To begin with, if you know the IAS exam syllabus, we will be covering the details of the Books for UPSC/IAS Mains in this article. One needs to refer to the best books for the exam to get the best results. Therefore, let us take a look at the best books list for UPSC mains. Therefore, we have added the information of the IAS mains books PDF as well. Let’s begin.
IAS Exam

Before understanding the Books for UPSC Mains details, we will briefly understand the IAS exam. The IAS exam is held by the UPSC every year, and we have seen many people actively apply for the exam. Further, we know that the IAS exam requires a high level of commitment and dedication; so in the end, only a few make it till the end. We have three main stages; the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview round. Besides, it is essential to clear each round to reach the final destination. A preliminary exam is a kind of qualifying exam, and it is essential to clear to write the remaining exam. The main exam is of descriptive type, so it requires a lot of preparation. Therefore, in our article, we have added the details of the books for IAS mains. A good book is essential to clear the exam.
It is hard for one to read all the books that are mentioned. So, understand the exam syllabus and know which are the books that will help you with the exam preparations. However, you can take up coaching classes; there are many advantages of joining classes. Easily you can cover the complete syllabus, and you will also get the study materials. But, a few choose to go for the classes, and a few prefer to study on their own.
Hence, if you are looking for coaching classes in various cities, we have added all the information of the top 5 IAS coaching classes in various cities. Further, if you cannot attend classes, many coaching classes offer online classes well. So, know More about Coaching Classes.
UPSC Main Exam
Once you clear the preliminary exam, you are allowed to write the main exam. In the main exam, we have a total of nine papers. Of that nine papers, two are optional. Let us now discover the best books for UPSC mains below. Further, you will find the book details of the IAS mains books pdf. So, try to make a note of them.
Note – Besides, if you are interested to learn more about the IAS exam history and related page, you can refer to the wiki page.
Why it is important to refer to the best books?
Probably, this question will arise in everyone’s mind. Yes, one needs to refer to the best books for the IAS exam. Further, as we all know, IAS paper has a vast syllabus; one needs to refer to those with the complete syllabus details. Therefore, below we have added some points on the same.
- In the first place, the IAS exam has a vast syllabus, so it takes a lot of time to cover all the topics. Therefore, you cannot waste your time by reading other books. So, try to study from the books that are mentioned below.
- We all know by now NCERT books are the best for the IAS exam preparations. So, try to read from them, it will give you a basic knowledge of the subject.
- Further, referring to the books vary from one person to another. But, one needs to choose books according to their needs.
- Many books are available for exam preparations. But, understanding which book will add value to the exam preparation is important.
- Then, we have many study materials that are available online. Along with reading the books mentioned, you could refer to some study materials for the exam preparations.
Books for the GS Paper 1
Further, we will understand the details of the Books for UPSC Mains by each subject. Therefore, try to make a note of all books that are mentioned below. Then, try to read from such that cover your requirements.
History, Indian Heritage, and Culture
- India after Independence by Bipan Chandra
- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
- NCERT Class VI – Our Past
- NCERT Class VII – Our Past I
- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
- NCERT Class XI – Themes In World History
- History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra
- NCERT Class XII – Themes in Indian History – II
- Ancient India by R.S Sharma
- NCERT Class XII – Themes In Indian History – III

GS Paper 1 – Geography
- Geography of India by Majid Husain
- NCERT Class VI – The Earth Our Habitat
- NCERT Class VII – Our Environment
- World Geography by Majid Husain
- NCERT Class VIII – Resource and Development
- World Atlas (Orient Black Swan)
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography – G C Leong
- Fundamentals of Physical Geography NCERT Class 11
- NCERT Class XI – India – Physical Environment
- NCERT Class XII – India – People and Economy
GS Paper 2 – Books for UPSC Mains
Polity & International Relations
- Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
- Introduction to the Constitution of India – DD Basu
- NCERT Class IX – Political Science: Democratic Politics Part – I
- NCERT Class X – Political Science: Democratic Politics Part – II
- International Relations: Pushpesh Pant
- NCERT Class XI – Political Science: Indian Constitution at Work
- NCERT Class XI – Political Science: Political Theory
- and NCERT Class XII – Fundamentals of Human Geography
- NCERT Class XII – India – People and Economy
GS Paper 3
- NCERT Class IX – Economics
- NCERT Class X – Understanding Economic Development
- Indian Economy – Nitin Singhania
- NCERT Class XI – Indian Economic Development
- Environment and Disaster Management – Tata McGraw Hill
- NCERT Class XII – Introductory Microeconomics
- Challenges to Internal Security of India – Ashok Kumar
- NCERT Class XII – Introductory Macroeconomics

GS Paper 4
- Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Main Examination by Subba Rao and P.N. Roy Chaudary
Science and Technology
- Science and Technology – by Ravi P. Agrahari
IAS Books for Essay
- 151 Essays – by Disha Experts
- Selected Contemporary Essays Paperback – by Saumitra Mohan
Other Important books are
- International Relations – by Pavneet Singh.
- Governance in India Paperback – by M. Laxmikanth.
- Indian Society: Themes and Social Issues – by Nadeem Hasnain.
- World History – by Krishna Reddy.
- Post-Independence India: For Civil Services Examinations – by Sonali Bansal and Snehil Tripathi.
Books for the Current Affairs
- The Malayala Manorama English Yearbook 2021 – by Mammen Mathew
- India 2021 Yearbook – by Rajiv Mehrishi
- India 2021 – Publications Division Paperback – by Publications Division
Study Materials for the UPSC Exam
Then, below we have added some study materials details. Therefore, along with referring to the above books, you can read from the below sources.
- 2nd ARC Report
- Finance Commission Report (Latest)
- Economic Survey (Latest)
- Budget (Latest)
- Annual reports by central ministries
- Current AffairsThe Hindu Newspaper
- Yojana Magazine
- Press Information Bureau Releases
- Lastly, Niti Aayog Action Agenda

Conclusion – Books for UPSC Mains
To conclude, in this article, you will find the information book list for UPSC mains. Further, referring to the best books is essential for any exam. Exams like IAS requires required the most. Therefore, to help you with the same, we have added the best books for the IAS exam. So, this article will help you with the information about books that are a must for the main exam. Besides, one can’t refer to all books that are mentioned above. But, understand your requirements and refer to such a book for the exam preparations.
Then, talking about the IAS exam, there are many things to be taken care of. One must take care of the exam syllabus, pattern, books, tips, exam dates, etc. Therefore, to help you with this, we have added all the details of the IAS exam information. Finally, best wishes for your exam.
FAQs – Books for UPSC Mains
Lastly, we have added a few FAQs for more understanding.
There is a total of 9 papers in the UPSC mains. For each paper, there are various books available for each paper. Further, in the above article, we have mentioned all the details book list for UPSC mains.
Yes, NCERT books are highly recommended for the IAS exam preparations. However, you can refer to the other books for more knowledge.
Yes, for Polity subject Laxmikant’s book is enough. If it is required, you can refer to the study materials for more knowledge,
Editor’s Note | Books for UPSC Mains
In brief, in the above article, we have added the book list information for UPSC mains. Further, you will find all information on the books for each paper in the UPSC mains. Therefore, one needs to refer to the best ias mains books pdf, to get the best score in the exam it is important to study from the best books possible. Besides, to cover the complete syllabus of the UPSC exam, one needs to know about the ias mains books pdf. Then, you will also find reasons to study from the best books for the exam. So, to help you with the same, we have added all information on the UPSC mains exam.