the exams have similar steps. Look at the below points
- In the first place, you must visit the official site and choose the respective link according to the state exam.
- Then, register using id or phone number and you may get OTP to verify the account.
- Then, fill up with your all the basic details such as name, address, education, phone number and other details
- Later, it will ask you to upload the documents like marks card, id proof and other documents.
- There will be certain exam fees to be paid by you. There will be online mode and offline mode, choose whichever is comfortable for you.
- Then, you must keep checking with the official website, to check with the exam dates, admit card details and also for the details with the results.

Know the difference
Then, beneath you will discover the contrasts between the UPSC and PSC exam. It is fundamental for you to comprehend.
Thus, the IAS Exam which is directed by the UPSC is generally viewed as the hardest test in India. The exhaustive UPSC Syllabus and the sheer volume of competitors viewing for 900-1000 opening make it a difficult one to figure out. Adding to the weight of applicants, the three-stage test measure goes on for nearly 12 months.
The PSC Exams are not all that extraordinary. They are additionally exceptionally serious and their schedule and example are very like UPSC. Notwithstanding, the up-and-comers who hail from the individual state can profit the advantages of reservation. Competitors ought to deliberately experience the PSC enrollment notice to check all the subtleties for the equivalent.
On account of PSC, most state governments have been careless with regards to guaranteeing that the Public Service Commission is directing tests routinely. Truth be told, it isn’t extraordinary to find in the news that some PSC has arrived in new contention in regards to delays, defilement, nepotism and cheating.
Regularly there is an awkward delay between the arrival of the PSC online application notice and the genuine date of the test. As most tests have exacting age restricts, the postponements imperil the professions of numerous brilliant youthful personalities. In such a manner, the synchronous groundwork for other PSC and UPSC helps massively.
Conclusion – PSC Exam

To conclude, in this article we have added the details of the PSC (Public Service Commission) exam. You will find the details of the PSC full form, registration online and all the related details. It can be any type of exam, you must know everything about the exam before applying. One must understand the syllabus, exam pattern, application form, exam dates, exam conditions and all the essential information. Also, for the PSC registration, make sure that you have all the necessary documents to upload. Before registration itself, you gather all the information. Lastly, we wish you all the best for the exam, do well. Work hard and make all your goals come true.
FAQ’S – PSC Exam
Lastly, read the below questions and answers where you will get a better idea about the PSC full form, online registration. Take a look at the below questions
When compared to the IAS exam, the state PSC exam is less hard
The age limitation of the candidates should be 21 and 32 years.
You must complete or appear in the final year of graduation from a recognized college or university
PSC full form stands for Public Service Commission.
Editor’s Note | PSC Exam
In brief, in the above article, you will find all the details of the PSC (Public Service Commission) exam. We have added the details of PSC online registration and all the related details. So, this article will be of great help, if you are planning to write any State Exam. It can be any type of exam, you need to have background knowledge about the exam. In a competitive exam, hard work becomes very essential in such exams. So, concentrate on your exams well and study well. Lastly, we wish you all the best for the exam. May all your hard work will be fruitful.