In our other articles, we have covered books for sociology, books for prelims, etc. For any exams referring to the best books is essential. When it comes to the IAS exam, one should take care of the syllabus and study materials. Read this article and learn about UPSC Maths Optional Books for the UPSC exam. There are many books out there, but which are the best ones? Therefore, know UPSC maths optional books and pdf free download details.

The IAS exam is conducted by the UPSC every year. Further, it is the most challenging exam in India and also the most respected job in India. Besides, the IAS exam syllabus is huge, and one needs to cover all the concepts to get the best results. Then, you have a choice of taking coaching classes and study by yourself. Both the methods come with certain advantages. Further, if you are confident enough you can prepare by yourself. However, we have also seen many aspirants clearing the exam without coaching classes. Therefore, it depends on you and your hard work. Further, in the IAS exam, we have three main stages. Namely, the Preliminary exam, the Main exam, and the Interview round. Therefore, one needs to clear each stage to go to the next one.
If you are interested to know the history of the IAS exam and other details, you can visit here. Further, let us understand UPSC Maths Optional Books for the UPSC exam below.
UPSC Maths Optional Books
While choosing the optional subject for the exam, you need to understand your skills first. Then, take a look at the syllabus of the paper. After understanding the syllabus and your skills, you can decide on the optional subject. Choose that subject in which you have some background and interest. Further, talking about Mathematics, it is one of the most scoring optional subjects. This is because students love maths, and students from B.Sc and B.Tech tend to take this subject as an optional subject. Now, let us look at the book details below.
For Paper 1
- Dynamics, Statics and Hydrostatics – M. Ray
- Differential equations:- Golden series – NP Bali
- Differential Calculus – Shanti Narayan, PK Mittal
- Vector Analysis – Shanti Narayan, PK Mittal
- Linear Algebra – K.C. Prasad, K B Datta
- Calculus – Santhi Narayan Integral Calculus
- Ordinary Differential eqs:- MD Raising Lumina, Golden seris-NP Bali
- Analytic Geometry – Shanti Narayan, DK Jha, HC Sinha and Sharma
For Paper 2
- Linear Programming & Theory of Games – SD Sharma
- Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis – SS Sastry
- Algebra – K C Prasad, KB Datta
- Real Analysis – H.L Royden
- Partial Diff.eqs. – Singhania
- Ordinary & Partial Differential Equation – M.D. Raisinghania
- Mechanics & Fluid dynamics – Azaroff Leonid, AP Mathur
- Complex Analysis – GK Ranganath

Other Reference Materials
- Statistical Mechanism – Carson Horg
- Mechanism – D. S. Mathur
- Differential Calculus – Gorakh Prasad
- Problems in Calculus of One Variable – I. A. Maron
- Coordinate Geometry – R. L. Soni
- Mathematics Dictionary – RC James
- Differential Equations – Schaum Series (Frank Ayres)
- Textbook of Coordinate Geometry – Rai Ballabh
- Analytical Solid Geometry – Shanti Narayanan, PK Mittal
- Text Book on Differential Calculus – Gorakh Prasad
- Linear Algebra – Finite Dimension Vector Spaces – Sharma and Vashishta
- Schaum’s Outline of Matrices – Frank Ayres
- Complex Analysis – Schaum Series or J.N. Sharma
- Matrices – A R Vashistha
- Calculus – I. A. Menon
- Modern Algebra – A. R. Vashistha
- Operations Research – Kanti Swarup, PK Gupta, Man Mohan
- Algebra – J. N. Sharma and S. N. Goyal
This is the list of books for the maths subject. It is not possible to refer all of them. So, you can choose such books that sync with your requirements.
Why to choose Mathematics as the optional subject?
If you have confused, why choose maths? Hence, below we have listed a few reasons why you should choose one.
- In the first place, it is the scoring subject. So, by taking maths as your optional subject you can score well in the exam with higher percentage. It is all about understanding the core principles of the subject and understanding the functioning of the mathematical applications. Once you get the grip, you can score well in the exam. So, it is about learning some tricks and shortcuts.
- Then, it easy to understand. It only needs basic understanding of the rules and formulae. If your basics are strong, you are good to go. Further, if you understand the subject, you will definetly love this subject. If you aren’t good with it, you can always practice for it. With the right practice you can score well in the exam.
- Confidence is the key in any exam. In Mathematics, if you are sure and confident with your skills, you are good to go. For this subject, having the basic knowledge is essential. One should be able to analyze the given problema and should know how to find the soultions.
- There is no much competition, when compare with the other subjects like history, sociology; competition is less.
- Lastly, it needs basic idea of understanding the principles and also how to apply them on the problems. As a whole it is the scoring subject, one can get good score with the practice. Keep these points in mind and choose the optional subject.
Preparation Stratrgies
After understanding the details of the books, below we have added tips for the Mathematics subject.
- Practice – We all know that practice makes a man perfect. So, this method can be applied here as well. For maths, if you practice more you will be perfect. Further, if you aren’t good at mathematics, you can practice and improve your skills.
- Before choosing the maths subject, candidates must have simple understanding of points like direct algebra, Calculus, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations and Complex analysis.
- Continuously take care of numerical issues with a casual brain. One should solve maths problems with the relaxed mind your UPSC discretionary paper.
- Then, try to use some tricks and shortcuts, it will save your time. So, you will be having more time for the other questions. For this purpose, you can refer to some materials which are available online.
- It is a good idea to make the list of all formula. This will help you to remember while solving the problems.
- Before solving the problem try to understand the problem and analyze it. Then, try to solve by applying the formula and required methods. Try to give mock tests, it will help you to improve your skills and also to analyze your improvement areas. Besides, try to study from the previous year question papers.
- Lastly, refersrin to good books is also equally important. Therefore, try to read from the above books. We know that it is not possible to read each and every book mentioned. Therefore, you can refer according to your needs.

Conclusion – UPSC Maths Optional Books
To conclude, in the article, you will find the information of UPSC Maths Optional Books pdf free download online. Further, talking about the optional subjects, it isn’t easy to understand how to choose one. As we have already mentioned above, while choosing the topic, understand your skills and choose a subject based on your interest. Besides, you will find a list of books for the Mathematics subject. Mathematics is the scoring subject and if you are good at it, try to take this subject as your option for a better score. We also understand that those who are not good at maths can score well in the exam with the right practice. Besides, we have also added some tips for the exam. Good luck with the exam.
Note – As we all know, the IAS exam has a vast syllabus to help you save time. So we have added all the information related to the exam like exam syllabus, exam pattern, tips, books, and other important details. Click Here—all the best for your exams.

Lastly, look at a few FAQs below for a better understanding.
Is maths good optional for UPSC?
Yes, it is a good subject and scoring subject. However, if your basics are strong, you can take this as your optional subject.
It depends from one to another. One should choose the optional subject according to their skills and interest.
Yes, if you are confident and can cover the complete syllabus, you can self-study. But, hard work is essential for the exam.
Editor’s Note | UPSC Maths Optional Books
In the article, you get the details of the UPSC Maths Optional Books. Then, some tips for the exam preparations and know UPSC maths optional books pdf free download details. While choosing the optional subject, keep your interest and skills on your mind. To clear the IAS exam, you need to be a hard worker and dedicated. So to make your dream count, make sure that you will work hard. Further, this article will help you with all the information required for the optional subject Mathematics. We suggest you study from the books mentioned above and try to use the mentioned tips. We wish you all the very best for the exams, prepare well.