To begin with, the below article will provide details related to the RS Sharma Ancient History. It is one of the essential subjects for the UPSC exam, and one needs to know the exam syllabus, which is the best book for that subject. Further, this article will help you get details of the ancient Indian history by rs Sharma history book and India’s ancient past by RS Sharma. Books are a significant part of the IAS exam. However, there are many books present, but understand which are those books that will give you proper knowledge of the subject. Let’s begin.

In the article, we will be discussing the RS Sharma Ancient History book. It is one of the famous books for the History subject for the IAS exam. Further, to get a good score in the exam, a proper plan and strategy are essential. Besides, referring to the best books is equally vital to getting the best results in the UPSC. The History of India is a must for all students applying for the UPSC exam, and history is the major part of the general studies syllabus for all students. Later, studying History requires a good understanding of the chronology of events in Indian History.
The ancient history is a part of the general studies paper one syllabus. However, you will not find any direct questions on Ancient History. Nevertheless, it is one of the popular choices among many students as its overlaps with the general studies part in the IAS prelims and the IAS main exam.
IAS Exam Highlights
Before understanding more details on the RS Sharma Ancient History, we will look into some of the critical IAS exam highlights below. It is one of the famous exams present in India, and also it is the most challenging exam in India.
- In the first place, the exam is held by the UPSC authority every year.
- Further, in the IAS exam procedure, the preliminary exam, the main exam, and interview round. Students needs to clear all stages of the exam to reach the final destination.
- In the prelims, you will find two papers, and they are objective types. Then, in the main exam, there are nine papers. They are descriptive types.
- Besides, there will be negative marking for every wrong answer. Later, one who clears the main exam is allowed to give an interview.
- Further, one must also understand the eligibility criteria of the exam. For more details on the IAS exam and UPSC, you can go through the official website.
Ancient History
In the first place, the ancient history of India is the longest, and it is one of the essential topics for the IAS exam. Further, it is divided into
- Ancient Indian History
- Medieval Indian History
- Modern Indian History

This subject is essential for the IAS prelims and the main exam. Below find important topics from Ancient Indian History.
- Prehistoric India
- Historic India
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Vedic India
- Mahajanapadas
- Buddhism and Related Topics
- Mauryan Empire, Administrative Structure, Rulers and Legacy
- Gupta Empire, Rulers and Legacy
- Invasions from Central Asia
- Prehistoric period
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Vedic Period
- Empires and Kingdoms of Ancient India
- Art forms (Dance, Music, Literature, architecture)
- Religion/philosophy of Ancient India
- Kingdoms, States and Dynasties of South India, Their Rulers and Legacy
Ancient India by RS Sharma
To begin with, the NCERT – India’s ancient past by rs Sharma books are an essential part of the UPSC exam preparations. Besides, NCERT books are easy to understand, and it has covered all the vital topics. Further, the IAS history study materials cover almost all the significant Ancient Indian Historical information topics. RS Sharma has prepared the book years ago and revised it many times. He addressed issues that have become current t in discussion on Ancient India today. Further on the identity of the Aryan Culture and Historical Construction.
Further, the rs Sharma history book is meant for all those students who want to introduce India’s early history by one of the master scholars of Indian history. Besides, a significant portion of the question paper is composed of questions from NCERT books. Later, the best way to know the course material is to know that students solve all questions present in the NCERT textbook by CBSE. Further, click here to buy the ancient Indian history by rs Sharma. You can also download the soft copy and study from it. Don’t forget to make notes while studying from the book.
Other Sources

Further, below we have added details of other sources for the Ancient History for the IAS exam.
- Facets of Indian Culture – Spectrum
- NCERT Class 11 – An Introduction to Indian Art
- NCERT Class 11 – Living Craft Traditions of India (Chapters 9 and 10)
- Centre for Cultural Resources & Training official Website
- and The Wonder That Was India written by A.L. Basham (For religion and philosophy)
- Ancient Indian History Class VI NCERT textbook
- NCERT Class 12 – History – Themes in Indian History Part I
- Tamil Nadu State Board Class 11 textbook
Important tips on the History subject IAS exam
To get the best results in the exam, there is a need for students to follow up on certain exam strategies. A proper plan and time investment will help you to reach your goals. Below we have added some suggestions for the exam preparations.
- In the first place, one must give special attention to given to source information in ancient History and the analysis of various theories.
- Further, studying from the NCERT books is a must for the UPSC exam preparations. As it will give you analysis and it is also considered must-read for the IAS exam.
- In addition, to upgrade your skills, one can study from advanced textbooks. Therefore, know which are the best books like ancient India by RS Sharma.
- All must refer to the previous year’s question papers is also essential. It will help you in giving details like exam patterns, syllabus, marks, and other details.
- Revision is a vital component of the IAS exam. Before starting with the new topics, it is a good idea to revise old topics. Try to note down all vital points while studying for the exam.
- Answer writing practice is also vital for the UPSC exam preparations
- Further, one must give mock tests, and there are many platforms that offer you mock tests and test series. Later, we have covered all details related to the IAS exam, like patterns, tips, books, etc. Read More.
Conclusion – RS Sharma Ancient History
To conclude, the article will give you information about RS Sharma Ancient History. It is vital for the IAS prelims and the IAS main exam. Later, this particular book helps you in the understanding of Ancient History for the UPSC exam. One must already be aware that the difficulty level of the IAS exam requires special efforts and hard work. Further, one must make a proper plan and follow up on some good strategies to score well in the exam. Besides, studying from the best books is essential to get knowledge of the subject. Don’t waste time reading those books which will not help you in gaining knowledge. Later, NCERT books are a must for the UPSC exam preparations, and they will give you all the information on the topic. Further, click here to get the details of the books of other subjects of the UPSC exam.

FAQs – RS Sharma Ancient History
Lastly, know some FAQs related to India’s ancient past by RS Sharma
The difference is that the NCERT by rs Sharma is an old NCERT used for 11th and 12th, whereas the other is a classic book.
This book covers all the essential topics that are necessary for the UPSC exam.
One must understand the syllabus and the paper pattern. Try to make notes of the essential points and revise regularly.
However, many books are available on this subject. Most of the experts suggest referring to the NCERT books, and RS Sharma’s history book is one of the famous books for this subject.
Editor’s Note | RS Sharma Ancient History
In the above article, you will get details related to ancient indian history by rs sharma. This subject is vast and it is important to cover for the IAS exam for prelims and for the main exam. NCERT books are the essential part of the UPSC exam preparations. rs sharma history book will also help you in understanding all information related to the Ancient Indian History. Later, it is not possible to study from all books, but one can know which are the important topics and which are the best books to cover them. One should also have a habit of writing notes while studying for the exam, it will help you during the exam. Revision is the key to remember all the concepts well.