To begin with, the IAS exam comes with the longest syllabus, and also it is the most challenging exam present in India. Therefore, there are many things to be taken care of many things. Further, in this article, we have focused on the Polity Book for the UPSC exam. Besides, you will get information on the best books on Indian politics, Indian polity, and other related information.

In the first place, let us know about the IAS exam. We all know that the IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC authority every year. It is the most challenging exam because of the syllabus, as you will find two papers in the prelims and nine papers in the main exam. Further, there are so many optional subjects present, and one must be careful while choosing the optional subject. Moreover, while selecting the optional subject, one must be careful and choose according to your skills and interests. Then, to cover the complete syllabus of the exam, you have an option to join classes, or you can study on your own. However, your hard work plays an essential role in this exam. Further, for more details on the UPSC and IAS exam, you can visit the official website; it will give you all information. Read More.
Indian Polity
Now let’s talk about the Indian Polity subject for the UPSC exam. It is one of the favorite subjects in the UPSC exam, and it is essential for both prelims and the main exam. Further, the UPSC prelims question paper has almost 15 to 20 direct as indirect questions from the Indian Polity and Governance topic of the IAS syllabus. Therefore, it becomes essential for one to study the Indian Polity subject properly. So, below we will help understand the syllabus and which are the best books for the Polity Book for the UPSC exam.
Important Topics
Before understanding which is the best book, let us look into some of the essential topics for the subject, and we have listed all of them below.
- In the first place, knowledge of the Indian Constitution and Parliament and State Legislatures.
- Further, Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues, and challenges pertaining to the federal structure. Besides devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges there in Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries. Then, Separation of powers between various organs dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions
- Further, Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions, and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies
- Understanding of the Structure, organization, and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary Ministries and Departments of the Government; pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.
- Beides, the Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act
- Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation
- Statutory, regulatory, and various quasi-judicial bodies
Note – you can click here to know the complete syllabus of the Indian polity for the UPSC exam.

Polity Book for UPSC
Now we will understand which are the best books for Indian Politics below. Firstly, we have added details of the NCERT books for Indian Politics.
- NCERT Class IX – Political Science: Democratic Politics Part – I
- NCERT Class X – Political Science: Democratic Politics Part – II
- and NCERT Class XI – Political Science: Indian Constitution at Work
- NCERT Class XI – Political Science: Political Theory
- NCERT Class XII – Political Science I: Contemporary World Politics
- Lastly, NCERT Class XII – Political Science II: Politics in India since Independence
Best Book For Indian Polity
Further, there are many other books for the Indian Polity. For example, check out the below books; these are the standard books for the Indian Polity subject for the UPSC exam.
- Laxmikant Book for UPSC Polity – It is one of the popular text book for the Indian Polity subject. The good thing about the text book is authenticity of the content and conciseness and it will help you for both prelims and for the main exam. This books has topics like
- Salient features of the Constitution
- Fundamental rights
- Fundamental duties
- Directive Principles Of State Policy
- The Preamble
- The federal and unitary features of the Indian Constitution.
- Centre-state legislations
- Interstate relations
- Special Provisions for Some States
- Special status of Jammu & Kashmir
- Emergency provisions, Types of Emergencies:National emergency
- President’s Rule
- Our Constitution by Subhash C. Kashyap – Further, it is a ideal book for the introduction of the Indian Constitution. Besides, it is easy to underst and it will also clear all your doubts on the concepts.
- Our Parliament by Subhash Kashyap – This book will provide you details of the evolution of the Indian Parliament from beginning to its present form.
- Indian Polity by Spectrum – Further, this book first edition was released in 2013 and the 6th edition released in 2018.

Exam Strategy
As you are already aware that the IAS exam has a vast syllabus. It will be difficult for one to cover the syllabus and get the best results if you don’t follow up on some exam strategies for the exam.
Understanding the exam syllabus and pattern of the paper plays a vital role in any exam. So, you need to know the complete paper pattern and syllabus. Then, you can refer to the previous year’s question papers. When you refer to the last year’s papers, you will understand question patterns, marks, and trending topics. To remember all things, one needs to revise. Revision helps you to remember concepts, and it will help you in the exam. When you prepare time table the make sure that you have given time for the revision. Further, giving mock tests also will help you in many ways. As it will provide you with the feel of the final year paper, you will also understand your weak and strong points.
Answer writing practice, usually many students tend to ignore this, but in the main exam, you have to write the answer. Only studying for the exam will not help you if you practice; you will understand how to manage your time. One must also have a habit of reading newspapers daily, and it will help you with the exam preparations.
Conclusion – Polity Book for UPSC
To conclude, in the article, we have covered the complete details of the Polity Book for the UPSC exam. Further, it will help you with the exam preparations. Besides, books play a significant role in any exam, sooner needs to study from the best books to get the best results in the exam. Then, talking about the IAS exam, Indian Polity is one of the essential subjects in the exam. As there are many subjects in the exam, one needs to understand which are the best books for each of the subjects and study from them. As we have mentioned earlier, NCERT books are essential for the UPSC exam as they are easy to understand.

It is impossible to study from all books, so know which are the best according to your requirements and study from them. Furthermore, one needs to make points while studying as it will help you remember well and revise. With the right plan and smart study, you can score well in the exam.
FAQs – Polity Book for UPSC
Check out a few FAQs on the topic discussed above.
There are many books present for the UPSC exam preparations. NCERT books are must-read books for the IAS exam for the Indian Politics subject.
It is one of the best books, and it will help you understand the concepts and fetch good marks in the exam.
It depends on one person to the other. If you want guidance and to improve your skills, you can join. Otherwise, you can understand the exam syllabus and find videos on the internet; you can study from them.
In the first place, one must understand the exam syllabus and pattern. Then, understand which are the best books for the subject and start studying from them. Finally, as we mentioned, make your notes while studying for the exam.
Editor’s Note | Polity Book for UPSC
In the article, you will go through the Polity Book for UPSC, the best book on Indian politics. One needs refer to the best books. This article will help you provide information on the best polity book for the UPSC exam as we all are aware that the IAS exam is the toughest and requires special efforts to clear the exam. This exam will not only test your knowledge but your hard work and patience towards your goals. One needs to make a right plan for the exam and work hard to clear the exam. It is normal to get tense in the exam but prepare well for the exam. Your results only depend on your hard work. All the best for the upcoming exams.