With our articles, we are trying to help you with the details of the UPSC exam. However, as the UPSC exam syllabus is vast, one must take that they will cover the complete syllabus of the exam. Therefore, in this article, we have added details of the International Relations book for UPSC. Thus, you will get the complete information of the Indian foreign policy UPSC exam book details and other important details.

Before understanding the books for International Relations UPSC, we will try to know briefly about the IAS exam if you are already aware that the UPSC holds the IAS exam. Further, there are a total of three stages in the exam. To begin with, we have a preliminary exam, the main exam, and then the Interview round. Then, one needs to clear all stages of the exam to reach the final destination. If you want to know more about the UPSC and the IAS exam details, you can go through the official website.
Further, you choose to go for the classes, as many coaching classes are present, therefore, in various cities. So, if you are looking for the IAS coaching classes, we have added various class details in different cities. Besides, joining classes comes with many advantages as well. You can cover the complete syllabus, and you will get study materials for the exam preparations. But, it doesn’t mean you cannot clear the exam without coaching. One can clear the exam with self-study. As we have seen, many examples who have cleared the exam without classes. But, in this method, if you are confident in yourself and can clear the exam, you can go for this method.

These days, you have the option of going for online classes. So, you can also go for this option. It will help you to save money and time. So, if you are comfortable with online classes, you can go for this option. However, in any method, your hard work plays a major role in the exam.
International Relations UPSC
Talking about the International Relation, it is an important topic for the IAS exam. Further, it consists of the foreign policy of India, bilateral relations, regional cooperation, etc. Before understanding the details of the books, have a quick look at the International Relations UPSC exam syllabus.
- India – Nepal Relations
- Indo-Afghan Bilateral Relations
- India and Bhutan
- India-Bangladesh Relations
- India-Maldives Relations
- India-Sri Lanka Relations
- India-Myanmar Relations
- Indo-Pak Relations
India & Asian Nation Relations
- CIS Countries of Central Asia
- India-Mongolia
- India – UAE Relations
- India – IRAN
- and India – ISRAEL
- India – Saudi Arabia
Above are a few topics in the syllabus. You can visit the website for more information on the syllabus.
International relations book for upsc
As you have understood the syllabus, now know Indian foreign policy UPSC book details for the subject below. But, then, we also understand it is not possible to refer to all books. So, you can choose according to your requirements.
- The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations” by John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens.
- “Global Politics” by Andrew Heywood.
- IGNOU notes on Comparative Politics.
- India’s Foreign Policy Since Independence by V.P. Dutt
- Pax Indica by Shashi Tharoor
- Challenge and Strategy: Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy – Rajeev Sikri
- India’s Foreign Policy: Coping with the Changing World – Muchkund Dubey

- India-US Bilateral Relations: All You Need To Know
- India-China Border Disputes and the Doklam Issue
- India-France Relations – New Developments
- India’s Bilateral Issues With SAARC Countries: A Quick Look
- India-UAE Relations
- India-Sri Lanka Relations: Everything You Need to Know
- Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and India’s Membership
- Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and India
- India’s Nuclear Weapon Programme
- Brexit: How does it affect India and the World?
- China’s Lalho Dam Project: Should India worry?
- Teesta River Dispute between India and Bangladesh Explained
The above books mentioned will help you to cover the International Relations UPSC exam syllabus
Suggestions for the International Relations paper
We all know to score well in the exam, good exam preparation is a must. Every one of us follows certain exam strategies. Therefore, below we have provided some exam tips for the exam. So, with your exam plan, you can try using the below tips.
- It is vital for you to know the syllabus of the International Relations. For this purpose, you can refer to the previous year question papers and online sources. As it is very important for one to know the complete syllabus.
- Further, make your notes. As we all know there are many books available, it is not possible to remember everthing. Therfore, you can make notes, it means whenever you read form the text books, try to write points. This notes you can also refer during the exam time.
- Revision is important again. It will help you to remember things, it is suggested that try to revise before starting the new concept. It will not help you in any way if you just study without revision
- Solve previous year question paper, it is important for the exam. It will help you with the question format, topics, marks, and other details. You will easily find question papers online as well. It will also give you the feel of the final year paper.
- Make the best use of time and give time for all the subjects. Then, one must also give time for the revision.
- Further, you must also read newspapers for the current affairs for the exam. Then, give mock test, it will help you improve your skills. Besides, it will also help you to know your improvement areas. So, try use these tips to cover International Relations UPSC exam syllabus

In summary of the International Relations UPSC syllabus, this article will give you the complete information of the best books on international relations. For all types of exams, one needs to refer to the good books for the exam. Further, you will find information on the syllabus of the subject. Exams like IAS need special efforts. This exam will also check your hard work and dedication, along with the exam knowledge. So, it means you have to work hard for the exam to get the best results. We have also provided the necessary links that will help you with the exam preparations.
One must be aware while choosing the optional subject for the exam. While choosing the optional subject know your skills and interest. It is suggested to take a look at the syllabus of the paper. The journey of becoming an IAS officer is difficult, but once you achieve your goals, it is all worth it. We have also provided some tips for the exam; try to use those tips for the exam.
Note – To help you with the exam preparations, we have added the details of the IAS exam in our other article. In addition, you will find information like exam syllabus, pattern, books, tips, and other exam details. Click here.
FAQs – International Relations book for UPSC
Lastly, we have added a few FAQs for more details
Talking about the books, many books are available. But one must know the requirements and to see which are the best for the subject. Therefore, in this article, we have mentioned the information of the books.
Yes, it is an optional subject for the UPSC exam.
To study International relations, one must know the subject’s syllabus, and one must refer to the previous year’s question paper.
Editor’s Note | International Relations UPSC
In brief, in the article, we have mentioned the Indian foreign policy book UPSC exam information. You will find complete knowledge of the details of the book. As the syllabus of the IAS exam is huge, one needs to cover everything. Besides, to get the best results in the exam, you have to cover the syllabus. To reduce your work, we have added the information of the Indian foreign policy book for the UPSC. in this article. It is one of the optional subjects for the exam. Further, this paper is present in the main paper of the IAS exam. To make your dream count, you have to study hard and put in your special efforts for the exam.
The IAS is one of the popular exams in India, and if you are aware, this exam is the toughest in India. This exam needs a high level of commitment and dedication. Besides, we see many candidates applying for the exam, but in the end, only a few make it till the end. Further, many quit their jobs only to prepare for the exam, and we have seen successful examples. Also, IAS officers cleared the exam in their first attempt, and some haven’t even taken the coaching classes. But, on the other hand, a few people happened to quit in between the exam preparation because of many reasons. So, the choice is yours, which path you will choose. Good luck with your exams.