To begin with, in this article, we have concentrated mainly on the UPPSC Mains Syllabus. UPPSC stands for Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. Further, in this article, you will find the complete information on the UPPCS mains or UP PCS syllabus in Hindi. Therefore, if you are looking for more details on this exam, this article will help you with all the necessary details.

In the first place, the UPPSC exam is conducted every year to recruit people for the state public services. As we all know, every exam has its own exam pattern, syllabus, eligibility, and other related exam details. Further, in this article, we have mainly included all information related to the UP PCS syllabus.
Note – If you are interested to know more information on the exam, you can visit the official website. They have added all the essential information.
UPPCS / UP PCS Syllabus Details
Now we will understand the complete exam syllabus of the UPPCS in Hindi Exam. We have covered the complete information of the prelims and the main exam.
- Prelims paper is for 400 marks and two objective type papers.
- The Main paer is for 1500 marks and eight descriptive/essay type questions
- Lastly, Interview round is for 100 marks
UPPCS Prelims Syllabus
In the first place, we will understand the syllabus of the prelims exam and followed by the main exam syllabus
Prelims Syllabus Paper 1
- Social and Economic Development
- General Science
- Biodiversity, Climate Change and, Environmental Ecology
- Ancient, Medieval and Modern Indian History
- Physical, Social and Economic Geography- India and the World.
- National and International Current Affairs
- Indian Governance- Polity, Economy and Culture
Prelims Syllabus Paper 2
- General English (up to Class-X)
- General Hindi (up to Class-X)
- Communication and Interpersonal Skill
- Comprehension
- General Mental Ability
- Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
- Problem Solving and Decision Making
- Elementary Mathematics (up to Class-X)

UPPCS / UPPSC Mains Syllabus
As we have mentioned earlier, there is a total number of eight papers in the UPPCS mains syllabus. Further, it is important for one to clear the prelims exam to write the main exam. Then, the first paper and the second paper are for 150 marks. Later, four papers are of 200 marks each. Also, the other two papers are for 200 marks and these are the optional subjects. Below we have mentioned all the information of the main exam syllabus.
Paper 2
Essay– In this section, one must write an essay of about 700 words in each paper. Then, the topics we have mentioned below. There is a total of three sections, you can choose anyone from the below.
- Literature and Culture/ Social Sphere/ Political Sphere.
- Science, Environment, and Technology/ Economic Sphere/ Agriculture, Industry, and Trade.
- National and International Events/ National Calamities- Earthquake, Landslide, others/ National Development Programs andProjects.
Paper 3 General Studies I
- Current Indian History
- Remarkable Features of Indian Culture and Society
- Limits and wildernesses of the Indian sub-mainland
- Recorded information on Uttar Pradesh
- Job of the Finance Commission in the Center-State monetary relations
Paper 4
- Indian Constitution, with the job of the Supreme Court in the advancement of fundamental arrangements of the Constitution
- Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act
- India’s relations with the neighbouring countries
- International Institutes and Agencies
- Political knowledge of Uttar Pradesh
- Current Affairs
Then, we have optional subjects paper 7 or paper 8. Below we have provided the details of the topics.

- Law
- Botany
- Agriculture
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Animal Husbandry
- Chemistry
- Medical Science
- Psychology
- Zoology
- Physics and Veterinary Science
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Urdu Literature
- Hindi Literature
- Sanskrit Literature
- English Literature
- Management
Further, click on the below link for the complete syllabus of the exam. In the below link you will get all information on the syllabus of each paper. Make sure that you will note down the complete syllabus.
Get some Tips for the exam
Further, after understanding the complete syllabus of the exam. Now we will provide you with some tips for the exam. It is usual to get panic after knowing the syllabus, but be relaxed and give the exam. But, you can cover the entire syllabus by following some tips for the exam. We believe having a proper plan for the exam is highly required.
Suggestions – UPPSC Syllabus
- In the first place, refer to the previous year’s papers to better understand the syllabus. One needs to understand the exam pattern and the syllabus of the exam well. Further, it is suggested for one to have a proper glance at the exam syllabus. It is the first thing one must do.
- Then, studying from the best books, as you have a huge syllabus to cover, it will make your work easy if you refer to the good books. One needs to get good knowledge from books to write the exam. Therefore, below we have added book details for your reference.
- Besides, make sure that you look into the previous year’s question papers, which will help you in many ways. By referring to the previous year’s question papers, you will clearly understand the exam pattern and marks. Further, you will also understand the question format and topics.
- When you prepare the timetable, use your time effectively, make sure that you give some time for the revision as revision plays a major role in any exam. So, before starting the new concept, make sure that you have revised the previous day’s concept.
- Then give mock tests regularly. Besides, giving the mock tests regularly will help you in many ways. It will help you to improve your skills and know the areas of improvement.
- Lastly, one must have a habit of reading the newspapers daily; it is important to write such competitive exams. These days, you will find the application on your cellphone to help you read the latest news. Also, one know needs to be aware of the latest news of the exam. Like one must know about the exam dates, admit card, results, etc.

Books for the Exam Preapration
Then, you have understood the UPPCS syllabus in Hindi. Further, below we have mentioned the details of the books for the exam.
- Geography of India- Mazid Hussain
- Census of Uttar Pradesh
- Physical and Human Geography- GC Leong
Environmental Science
- Current Events
- Environment Book- Shankar IAS Academy
Science and Technology
- Science and Technology- Ravi Agrahari
- Technological Updates in newspapers.
These books will help you to cover the UPPSC syllabus.
Conclusion – UPPSC Syllabus
To conclude, in the article, you will find the complete information on the UP PCS syllabus. It is important for one to understand the complete exam syllabus of the exam as it will help you to score well in the exam. So, to help you with the same we have added the details of the exam. If you are planning to write this particular exam, we have mentioned all the essential details of the exam. So, try to complete the syllabus and prepare well for the exam. Further, the syllabus of the exam seems vast, but with the right plan, you can easily cover the entire syllabus of the exam.
Further, if you are looking for the complete information of the exam like exam dates, eligibility, marks, and other related information. We have made your work easy, by adding all details of the exam, So, you can go through here for more details. finally, we wish you best wishes for the exam.
FAQs – UPPSC Syllabus
Lastly, we have provided some tips for the exam below.
When it comes to any exam, it is required to know all the essential details of the exam. In this exam, as the UP PCS syllabus is vast, one must take care of the exam syllabus and practice well.
There are 2 papers in the prelims and eight papers in the UPPCS mains syllabus. Further, for more details on the syllabus, you can refer to the above article.
Yes, for this you must know the complete syllabus and the pattern of the exam. Further, understand which are the best books to refer to and make the best use of available time. So, it is possible to clear the exam with the best efforts.
Editor’s Note | UPPSC Syllabus
In summary in the above article, you will get all information of the UPPCS / UP PCS mains syllabus in hindi.Further, you will find the complete information on the prelims and the main exam syllabus. So, if you have a plan of writing this particular exam, this article will surely help you with the all necessary details. But, we can only provide you with the exam materials, to get a good score in the exam, it is important for one to work hard for the exam. Further, all the competitive exams are tough, they require special efforts and hard work to clear the exam. Besides, in this article, we have helped you by providing essential details of the UPPCS syllabus in Hindi and some tips for the exam. So, try to use those tips for the exam to score well in the exam. Good luck with the exams.