To begin with, the Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Exam is one of the three All India Services of the Union Government. To recruit officers at the All India level by the Government of India for Scientific Management of the forests. Then, in the below article, we will provide you all the details of the IFS exam, officer salary, Indian Forest Service syllabus, and all the other essential details.
Let us know what the different stages involved are. So, like other exams, IFoS has three stages – to begin with, the Preliminary exam, the Main exam, and lastly, the Interview round.

Exam Criteria – Indian Forest Service Exam
Similarly, like all the exams, this particular exam also has some conditions associated with it. Then, below we have listed all the conditions.
- Nationality
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limit
- Lastly, a number of attempts
So, below understand each one of them completely.
Nationality – Indian Forest Service Exam
- A citizen of India, or Nepal, or Bhutan
- A person who is basically from Indian and came to India from origin who has migrated from East African countries like Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia,
- the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Pakistan, Burma, and Vietnam to settle in India
Educational Qualifications
Then, next coming to education,
Candidates should hold a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Forestry or Engineering from a recognized university or equivalent where they must have taken the subjects essential for this exam.
Age Limit – Indian Forest Service Exam
Next, age must fall between 21 to 32 years. Also, relaxation is provided for categories like
- For SC/ST, as long as 5 years of unwinding
- OBC 3 years of unwinding
- Province of Jammu and Kashmir (1980 to1989:)Up to 5 years.
- Safeguard Services workforce: Up to 5 years
- Veterans including Commissioned officials and ECOs/SSCOs who have delivered at any rate 5 years Military Service as on and have been delivered: Up to 5 years
- ECOs/SSCOs: Up to a limit of five years.
Number of Attempts
Lastly, we have several attempts. So, for GM, 6 attempts. Then, for SC/ST no restrictions, but one must take care of the age limit. Lastly, OBC and Physically Handicapped 9 attempts.
Exam Pattern – Indian Forest Service Exam
Then, will understand the pattern of the Indian Forest Service (IFS) Exam. So, below we have explained details of the exam pattern.
Preliminary Exam
To begin with, we have Prelims.
- In the prelims test for IFoS, both papers, GS I and CSAT, target nature.
- The cut-off for the IFoS test is higher than for the IAS test since the quantity of opening is extraordinarily less.
Main Exam
Then, next we have the Main Exam, totally there are 6 papers and 2 optional subjects. Time given is 3 hours.
Paper | Subject | Total marks |
Paper I | General English | 300 |
Paper II | General Knowledge | 300 |
Paper III | Optional I | 200 |
Paper IV | Optional I | 200 |
Paper V | Optional II | 200 |
Paper VI | Optional II | 200 |
Interview Round
Lastly, we have an interview round of the IFS exam, which a Board will take. So, the total marks allotted are 200. You will be tested on general awareness, communication skills, creativity, leadership qualities, etc. Then, for the physical test, male applicants need to finish a 25 km walk or run in less than 4 hours, and female competitors need to complete a 14 km walk or run in under 4 hours.

Indian Forest Service (IFS) Syllabus
Then, we will get the information on the IFS (Indian Forest Service Exam) syllabus. So, you need to take care and cover all the topics. Below we have added all the topic lists.
List of optional subjects (two to be chosen) available for the IFoS main exam:
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Engineering
- Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
- Botany
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Forestry
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Geology
- Lastly, Chemistry
Then, let us understand the roles and responsibility of the IFS officer
- In the first place, one of the primary roles of an IFS officer is to ensure and moderate the legacy of the woods and work towards protecting the woodland assets. Saving the timberland trees is another significant errand that should be paid attention to.
- As an officer, one must keep a beware of the illicit logging of trees and work with the backwoods gatekeepers and security staff to be ready consistently.
- Then, as an officer, one needs to work towards planting more trees in the timberland area and start and partake in such occasions. Creatures are another significant woods asset, and as a woodland officer, one requirement to guarantee their security and need to forestall any criminal behavior that includes harming or slaughtering them.
- As an officer, being ready for poachers and illicit passage in the woodland territory is additionally significant as an official one will be answerable for actualizing the National Forest Policy.
- Then, as an officer, one should chalk out designs for legitimate business misuse for wood. One should do the necessary paperwork and complete reports that must be introduced to the timberland division and service as an officer.
- Lastly, as an officer, one should lead to normal studies of the woods and assurance that the work is properly finished. Voyaging will likewise be incorporated.

Now, will take a look at the IFS officer salary. So, download the below file for more details on IFS Officer Salary.
How to apply?
So, below we have added the steps for you which will help you to understand how to apply for the exam.

- In the first place, you must visit the official website, and you must submit a single application only.
- At that point, competitors should enlist for the Civil Services (Preliminary) assessment and afterward qualify in the evaluating test for going to the second phase of IFS (Main) assessment.
- Once you clear the prelims, furthermore, you must fill the detailed application.
- While filling the be careful with details such as choosing the exam center and enter all the details correctly.
- Lastly, not required to submit other documents such as caste, birth, education-related documents. Everything will be verified during the Main Exam.
Lastly, we will give you some tips which will help you with the exam preparations. So, take a look at the below points
- You must understand the IFS (Indian Forest Service ) syllabus and all the exam-related details. So, do background research and know everything about the exam.
- Make a proper timetable; one must make sure that you prepare time table where you will give time for all the subjects. So, it would help if you utilized your time in a good way.
- Next, give mock tests after studying. You need to give a test; it will help you understand your skills and where you need the improvements. So, make sure that you give as you will find sources where you can easily give the tests.
- It’s effortless to give up but remember why you started. So, whenever you feel it’s difficult, take a break and start again. But don’t give up.
- Also, it would help if you took a break regularly. It would be best if you didn’t study continuously. It will not help you. So, take a break; it will help you to focus more. Talk with family members, with friends, watch videos. But, make sure that you restrict yourself from using your cellphone as well.
- Lastly, take care of your health; many tend to ignore this. But, you need to take care of your health as well; one must be fit physically and mentally to write the exam. It is important to have good food and drink lots of water. Also, sleep well.
Conclusion – Indian Forest Service Exam
To conclude, in this article we have added the details of the IFS exam. You will find the information of the Indian Forest Service (IFS) syllabus, officer salary, exam pattern, and many other details. Take care of all the things and work hard for the exam. We have added the tips which will help you with the exam. But, along with our information provided, do your own research as well. Lastly, good luck with the exam, do well and for more details you can visit the official website here.
Then, look at all the other State wise Exams – Know More
Take a look at the below questions, which will clear your doubts.
Similar to all exams, IFS also has some rules. There are conditions like education, nationality, age, and also physical fitness. So, you can check the above article for more details.
Yes, there is a walking test of 25 KMS to be completed in 4 hours for men and 14KMS in 4 hours.
So, both the exam has same exam stages. Yes, it is little easy when compared with the IAS.
Editor’s Note | Indian Forest Service Exam
In summary, in the above article, we have added the details of the IFS exam. You will find the IFS (Indian Forest Service) syllabus, pattern, salary, and all the other essential information. So, this article will be of your help. Along with our details, you can do your research as well. Then, before applying for the exam, make sure that you know everything about the exam to not create problems in the future. Then, it would help if you were updated with the latest news of the exam. We wish you the best wishes for the exam. Know one thing, it can be any hard exam work is essential.